In the least mean way possible, I just don’t feel like Jules Wainstein is a fit for the reality TV life. It’s not that I dislike her when I watch Real Housewives of New York, but she just doesn’t really resonate with me. She does not really interact with any of the ladies on the show and whenever she does, she doesn’t say much to their face and then just complains about them in interviews or to Dorinda Medley.
Clearly, she is someone who avoids conflict, but that isn’t the best way to be if you want to be a reality star- or just a person in general. She sets no boundaries with these women, yet she complains every single time that she interacts with them. It makes no sense, but both she and Dorinda just think that she is getting bullied by the other Housewives like Carole Radziwill and Bethenny Frankel.
I don’t understand what Jules was trying to accomplish with that weird calzone-making scene. I was just so confused watching it. I don’t get why she would joke about putting pain killers or other medication in it or why she would waste people’s time at the restaurant by stuffing it with silverware. It was just weird and honestly not entertaining.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like she committed a crime, but it was just a waste of TV footage in my opinion. If this is the most entertaining footage that people could edit together of Jules and the ladies, then I can see why there are rumors about Jules not being asked back to RHONY next season. Nevertheless, Dorinda came to her girl’s defense in her latest Bravo blog entry.
At this point, I never want to see or hear the word “calzone” ever again, but anyway, Dorinda wrote: “I don’t think the calzone itself needed to be dissected à la Vanna White for the world to see, as if a cat was dragging up a dead mouse for its master. This wasn’t a biology lab or an operating room, it was a pizza place in Manhattan… No one died, no one got hurt, no one ingested a ‘measuring cup’ (or a sauce cup to those of us who actually know our way around a kitchen); this just seemed like another sorority hazing designed to make Jules feel uncomfortable, unaccepted, and unwelcome. I guess only some jokes and some pranks are cute or agreeable enough to indulge in…and Jules’ never are…apparently. “
I don’t think that anyone is hazing Jules. She really doesn’t give them much to work with conversation-wise, other than being an Asian Jew and her difficulties with food. Not to mention that it was super strange disrespectful to the restaurant to put drugs and other objects in a calzone. If Jules has an issue with the way Carole and Bethenny interact with her then she should vocalize that to them instead of saying it about them. Otherwise, they will have no clue how to act around her.
I’m honestly really confused about how Jules thinks anything will change between her and the ladies if she never says anything and I also feel like she and Dorinda are overreacting when it comes to a conversation over a calzone of all things.
Dorinda really hyped up the calzone incident when she wrote: “Aside from physical pain and the emotional struggle she was starting to endure with her marriage, she now felt like she was being set up for a mild crucifixion every time she got together with some ‘friends.’ Who wants that?” Honestly though. The girl needs to say that she is offended so people can learn how to act around her. It’s not too crazy of a concept.
Dorinda is the truest friend for defending Jules, but she is a better friend for keeping it real and giving her advice on how to make the situation better. Dorinda wrote, “Let’s face it: there’s been an over-focus zooming-in on Jules, her life, her family, her lifestyle, her style, her hair, her body, her everything. Jules needs to step it up and use HER voice and defend HERself! Not just with these ‘friends,’ but with life in general. We all need that, and sometimes we all need to be reminded to do just that.” Amen. Let’s hope that Jules takes this advice to heart and learns how to speak her mind.
Dorinda kept it real when she wrote, “There’s never a need to go home and feel wounded. If you don’t like something, say it. And if someone starts up with pointed questions about your personal lives, turn them back onto them — simple as that. Let’s face it, no one is perfect — never has been, never will be. Set your boundaries, defend them, and whoever doesn’t like it can learn some humility and the art of apology for the next time.” PREACH.
[Photo Credits: Bravo]