Poor Kandi Burruss. These lesbian rumors just won’t stop even though she only just heard about them during the last RHOA episode thanks to wannabe Housewife Marlo Hampton. This chatter has been going on for multiple episodes, yet this is the first time Kandi found out about it – in a group setting and in front of the cameras, of course.
Poor Cynthia Bailey‘s divorce progress got pushed to the back burner as soon as Marlo decided to put Kandi on blast after repeating what Sheree Whitfield told her. Still, Cynthia actually did feel the love from the RHOA ladies when she made her announcement. Cynthia discussed the progress of her divorce, the support from her cast members, and this chatter about Kandi and her her alleged secret sex life with Bravo.
Cynthia shared her thoughts on the last Real Housewives of Atlanta episode in her Bravo blog. She seemed pretty emotional when she told the ladies that her divorce process was super close to ending. However, Cynthia clarified, “I wasn’t really upset, just a little emotional. Some days it’s easy to talk about my divorce, and some days it’s just hard. I am trying to be as strong as I can in the situation, but I am human and also vulnerable.” Fair enough.
I feel like all the Cynthia supporters a pretty happy to see her move away from Peter Thomas, his shadiness, and his blatant desire to hold up a peach during the Real Housewives of Atlanta opening credits. Nonetheless, we do still feel for her during this tough time. There are a lot of contradicting emotions among the Cynthia fandom.
RELATED: Cynthia Opens Up About Her Decision To Divorce Peter Thomas
Surprisingly, everyone at the table was actually super nice to Cynthia when she opened up about the divorce during the RHOA glamping trip. Cynthia explained how that made her feel, “I was grateful for the kind words and support from the ladies. Especially the ones that are also going through a divorce or already have divorced. They can relate more.” Very true, the franchise may be called Real Housewives, but at this point Kandi is the only one on RHOA who is actually a wife.
Speaking of Kandi, Sheree, Marlo, Porsha Williams, and Phaedra Parks have no issue when it comes to spreading rumors about her and attacking her marriage. I will never get over Porsha pretending to be clueless when Marlo brought up the lesbian rumor. She looked like a straight up fool.
But anyway, I am curious to know what Cynthia thought about all of that since it seems like she and Kandi are actually friends. Cynthia admitted, “I was totally shocked when Marlo asked Kandi if she was a lesbian!” The viewers saw this building up for weeks with all of the secretive chats behind Kandi’s back, but this was the first time that the gossip was presented to the group so it makes sense that Cynthia though to herself, “I think any of the ladies would have been caught off guard had they been asked a question like that out of nowhere.”
Damn. It’s clear that the battle lines are drawn and that there is even more bullshit for the ladies to address moving forward with the season so I can’t wait to see what goes down during the next Real Housewives of Atlanta episode.
According to the episode synopsis this is what goes down: “The ladies return to Atlanta after a dramatic end to their glamping getaway. Cynthia begins planning her Cargo Fashion Show, presenting momager Sheree with an opportunity for Kairo to participate.” I’m only a little bit interested in this, but I’m sure the Kairo eye candy will hold my attention.
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Then there is Porsha’s blatantly manufactured story line of her “relationship” with this dude Todd: “Porsha wonders if Todd is ready for a serious relationship and decides to confront him with an ultimatum.”
We have all been curious about the status of Phaedra and Cynthia’s divorces so this should be interesting: “Phaedra hears major news concerning her divorce, while Kenya gives Cynthia a special gift to help jump start her dating life post-divorce.”
But the part we all want to see is this: “Kandi and Porsha meet for the first time since the shocking rumors surfaced to see if they can hash out their unresolved issues.” YES. This is THE story line that is keeping me glued to my screen. I cannot wait for the next episode.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]