Celebrity Big Brother Recap: Day 8

Day 8 in the Celebrity Big Brother house begins with a Ray J-less house. Media coverage says he left the house due to a dental problem, but other than a small announcement at the beginning of the episode, and a clip in the middle, there is no other detail.

It’s shopping task day and housemates are a-waking in the land of nod. Leaders of the task are the “Dream Team,” comprising of James Jordan and Nicola McLean, whose job it is to ensure the housemates follow the rules. James reluctantly takes up the role – I lie – he’s loving it. The rules: no make up or appliances, no lying down during the day, no sleeping during the day, and no yawning. No wonder Ray J left – that was 80% of his daily activity. James J and Nicola get a free pass and are allowed to do what they like.


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Bianca and Jasmine take Austin to task about his behavior the previous night. We don’t hear Austin’s response so I can only hope he’s showing a bit of remorse.

Part of the task involves housemates having to jump on trampolines when an alarm bell sounds. Angie mentions about the health benefits of the trampoline, earning herself a dirty look from Coleen and a telling off from Calum Best. Calum needs to stop acting as a buffer here and take some of his own advice. The cracks are beginning to show.

Stacy Francis is still sore about Jasmine‘s comments from the previous task. She’s sitting and ranting to other housemates about how Jasmine is prettier because it’s all fake – fake, fake, fake, fake, fake! When I say she rants… SHE RANTS… to the point Nicola politely laughs and walks away while Stacy is distracted. As does everyone else within spotting range, like when you have to walk past the strange bloke on the street that’s feeding pigeons and shouting a lot – avoid eye contact at all times. Stacy is literally looking around wondering where her audience went.


Another part of the task is to maintain six egg timers that are on a wall so that none of them run dry of sand throughout the task. James J is nominating people to watch them two at a time and puts Stacy and Austin together despite their previous arguments. Two minutes later, they’re at it again – nothing interesting or fresh, just arguing for the sake of arguing. Jedward singing their new song release while they’re in the house is almost a welcome break from the arguing. Apparently, this is something they do incessantly, so we thank the Gods of Big Brother for their editing.

Moving on, Big Brother has built an American Dream Obstacle course. Housemates will be divided into pairs; one will be blindfolded and the other has to guide them through. Nicola and James J had to secretly predict the pair that will be the fastest, and if they are correct, housemates will pass this part of the task. After a nifty bit of teamwork, Calum and Jedward are the fastest, as predicted, so they win this part of the task. And no one argued. I think that should give a bonus prize.

I think I might start using code words when talking about a fight. Like, “Stacy and Austin are having a grapefruit” or “Spencer and Angie share a strawberry.” And when they make up, they get something tasty and treat-worthy. On that note, Stacy and Jasmine apologize for fruit eating and they gave cake to each other. Stacey admits her insecurities over her looks and age, and seems to give a more genuine and substantial cake than Jasmine, but at least it’s not fruit.

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Another part of the task has Austin answering questions on where James J ranks in certain questions about his fellow housemates – a task that is clearly set up to aggravate the tensions and the fruit intake. Thankfully, both Austin and James J are full and deal with the task in a grown-up manner. It was actually quite mundane, so we’ll move on.

Side Note: there has just been an interview with Austin appearing in the press from just before he entered the house, where he talks about needing help, even before he went in the house. It does give a bit of an insight and a little more understanding of his behavior of late.

As a reward for the task, James J and Nicola are allowed to invite certain housemates to a slumber party. Everyone is invited bar Stacy, Jasmine, Angie, and Jedward, who instead have to monitor the egg timers. Jasmine and Stacy unite (at last) by refusing to do this, and Stacy points out all the things she’s had to put up with during the week and the fact that it’s still not enough to be chosen for the party.

Angie walks in and shouts at her, calling her selfish and generally giving grief. Angie’s started to turn into a little dictator. No wonder she’s a personal trainer – the role suits her. And of course trainers like fruit. They like fruit a lot. Whilst the majority of the housemates party in the snug to the music, Stacy and Jasmine come out of the bedroom and join the other excluded housemates to help. Angie straight away rips into her, and they throw fruit again. Angie starts acting younger than she looks and becomes a child. I think she’s settling in.

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We cut to the snug, where Austin is giving Coleen a lap dance. We hear Colleen scream, “I can feel it!” Scary to think this is the best bit of Austin seen so far in this series.

The show finishes to a sorrowful looking Stacy looking the part. Maybe she needs to rub her touche against Coleen too – like a genie? It worked for Austin, and I hope it’s permanent, because all the fruit and cake is making me hungry.

Photo Credit: Channel 5