'The Real Housewives of New York City' Screening Party at 42 West Featuring: LuAnn de Lesseps, Tom D'Agostino Jr. Where: New York, New York, United States When: 06 Apr 2016 Credit: IZZY/WENN.com

Luann De Lesseps’ Fiance Tom Clarifies His “Dating” History With Ramona And Sonja

Luann De Lesseps so called “friends” have had a lot to say about her fiance, Tom D’Agostino on The Real Housewives of New York lately. Tom, who Luann plans to wed on New Year’s Eve in Palm Beach, hasn’t had much of a chance to defend himself though. Now he’s speaking out to clarify the rumors that he 1) dated Ramona Singer seriously and 2) hooked up with Sonja Morgan over a period of 10 years. The answer to both rumors, according to Tom? Nope, and nope. 

“I don’t watch the show, but I get different pieces here and there, and a lot of the stuff I have heard? It’s so outlandish to me,” says Tom. Not sure I’m buying his line of not watching the show, but Sonja and Ramona spewing forth outlandish commentary? Absolutely! Then again, Tom could just be covering up his sordid past with the ladies. No one wants to be dubbed another Slade Smiley!


Of his history with Ramona, Tom claims, “we never dated. We went out a couple of times – maybe two or three times to dinner with some friends. There was never any chemistry.” Which begs the question, who would have chemistry with Ramona and her dubious hair extensions? An orangutan? A lampshade? Chris Christie? #TheQuestContinues

As for the claim that he and Sonja have been “friends with benefits” for 10 years, Tom says it’s basically bullsh*t. Yes, he and Sonja have known each other for years, and yes, they’ve hooked up. But he claims it was once once, not multiple times. Hmmm. Fishy? Perhaps. 

RELATED: Ramona Singer Defends Herself Against “Diva” Accusations From Hair Extensions Company

Regarding Sonja, Tom dished to Bravo, “I saw her at a party two or three weeks ago, and I said to her, ‘Sonja, this is me, what are you talking about?’ and she says, ‘Oh, I’ll have to get my diary, I’ll tell you when.”

While we wait on Sonja to unearth that diary out of her Hoarders-esque basement, it looks like it will continue be a game of He Said, She Said. While Sonja is delusional (as in Unicorns flying out of one’s arse delusional) at times, she doesn’t strike me as and out and out liar.

Now that Tom is happily engaged to Luann, it really doesn’t matter one way or the other what the skeletons of his past unearth. Luann seems to realize this too, probably because she’s got a few of her own skeletons rattlin’ around in her own closet. But to the drama fueled ladies of RHONY, something tells me this little mystery of Who-Did-Tom-When won’t die its timely death anytime soon!  


Photo Credit: IZZY/Wenn.com

