I know they had their ups and downs in the past, but for the past few years NeNe Leakes and Gregg Leakes are really the epitome of #RelationshipGoals. I hate employing such an overused hash tag, but it really is true. They truly seem to love and support each other whenever possible. Gregg stepped his game up by throwing a surprise birthday party for his wife.
Gregg even got NeNe’s (on again) bestie Cynthia Bailey to help him out by distracting NeNe so she would be surprised. Props to Gregg for pulling one over on NeNe. I’m not trying to throw shade, but it is very clear that NeNe runs things in this relationship, so surprising her is no small feat.
NeNe’s girl Cynthia posted a pic of what looks like NeNe’s entrance at the party and she genuinely seems surprised. Along with the pic, Cynthia wrote, “Thanks Gregg for giving me the impossible task of trying to keep your wife @neneleakes busy today (without spilling the beans) while you planned her 50th Birthday Celebration.” It’s nice to see that Cynthia and NeNe are not just on good terms, but that they are really close again. I always loved their friendship and their feud was just way too much for me to watch on Real Housewives of Atlanta.
Even though the party worked out perfectly, Cynthia did admit that she did a have a little trouble getting the birthday girl to her own party. Cynthia wrote, “Although we almost ended up at our favorite sushi spot (that’s another story) instead of the party, somehow I managed to get her butt there.” Thankfully Cynthia was able to to persuade NeNe to show up at her own party. That would have been mad awkward.
NeNe didn’t have too much to say about the party on social media, but she did share a video of Keke Wyatt performing at the event. All NeNe wrote with the pic was, “They got me #surprised at work @Keke_wyatt sanggggg.”
I’m not sure about the whole guest list for the event, but NeNe’s frienemy Kenya Moore was present as well, but then again I did see the two of them hanging in a recent Instagram photo on both of their pages, so I’m not super shocked. Kenya and Cynthia, newly dubbed as Kenynthia, posted the same selfie on their Instagram pages. With her post, Cynthia wrote, “Happy Wednesday@thekenyamoore #nenesbirthdayparty #kenynthia.”
No worries though, Kenya also posted a sweet pic of the three of them that did include birthday wishes for NeNe with such a Kenya caption: “Happy Birthday#richbitch I like that @rollsroycecars your hubby got u #boss#StillHereStillFabulous #rhoa #queens.”
RELATED: Kenya Moore Dishes On Friendship With Cynthia Bailey
I’m just so curious about whether or not any other RHOA cast members or alums attended the event. Of course, I checked everyone’s Instagrams, but as of now I don’t have any more info to dispense. Nevertheless, it seems like NeNe’s 50th year is off to a fun start.
[Photo Credit: Instagram]