On tonight’s Southern Charm, Landon throws herself a party to show all of her friends that her travel website ROAM was a real thing, and was ready to launch, only to have an unlikely source take the proverbial wind out of her sails. Landon’s former crush, Shep Rose shows up at the party, only to take Landon aside, and ask her if she said some snobby, pretentious things to the friends of his with a real online business, that Landon dismissed as unprofessional. And instead of a mea culpa for acting badly, Landon steps outside her sweet persona, and tells Shep to go f**k himself, and leaves her own party.
Fast forward six months, and Kathryn Dennis has quite a few things to say about Landon, who last week said Kathryn went to a certain rehab facility to “find her next victim,” and “meet wealthy men.”
“Obviously, I wasn’t invited to the party,” says Kathryn. “But considering that there has never been anything on the site for the public to access, I think the party was a fraud, to try and convince Thomas, or other ‘wealthy men’ that Landon actually had a business, or a least a job.”
For a while, when you would access Landon’s site, there was a place where you could enter an email address to find out when the website ROAM would be up and running, but now, even the landing page is gone when you go to Landon’s ROAM address.
Kathryn says that Shep, and Southern Charm fans now have finally gotten to hear the way Landon really talks, saying to Shep’s friends that she goes through life having others pay for her, and she isn’t looking to rub elbows with millionaires, but rather, billionaires.
And Kathryn also believes that there was no way that Shep would have ever thrown Landon under the bus, or embarrass her so publicly if he didn’t know it was really true that Landon spoke so harshly and in such a snobby manner to Shep’s friends.
“Shep is not that guy,” says Kathryn. “If he wasn’t 100% sure that Landon acted that way, he would have never said a word. And even when he did, I thought he did it nicely, and Landon flipped out.”
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But Kathryn said she thinks the real reason Landon threw herself a party, along with her “interns” was to start reeling in Thomas, who thought the show Landon put on was amazing.
“It seemed to me that Landon never intended to create a business, but rather to make it look like she was working on something,” Kathryn explains, “Why else would it never have evolved past a landing page? She’s had over a year!”

Kathryn says she was shocked last week when Landon made accusations about where and why she went to rehab, suggesting that she went to California, to a well known facility to meet men.
“First of all, who wants to meet a man in rehab?” she says. “That might be a plan that Landon comes up with, but it sounds pretty dumb to me. Also, it was my mother who chose the place, made the arrangements, and took me to the airport. Me and my family were only concerned with getting me back on the right track.”
So far, Landon has not made a public statement about what happened to ROAM, and why it never got past the landing page stage. Kathryn says she doesn’t really understand why Landon would start throwing stones on the first episode of season four of Southern Charm, knowing that there wasn’t any substance to her business.
Kathryn also says she wonders why everyone piled on Craig for being dishonest about his professional life, but Landon gets a pass?
Updated: Landon claims her website crashed and that she has changed the name since the show filmed. She tweeted, “The site did crash!!! Thank y’all so much. I think haha we are working on it now…so much love.” She explains the name change, “There were too many Roam sites. We are now called Trovare which means to find in Italian http://www.TrovareCo.com have a look.”