Tom D'Agostino and Luann de Lesseps

Tom D’Agostino Is Back To Dating After Luann de Lesseps Announced Their Divorce

It really shouldn’t be a headline that Tom D’Agostino is seeing a few women since he was doing this before he dated Luann de Lesseps and while he was still with her, but apparently Tom is back on the market (not that he was ever truly off). Hopefully he is staying away from Real Housewives of New York cast members this time.

Not only is Tom back on the prowl, but there are also rumors that he’s been hanging with Missy Tool again- his former flame that Ramona Singer insisted on inviting to every event possible this past season.

According to a report from Us Weekly, Tom “has begun dating again amid his divorce.” How can someone “begin dating” when he never actually stopped? Or maybe he did for a little bit. It’s hard to tell at this point. Either way, the man has been super shady and acting very single for a while.

An “insider” claimed, “Tom has been seeing a few of the women in his life, including Missy, but hasn’t rebounded with anyone in particular yet.” Of course not. Being tied down to just one particular person doesn’t seem like something Tom would ever be interested in.

It should be noted that a second source denied that Tom and Missy are an item and said, “Missy and Tom are just friends.” If Missy dates Tom, she should join the cast next season. That would definitely liven things up.

As of this moment, all of the Tom information has been from fan photos and “anonymous sources,” but Tom has not spoken out himself. The original source told Us Weekly, “He didn’t want to do any interviews until he sees Luann’s sit-down with Andy [Cohen] to see if she bad-mouths him.” Tom should do a sit-down with Andy.

Apparently, “Tom is really trying to take the high road with the divorce.” It will be interesting to see how that goes. He didn’t seem to respect his relationship with Luann while he was in it, so it would be a major turnaround if he started to do so now.

RELATED: Luann de Lesseps Reveals The Moment That Led To Her Divorce From Tom D’Agostino


[Photo Credit: Bravo]