OK, Don’t Be Tardy fans and haters, we made it through another season of Kim Zolciak Biermann’s life, just barely. Between health scares and the stress of just living la vida Kim, some episodes, we were hanging on by a thread. Or so Kim would have us believe. She still managed to deliver us her most expensive baby yet, her skincare line Kashmere, which I’m sure is selling like hot cakes in the link of her Instagram bio. As for long suffering husband Kroy Biermann, his football career still hangs in the balance (although if you follow any Kim news at all, you already know he was signed and then released from the Buffalo Bills).
Since the launch of Kashmere, Kim has been having some “weird” symptoms that she’s chalking up to the stress of self promoting a skincare line while simultaneously having a birthday party. I mean, can you guys imagine the stress? And you thought your life was hectic *snort*. Anyway, this brings Kim to an appointment with her cardiologist.
Unfortunately, there was an abnormality on Kim‘s recent EKG and it’s cause for concern. Kroy, ever the wordsmith, chalks it up to changes. What changes specifically? All kinds of changes – physically, spiritually, you know, all kinds.
Speaking of changes, Brielle has a new man in her life named Michael. Michael is a minor league baseball player and a major league snooze fest, if you ask me. But Brielle is anxious to show him off to Tracey so they video chat him, with the most boring results ever. Judging Michael’s enthusiasm for the whole conversation, he either just woke up from a nap, or maybe a coma. The conversation doesn’t last long and they disconnect so Michael can go back into his coffin for the day.
As complicated as this new romance could get with Brielle moving to L.A. – wait, sorry, we are now find out that Brielle is not in fact moving to L.A. because her gig as an unpaid intern at Access Hollywood didn’t work out. Oh and she’s IN LOVE with her new man, which means she’s really not in a hurry to head across the country. And what’s not to love? These two clearly have so much chemistry! They both say “yeah” a lot and ummmm, what else? Help me out here, guys.
So Brielle’s staying put in Atlanta, where the Chick-fil-a flows freely and she doesn’t have to beg her parents for a $3,100 a month condo because she doesn’t want to sit on a toilet someone else has used before. At this point, I would like to direct Brielle to the Teresa Giudice section of our Real Housewives history book.
Regardless of the fact that Kroy won’t be playing in Atlanta anymore and the family will be moving soon, Kim and Kroy need to finally enroll the boys in school. They bring KJ, who is five years old and “brilliant” (Kim’s words). So brilliant that he uses curse words just like a real adult. Kim decides that the school they visit isn’t the right fit – KJ is too smart to be put in the same classroom as kids over the age of six who don’t swear and probably wear their Batman baseball caps straight. KJ might not be enrolled in school, but he does have his own golf instructor so rather than waste any more time checking out kindergarten, he hits the golf course #priorities.
The family is still trying to figure out what the heck Brielle is going to do with her life and continue discussing her relationship at the dinner table. Brielle couldn’t care less and is listening to her man’s minor league game being streamed on her phone. Ariana decides to cut the crap and points out that Michael will never want to be with Brielle once he finds out how she really lives her life (as a slob).
Kim muses about how important it is that both Brielle and Ariana step up and help her around the house since she is so stressed. One look at Brielle’s room and I’m going to guess that’s as likely to happen as KJ going to school this year. Maybe Kroy should offer a thousand bucks to run a vacuum instead of attending a few hours at the funplex.
Kim and Kroy head to the doctor, large coffees in hand, to find out what Kim needs to do about her abnormal EKG. The doctor can’t really tell Kim much without knowing some extra details about her family history and orders a treadmill stress test plus blood work. Some of Kim’s symptoms are deemed “normal” and some “not normal” and Kim leaves without any real answers. The only answers we get as viewers is that Kim continues to undergo testing in Atlanta and that Kroy was signed and released from the Buffalo Bills, which we already knew.
Here’s hoping Kim gets the treatment she needs and lays off the Kashmere so she can get back to a less stressful way of life (and dare I say and appearance on Real Housewives of Atlanta???).
Photo Credit: Bravo