Celebrity Big Brother Recap: Day 21 & Eviction Night


It’s day 21 in the Celebrity Big Brother house! Spencer Pratt has been up to his tricks during the night.  Coleen Nolan was asleep in bed, and Spencer pulls the cover off her and talks and makes noises in her face.  She’s telling James Cosmo outside and she’s frustrated that not one person told him to stop, and says they’re all scared of him.

Stacy and Jessica Cunningham are talking.  One of Jessica’s reasons for nominating Stacy was that she hoards food, but Stacy is trying to explain why she does so, based on experiences that happened before Jessica came in.  She says she always gives it out too, but Jedward just eats everything so it was too keep food away from them.  She starts getting into an argument with Jessica, walks away and straight into another bicker with Kim Woodburn.  Hopefully she’s getting them all out the way for a peaceful rest-of-day.

Calum Best talks to Speidi about Coleen.  He tells them that they may not be meaning it quite so personal but she is taking it, and Spencer says that he won’t go for him anymore and they are basically trying to get a reaction out of James C.


James C and Coleen tell Jamie off for the episode and for not coming to her aid and laughing.  He explains that he thought it was just a laugh, but she explains it may have been to Spencer but not to her.  He apologizes and takes the scalding like a man, and James C goes in the diary room expressing his disappointment in his fellow housemates.

Nicola McLean is talking to Coleen and Stacy, and saying that whilst she may be seeing things she doesn’t like and keeping quiet because she’s scared, she’s not happy that James C is saying he’s disappointed in the house, when really the house should be saying they’re disappointed in him for putting them in the situation by voting for Speidi.  Erm, sweetie, is that not a bit twisted logic.  Should someone one be disappointed in Speidi (well, Spencer) for acting sulky childish brats???  Man up Woman!  Nicola was swimming along nicely for the first couple of weeks, and now she’s turning into a real nightmare.

Stacy and Nicola are arguing again.  About the same thing they argued about earlier.  They literally just keep recapping the same thing.  They separate, Jessica goes to the kitchen, Stacy stays in the bedroom, Jessica makes a cup of tea, walks back in the bedroom and they go again.  #boring #cameratime

11.18pm and Jedward are dancing in the mirror.  At 25 years old.  Dancing.  Words fail me

In the Kitchen Bianca drags Jamie into the toilet.  Slurring.  With some bizarre noises coming from there.  She tells him to mind the zip.  Nice.  So romantic, till we remember the fella on the outside.  Poor Jamie, but can see why Jedward are in the bedroom out the way now.  The noises!!


Jamie and Bianca end up in the kitchen having a heart to heart.  Not one close enough to confess to aforementioned secret fella though.  They end up in bed telling each other they love each other.  After 21 days.  Maybe it’s me being cynical, I see magazine deals and break ups.  The Joys


Even worse, Jedward dress up in pizza boxes and try waking people up in the bedroom.  Nicola ends up telling them off.  Again.  25 years old.  Unbelievable.

Short episode tonight due to the eviction, and there’s a lot of crowd noise shouting to get Spencer out, but also cheers when the names mentioned.  Kim gets mad boos, the worst of the lot.  However, despite the noise, Stacy Francis is 6th to be evicted.  It’s a vote to save though, so the fact she has less of a fan base over here probably has a lot to do with it.  She looks fine about leaving, and has a cutesy little voice on to say goodbye.  Perhaps she thinks we missed the screaming.  Hope someone remembers to empty her drawers.  She pulled a banana out of there earlier, so who knows what’s left in.


We finish the program with the promise of 2 housemates leaving at next eviction so they’re dropping like flies.  I’m sure Big Brother has some tricks up his sleeves before then though…..

Author: Nicki M.

If you want to watch the episodes with us – you can see them here.

Photo Credit: Big Brother/Channel 5




