How many episodes is Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant going to be? I’m not complaining, I’m just wondering because I’m surprised they started this off with more than 8, to be honest. Now we are past 12. This new group of moms must be resonating with viewers.
Round One
Jade Cline: Therapy went well. Jade and her mom go out to eat and discuss the baby’s ‘little cute fat butt’. Her mom isn’t buying therapy or Jade working with Sean. Jade’s eyeliner pretty much distracted me through the scene.
Lexi Tatman: Lexi feels great now that she and Kyler have been spending time together (and that he finally agreed to a label). Kyler doesn’t want to go to any sort of school in their town post high school. But he does want to go into something mechanics related. Baby Tobias seems really big, how long did they film? He’s cute with those cheeks.
Brianna Jaramillo: Brianna is all about Robert, her new boy. She isn’t wearing any makeup and still stays in sweatshirts or t-shirts all the time, but every once in a while her hair seems to be washed. Not in the main segment as she breaks things down with her mom and sister though. As soon as her sister is critical, she throws her baby at her mom and puts on a fleece to leave. Somehow Brianna takes the baby back and goes upstairs to pout. Umm, can we talk about how greasy that hair is instead of Robert?
Kayla Sessler: Kayla had to take baby Izaiah to a specialist for a flat spot on the back of his head and now he needs a helmet. She’s going to get a call from insurance people about the cost. I’m guessing about $1,000.
Ashley Jones: Momma Shen is in town! This has to be a big family. Bar plays with a nephew who looks about the same age as Baby Holly. Bar apologizes to Ashley’s parents. He is rewarded with a lecture. But they end on a good note.
Round Two
Brianna: Brianna’s sister doesn’t put herself in Brianna’s shoes enough. Her mom comes in to coddle her. Thank goodness she had a boy, they have enough estrogen in this apartment. And Venessa swoops in for the win by saying about Robert, “just because he’s better than Danae, doesn’t mean he’s the best.”
Jade: Jade and Sean have clearly been fighting and she tells her cousin he’s been lying about things. She also mentions he has been hanging out with people she doesn’t want him around. Drugs? Oh yeah, he’s “dibble dabbled” in the past. I’m glad to see cousin Jasmine holding the baby, I hope at some point Jade can find joy in her child.
Lexi: For the love of my eyes, what is Lexi wearing?! Her cousin Courtney is in town and Tobias cries as she holds him. He also looks smaller than the last clip we saw of Lexi. Lexi doesn’t want to move and leave her mom. It sounds like Kyler wouldn’t have a problem leaving town without her (which we already knew by watching previous episodes).
Ashley: Chris and Ashley are out for ice cream. Bar’s brother is facing murder charges. Ashley is going to throw Bar a surprise 21st birthday. Shen is back on our screens. It just feels right somehow. She is upset about Bar’s brother’s charges. Do Bar and Shen have the same nose and eyes?
Kayla: Izaiah gets his helmet tomorrow. Kayla is wearing a nice scarf, and her friend’s sweater is just cozy. I don’t really care about the conversation. I live in a cold climate so that winter fashion is pretty darn good and I want both.
Round Three
Brianna: Brianna lets Braeson have whipped cream for his six-month birthday. Her mom is moving to Oregon in a couple of months when their lease is up on the apartment. Vanessa has a boyfriend and a good job where they are. Brianna is going to discuss with Robert before deciding what to do. That’s a pretty big deal considering they’ve been together two weeks. She seems like a serial dater and I sort of feel bad for the number of relationships Braeson is going to be drug into.
Lexi: Lexi and Kyler have been together for a few weeks. Kyler asks her to go to Arizona with him. Lexi wants to ask her mom about going. It really reminds us of how young they are.
Jade: Jade’s mom set up a photo shoot for Kloie’s six-month birthday. Sean is a no-show. Jade and Sean fight over the phone. Back home we learn that she kicked Sean out. Drugs. Drugs. Drugs.
Ashley: The party Ashley has planned for Bar is tomorrow night. Shen may or may not show up. She basically promises to kick Shen out of the party if she does (we know she will, right?).
Kayla: Izaiah is getting his helmet. He is adorbs in that helmet. On the way home, Kayla and Stephan scream at each other over her mom. It could have been a fine day but these two need to stop being around each other. Seriously. They can’t talk without fighting.
Teen Mom 2:
So let me get this straight. Of all of the causes, in all of the world, Jenelle is using her Teen Mom platform to champion the cause of……her own eyebrows. Let’s let that sink in. With a platform and following like she has, provided by a major television company and fueled by massive amounts of money and advertisement, Jenelle chooses to promote herself above all else. Thanks, MTV. Also, I am totally impressed with that makeup! Did you see how she showed up? The red on her face from picking? That makeup was working. Hard.
