Even though Cameran Eubanks is adamant about keeping her personal life private, she has no problem dishing on everyone else’s drama on Southern Charm.
It’s the best of both worlds: she gets the perks of being a Reality TV star without the invasion of privacy and scandals. I don’t know how she gets away with that, but good for her.
In an interview for the In Case You Missed Us podcast, Cameran was asked, “Do you think Pat [Altschul] can be a little bit of a bully at times?” Yes. Just ask Kathryn Dennis– but that is just my opinion. Plus, Patricia (usually) makes for great TV. Cameran answered, “I don’t think Pat is a bully. I think Pat is just very set in her ways. Pat does not have a mean streak in her body. I know Pat really well. Pat is just very true to her convictions. I’ll say that.” I don’t blame Cameran (or any other human being) for avoiding the possibility of getting on Patricia’s bad side. Perfect answer, girl.
Of course, the conversation turned to Kathryn, which it almost always does during any Southern Charm-related conversation. Cameran shared, “Kathryn’s doing great. Kathryn is better than ever. Ever since I became a new mom, I see Kathryn in a new light. I have a lot more empathy towards her and everything she’s been through, especially having two children so young, I now realize what she’s really been through.” Cameran emphasized, “I think Kathryn in the best place that she’s ever been.”
Then Cameran was asked, “What’s your relationship like with Thomas [Ravenel]? Cameran admitted, “We really don’t hang out that often. He’s got a new girlfriend [Ashley Jacobs]. They’re very much in love and they spend a lot of time together. I think she might be the one. We’ll see.”
One person in the Southern Charm cast who has not found “the one” is Shep Rose. Does Cameran think he’s going to be a perpetual bachelor? Without hesitation she answered, “Yes, I do. I’ve kind of given up. I’ve thrown in the towel with Shep. I make jokes and say that maybe [her daughter] Palmer will be the one. By the time he’s like 70 and she’s like 30, he will finally be ready.” Cameran as Shep’s mother-in-law would make for a very odd spin-off show in 30 years.
Cameran said, “Shep likes the ladies. He’s not ready for just one.” She continued, “I think he knows he has limitless options and he’s like a typical man. Why have one when you can have many?”
One major story this season is JD Madison allegedly cheating on his wife Elizabeth Madison. Cameran commented, “I think they’re really working on everything for the sake of their children. They’ve got four beautiful children. They are trying to remain friends.” She added, “It’s sad that it had to play out on TV.”
Then Cameran addressed a major Southern Charm mystery: her husband Jason who has never appeared on the show. What does he think of it though? Surprisingly enough, Cameran revealed, “He loves it. People think Jason doesn’t like the show or is disapproving because you never see him. It’s the total opposite. He’s friends with everybody. He encourages me every season.”
But would he ever appear? Cameran answered, “He would never.” Clearly. We are in the middle of Season 5 and he still hasn’t, so why do it now? Cameran explained, “You have to have the personality to have the camera on you and with Jason that’s just not his personality. He’s very subdued. He’s a little shy and he’s a medical professional.”
[Photo Credit: Bravo]