Lisa Vanderpump

Real Housewives Lisa Vanderpump And Stephanie Hollman’s Real Estate News

Real Housewives cast members Lisa Vanderpump and Stephanie Hollman have the funds to make property purchases whenever they want – well, at least for the most part, and weirdly enough the reality TV stars who live in Beverly Hills and Dallas, respectively, both just made real estate moves in Los Angeles.

No, it doesn’t seem like Stephanie is jumping ship from Real Housewives of Dallas to join one of the California casts. And I doubt Lisa will abandon Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, but they both have some property news in the L.A. area.


According to an article from the LA Times, Stephanie sold a transformed house for $5.61 million and it sounds like the Southern Belle got a good return on her investment. Stephanie and her husband Travis Hollman got $4 million more than what the couple bought the property for two years ago. Damn. Good for them. I have no idea how much money they put into home improvements and redecorating, but I have to assume that they profited a lot from this sale at the end of the day.

It would have been cool if Stephanie bought the property with the intent of appearing on Real Housewives of Orange County, but that’s sadly not the case. Meanwhile, Lisa recently purchased a condo in West Hollywood for $630,000. Wait. What? A Condo!? I cannot picture Lisa walking into a condo, let alone living in one.

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The condo is two bedrooms and includes two parking spots. I can’t see Lisa and Ken Todd sleeping there in separate bedrooms. If I had to guess, Lisa probably bought the place for her son Max Todd. But I’m only making that assumption since Lisa bought her daughter Pandora Vanderpump a house for her thirtieth birthday gift, so she has purchased real estate as gifts for her kids in the past. Plus, Max is a single dude (as far as I know), so it would make sense for him to be living at the crib with a roommate.

Or maybe it’s just an investment property and I let me mind wander a little too much. My bad.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]