WATCH WHAT HAPPENS LIVE WITH ANDY COHEN -- Episode 14052 -- Pictured: Kenya Moore -- (Photo by: Charles Sykes/Bravo)

Kenya Moore Says Phaedra Parks & Porsha Williams Don’t Have Genuine Friendship; Teases “Epic” Reunion


Hell basically froze over this season on Real Housewives of Atlanta when Kenya Moore and Phaedra Parks put an end to their years of feuding and throwing shade. They actually got along for more than one episode and Kenya even helped Phaedra with her summer camp for kids affected by the Flint water crisis. After Phaedra’s reaction and mean text to Kenya throwing her a divorce party, it seems like their peace was short-lived.

Kenya confirmed that she is done with Phaedra during her most recent appearance on Watch What Happens Live. And while she was at it, Kenya threw some shade at Porsha Williams and Sheree Whitfield as per usual.


Love her or hate her, Kenya always knows how to deliver a good read. However, she was uncharacteristically sympathetic when Andy Cohen asked her about the recent revelations about Sheree Whitfield’s marriage with Bob Whitfield. Kenya admitted, “Well, my heart broke for Sheree. No one woman should ever have to go through that and he left for six months without a word and went to finish his degree. He never called and he admits to that. Pretty bad on his part.”

And beyond that, Kenya was back to her typically shade-throwing self. The woman did not miss any opportunity to get at her enemies. Later on in the episode, Andy was obviously soliciting shade from Kenya by asking her if she had any advice to dole out about Chateau Sheree and Kenya just said, “Sell it.”

Of course Kenya addressed Phaedra’s discomfort with the divorce party. Kenya admitted, “I think everyone was surprised by her reaction. If she wasn’t comfortable with it, that’s okay with me, but she should have just taken me aside and said ‘I’m just not ready for this right now’ and I think we would have been okay.” That would have been a way better move than pretending to look for ginger ale and peacing out with no explanation.

Kenya continued, “But to call me names and be nasty, take digs, and try to resurrect something from two years ago that we resolved is completely duplicitous of her. That’s my issue with her.” Apparently Phaedra forgot her promise to stop referring to Kenya as a “whore” and other similar descriptors. Thankfully, the people who edited that last episode made it a point to flashback of the scene when Phaedra promised not to do that anymore. Shade thrown from the editing room.

I was actually interested in the budding friendship between Phaedra and Kenya. Personally, I think they were more entertaining than the frick and frack thing that Phaedra and Porsha are constantly trying to push on the audience. A viewer called in asking Kenya if she ever thought that she and Phaedra would “ever have a true friendship.” Without hesitation, Kenya answered, “It’s a no.”

She made her point very clear by adding, “Never.” And she confirmed it again by declaring, “I’m a girl who never says never. I’m saying never.”

At least Phaedra has Porsha. They are very loyal to each other. I have no idea what to make of it, especially since I still can’t get over Porsha taking the fall for Phaedra this entire season. These two are all about selling this “frick and frack” pairing to the viewers. When a caller asked Kenya if she thought Phaedra and Porsha’s bond is a genuine friendship or just based on convenience, Kenya confidently stated, “It’s definitely an alliance for sure.”

A viewer asked Kenya if she dislikes Porsha because she is “jealous” of her youth and beauty. Kenya played right into that one by talking about all the beautiful young women she hires (for what though?) and by saying, “Porsha is thirty five years old so I don’t actually consider that being young.”

Andy asked what Kenya thought of Porsha’s “boyfriend” Todd Stewart and Kenya just said, “Who?” Honestly, I get her answer on that though. I keep forgetting that Todd2 was on that Hawaii trip.

Speaking of “boyfriends,” they played a clip of Kenya and her ex Matt Jordan arguing in next week’s episode and I was surprised that she wasn’t immediately asked about their relationship status. Andy asked Tyson Beckford what kind of drugs he thinks Chris Brown is on and Kenya shared her opinion by saying, “The same ones Matt’s on.” And that pretty much opened the door for Andy to ask about Matt.

He asked about their constantly changing relationship status and Kenya said, “I have not seen him for over six months. We’ve been broken up for a long time.” Andy set Kenya up to insult Matt (yet again) by asking if he ever paid for the damage that he cause to her house. Kenya replied with a question of her own and asked, “With what money?”

The episode wasn’t all about Kenya reading her enemies. She also talked about the cast reunion. She said, “It was epic” and Andy jumped in by claiming, “I know I always say ‘shocking,’ but this one I haven’t gotten over it.” Kenya agreed. I. CANNOT. WAIT.

RELATED: Kenya Moore Related To Sheree Whitfield’s History Of Abuse; Confused About Sheree’s Attack On Her Later


Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo/WWHL Instagram
