Margaret Josephs Discusses Siggy Flicker's Anti-Semitic Accusations On The Jenny McCarthy Show

Margaret Josephs Discusses Siggy Flicker’s Anti-Semitic Accusations On The Jenny McCarthy Show

The war between Siggy Flicker and her ego everyone else on The Real Housewives of New Jersey has reached a boiling point. And Margaret Josephs, once again, finds herself on the receiving end of Siggy’s latest barbs – this time about being anti-Semitic. Thus, the drama that has gone well beyond cake-throwing, heading now into straight up character assassination (and, dare we say, defamation?) territory.

Margaret visited The Jenny McCarthy Show on SiriusXM Stars this week to dish on the latest drama between Siggy and her. Asked to briefly describe this season of RHONJ, Margaret says, “Good, bad, ugly, epic, and – amazing!” When asked who she’s pissed off so far this season, Margaret does not mince words: “Soggy and Dolores.” Yup. That just about sums it up!

Jenny asked Margaret whether Siggy’s anger with her comes down to plain old jealousy over new friends versus old. After all, it’s Siggy who keeps taking credit for “introducing Margaret to the group.” Although producers who recruited Marge years ago might say otherwise. Margaret, however, claims she was never close friends with Siggy in the first place.

“It’s very high school, and it’s appalling,” Margaret tells Jenny. “Our mutual friend, Jodie Goldberg, had introduced me to Siggy. And we were really just friendly acquaintances. So her idea of ‘rolling out the red carpet’ for me and introducing me to her friends? We never braided each other’s hair. We never cuddled up!”

Margaret says Siggy “never really moved past it” after Marge took Teresa Giudice, Danielle Staub, and Melissa Gorga to the beach in Boca for a flower ceremony honoring Tre’s late mother, Antonia. Although Margaret has since claimed that Siggy actually skipped that outing so she could promote her friend’s juice bar in Boca (!!!), Siggy is still railing against the perceived slight.

So why is Siggy so bad at relationships when she claims to be such a “relationship expert?” wonders Jenny. “It’s like going to a dentist with bad teeth,” jokes Margaret. “She can’t even fix her own relationships.” Okay, two points to Marge Jr. for that one! L-O-L.

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Moving on to the Hitler comment heard round the Bravo world, Margaret says she was trying to make an analogy between Kim DePaola being a bad person, period, despite whether she’s nice to “some people” in their group. But the analogy turned into the fire that fueled Siggy’s tirade against Margaret being anti-Semitic, an accusation Marge thinks is entirely out of line.

“I made an extreme analogy,” explains Margaret, “She could have said it was in poor taste…I mean, how do you describe someone being evil if you cannot reference an evil person?” But instead of clarifying the statement with Margaret directly, Siggy’s going for the jugular: Margaret’s reputation not only as a Real Housewife, but as a real person.

“As far as I’m concerned, I’m Jewish,” continues Margaret, “I raised a Jewish family, I belong to a temple, I celebrate Jewish holidays – and Christian holidays. So, I was very taken aback.”

Bottom line: Margaret is done playing nice with Siggy. She considers her cast mate’s most recent attack to be total “character assassination and a slanderous thing to say. It’s disgusting, and even Dolores [Catania] had to say that this has gone too far. I can see why she [Siggy] is friends with Kim D. That’s all I can say.”

But can Margaret ever forgive Siggy? It doesn’t seem likely. She tells Jenny, “When you pull a stunt like that, I can’t. I’m done. You will see later in the season that I think an apology was forced out of her. I think none of her apologies are genuine – or maybe as genuine as her extensions and eye shadow.”

On social media drama, Margaret says she finds it all “entertaining because it’s just ridiculous.” She shrugs, “It means nothing to me.”

Some speculate that Siggy’s social media meltdowns, not to mention the wishes of her husband Michael Campanella, are all pointing to the possibility of her leaving RHONJ after this season. Given her behavior this year, that might be just what she (and we ALL) need. Relationship expert, go heal thyself!


Photo Credit: Jenny McCarthy Show