Leah Messer: Meanwhile, Leah thinks Aleeah is acting out because of who she hangs out with at school. I’m sure that’s it and not the fact that she has a twin who gets a lot more attention due to physical disabilities and another younger, sibling.
Kailyn Lowry: Kail can’t commit to Dom because she has three kids to take care of. She also now wants separate birthday parties for Lincoln because Javi wanted to bring Briana. Jo coming to Lincoln’s party could pretty much melt anyone’s heart though.
Chelsea Houska: Chelsea has coordinated with the baby by wearing her Mama Bear sweatshirt while he is in a Baby bear shirt and pantsuit. She is headed off to court again. Where else would she go? Adam sure costs her a lot in legal bills.
Briana DeJesus: Briana is post-Javi date and out to eat with her sister Brittany. She is going to go visit him in Delaware and they are officially together. They discuss Kail while looking off to the side and not at each other.
Second Glance
Jenelle Evans: Jenelle is back home and she had on a ‘Bearded Men’ something sweatshirt. She’s making an eyebrow kit? Great, because people love her eyebrows. Everyone, including Nathan, is asking if Jenelle and David are still together because of some recent online activity. Don’t worry, she’s going to tell David about Nathan’s texts.
Kailyn: Kail, Dom, Vee, and Jo make a cute double couple. Kail and Bri had a text fight and Bri ended it by telling her to suck her *** you dumb female dog. Kail vows not to fight her, I wish we could replay this given the recent reunion news.
Leah: Leah is taking Aleeah to the therapist. On the way, Aleeah is a teenager in the making and totally into her phone. She doesn’t want to talk about her feelings. And Leah calls her rude. These two are going to have an issue when she is a teenager! They are so much alike it’s crazy.
Chelsea: Chelsea is going to court. But honestly, Baby Watson and those cheeks and smiles. Lincoln County Courthouse? I’m going to have to look this up. Sioux Falls is in Minnehaha County. In a way earlier episode (season two or three) they talked about moving all court issues to Minnehaha. So what’s the deal? After, we learn that they agreed to the name change and visits at the visitation center, as long as Adam’s parents get one weekend a month. Adam’s mom apparently told Chelsea to grow up. Granted, Chelsea is totally petty with Adam. But I can’t blame her for wanting to keep Aubree safe given his arrest record and drug use.
Kailyn: Javi picked Bri and her girls up from the airport and they come back to a house full of people and kids. Given that this is a segment all about Javi and Bri, I don’t think we have to wonder why they tried knocking boots for a while. Baby Stella is really cute; I feel like we haven’t seen her face before. Apparently, Kail isn’t going to allow filming of Lincoln’s party. I guess it is sort of strange given Kail’s been filming since before Isaac was born and Lincoln has been filmed his whole life. But Javi also seems a little petty about it, like some of this was a ploy for more airtime.
Now that You’re Really Paying Attention
Jenelle: David was apparently mad about Nathan reaching out to Jenelle. David’s mom is then employed to deal with Nathan. Kaiser and Nathan together are like seeing double. Grandma Laura is just the help and doing what she’s told. Nathan mentions that the drop-offs should happen between himself and Jenelle. Um yeah, it should happen between parents. Laura smiles charmingly about David’s foul-mouthed text and then says it should be about kids before she leaves in tears. Nathan mentions the drop-offs are unprofessional.
Of course, we get Jersey Shore Family Vacation commercial so the professionalism has always been lacking, for all of us. We come back to Nathan complaining about the drop-offs. He does have the sense to know that faggot is not a word that we accept in casual conversation, or as an insult. Back at Jenelle’s house, we learn Laura’s makeup is yellow/orange, but definitely not the right color for her face. Also, you better sit down, because it’s pizza night at Jenelle’s house (again).
Leah: Aleeah’s therapy appointment went well so Leah celebrates by talking to Cory on speaker phone as if she’s not in the car. They go out to eat and Leah talks at Aleeah for a long time while she sucks all the liquid from her glass (which is magically full again, because, editing).
Briana: It’s Lincoln’s birthday party day and they all have matching power ranger shirts a la Briana.
Chelsea: Chelsea and Chelsey pick up Aubree from school. Lord, the spelling. Between these two the baby names full of vowels, and Briana and Brianna I need a cheat sheet. They go home and tell Aubree her last name was changed by a cake (and cupcakes, and flowers, and a stuffed unicorn).
Author: Jeannie S.
Photo Credit: MTV