The First Ladies of Bravo are soon to be upon us again! Bravo just announced that Real Housewives Of Orange County is coming back for season 13 with some casting surprises in store!
I’m probably the last surviving Real Housewives Of Orange County fan, but oh well! After years of toxicity I am so ready for a redemption season where Vicki Gunvalson is back in Tamra Judge‘s good graces (at least temporarily) and Shannon Beador is out on the dating scene and kicking David Beador where it counts. In the bank account, naturally! I’d also love to see the zany fun Shannon of her first season again.
Kelly Dodd is also returning – and very single, as well! Kelly and Shannon are still getting along (insert shocked face here) and are navigating the world of middle-aged dating together. I imagine some LuOnja-type shenanigans, although far less wacky (or witty). Bravo released the first photo of the remaining cast, which shows them in sleek somber looks that seem all business. Well all-business Cali Trophy Wife style.
The network and also confirmed that Lydia McLaughlin and Peggy Sulahian are not coming back. Meghan King Edmonds previously announced her departure. Will we miss any of these people? HELL-to-the-NO!
Bravo also shared that this season the ladies will be traveling to Jamaica for a good old fashioned Whoop It Up time.
So with all the changes – WHO are the new Housewives?! No one seems to know! Bravo is keeping new cast members very under-wraps. There’s been basically no photos of any potentials shared by the existing cast – including from their trip. And even Vicki, who can usually be counted on to spill these things, has been keeping it quiet for once!
Sources reveal that this season will be a much more peaceful one – especially for Vicki, who after seasons of [deservedly] being put through the ringer over her mess with Brooks, is finally getting along with mostly everyone. The drama this will unfold from the old guard, now including Shannon and Kelly, facing off against the newbies. However even Vicki hinted that this is a season of “#girlshavingfun”.
Hopefully whomever is brought on is either legitimately friends with some of the existing cast; or the newbies are legitimately friends with each other. One reason this series has lagged in the last few years is by including women who have zero connection or affiliation with the remainder of the cast. Kelly and Shannon have been the only exceptions and even they seem to have been a fluke.
Real Housewives Of Orange County has the potential to be great again with the right casting, and less shilling of products and phony lives. After all they have the super unself-aware Vicki at their helm and the demonic Tamra stabbing them in their untoned asses with a pitchfork!
David Beador Says He Will Not Appear On RHOC This Season; Shannon Opens Up About Acrimonious Divorce
[Photo Credit: Instagram]