
RHONJ: Teresa Giudice Named As A Top 200 Author For 2017; Dolores Catania And Siggy Flicker Will Be Back Next Season

News from the Real Housewives of New Jersey ladies has been on the quiet side since the last season went off the air. Its spin-off show Manzo’d With Children isn’t even on right now. So basically no one is getting into arguments and even the self-promotion has gone down (very slightly). This week, however, there are some little slivers of news from the Garden State reality stars.

Teresa Giudice has been honored for her skills as an author – yes, I’m totally serious. Dolores Catania has basically confirmed that she and Siggy Flicker will be back on RHONJ. Also, Caroline Manzo’s daughter Lauren Manzo is about to pop out her first baby at any moment.


I’m not going to lie, I am actually one of those people who reads the books that the Real Housewives ladies “write” about their lives. Nevertheless, I am pretty shocked that Teresa was named on a list about the Top 200 Most Influential Authors of 2017. First off, Teresa’s book Turning The Tables: From Housewife To Inmate and Back Again came out in 2016. Second, I was dying to scroll through the list and see where Teresa falls on the list.

Believe it or not, Teresa ranked at number 50! JK Rowling is at number one, obviously, but I am just totally shocked that Teresa is ahead of 150 authors on this list. The Real Housewives fandom has a much farther reach than I ever realized and I’m living for it. Teresa tweeted about the honor, “Such an honor to be included on this list @Richtopia Top 200 Most Influential Authors 2017.”

RELATED: Teresa Giudice Launches ‘Turning The Tables’ On RHONJ

I was also shocked during the last season when Teresa’s constantly present lawyer told her that she surpassed the Pope on the New York Times Bestsellers’ list, so I guess I just need to stop being so surprised by the literary accolades that come her way.

Speaking of last season, I hate saying this because they both seem like nice people in real life, but real talk: Dolores and Siggy brought nothing to the show. They had no story line outside of self promotion and talking about the other women’s drama. Not only that, but Siggy always ended up crying about other people and I found it to be an extremely annoying attempt to snag screen time. I’m also not about her mission to be the peacemaker on this show and make it even more boring than it has already become.

Sure, these two have some cute facial expressions that have inspired some usable GIFs and memes, but that’s about it. I would have liked to give Dolores another shot on her own, but these two trying to be an iconic best friend duo in the Real Housewives franchise is not at all working for me. I have no idea what’s going on with the casting in New Jersey. Just when I felt like the show was going in the right direction by bringing back Danielle Staub, Dolores basically confirms that she and Siggy will be back.

RELATED: Danielle Staub Returns To Real Housewives Of New Jersey

A fan tweeted Dolores saying, “When you find out that @siggyflicker @DoloresCatania will be returning for season 8 of RHONJ YESSSS!! #RHONJ,” Dolores quoted that and added, “Who’s excited?!?”

Again – WE DO NOT NEED THESE TWO on our show. They have contributed nothing. Dolores has potential since she has been in this friend group for decades. Maybe she was camera shy during her first season or something, but we needed more from her.

We need Teresa to mispronounce words and bless us with more Milania Giudice scenes, Melissa Gorga’s beef with her ex business partner Jackie Beard Robinson and Kim D, Danielle to come for Jacqueline Laurita and deliver her unique brand of craziness, and Jacqueline to continue stirring shit up with her enemies. We do not need the yawn fest that Siggy and Dolores bring. They are too nice for reality TV. I hate being mean, but let’s be honest: if you cut out all of their scenes last season, the main story lines would be exactly the same.

I actually think that they should bring Jacqueline’s daughter Ashlee Holmes on as an official cast member since Jacqueline needs someone who’s really on her side that will actually fight for her instead of being neutral. Plus, Ashlee is a new mom and is engaged, so she is almost a wife herself.

RELATED: Chris Laurita Claims Ashlee Holmes Is An Amazing Mom

Siggy and Dolores would be great on a TV show about matchmaking couples, mending lost friendships, or even decorating a house, but Siggy and Dolores ARE NOT made for the arguing and scheming that goes along with being a Real Housewives of New Jersey cast member.

Just like Caroline Manzo who is way beyond that catty bullshit. That’s why she has a sweet little spin-off show with her family. She is much more suited for providing guidance to her children and making cute soaps instead of arguing with women whose opinions have no real consequences on her life. That is especially true now since Caroline is going to be a grandma any day now.


Caroline posted a photo of her daughter Lauren showing off her baby bump and captioned it, “One week from today – waiting patiently for this one to call and say it’s time.” I can’t wait to see this little baby when she makes her social media debut. And I am so happy that Caroline and her family on the show where they belong. Side note – I gather that the baby is a girl based on a photo of a closet with baby girl clothes that Caroline posted, unless she was just really trying to throw off the fandom with that one, but that would be a lot of effort.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]
