Stephanie Hollan

Stephanie Hollman Is On Board With Brandi Redmond & D’Andra Simmons’ New Friendship; More Drama Between D’Andra & LeeAnne Locken On Real Housewives Of Dallas Tonight

Unfortunately for the viewers, Stephanie Hollman wasn’t a major part of the last episode of Real Housewives of Dallas. Fortunately for Stephanie, she was enjoying a family vacation in Italy.

She did pop up toward the end to catch up with Brandi Redmond about everything that went down in her absence, which didn’t seem like much, but the wheels were in motion for a major switch up in cast dynamics. D’Andra Simmons joined the show as LeeAnne Locken’s best friend. To put it mildly, LeeAnne and Brandi have had an up and down relationship over the years, so there was pretty much no chance D’Andra and Brandi would hit it off right away. They didn’t even start out this season on good terms- at all- after D’Andra (allegedly) alluded to Brandi using Adderall in a podcast interview. Now, these two are turning up and laughing at the rodeo- much to LeeAnne’s annoyance since her own relationship with D’Andra is hanging on by a thread.

Stephanie weighed in on the last episode in a Bravo blog post. Stephanie wrote, “Back home, Brandi updated me on everything that went down while I was out of town. One of the things that I love about Brandi is that I always feel like I can be myself around her. We have silly, obnoxious, immature fun together and I love her for it! Never have I felt judged or looked down upon by her and I love that she is bringing that side out in D’Andra.” Same here. It was fun to see D’Andra bonging beers with Brandi at the rodeo.

Cary Deuber & Stephanie Hollman Say LeeAnne Locken & D’Andra Simmons Argued About Who’s The Star On Real Housewives Of Dallas

Stephanie continued, “I am a firm believer that you should always live in your truth and be the you that God made you to be because you are perfectly unique. Whether you’re struggling to fit into ‘society’ or please a certain group of friends or family members, it is important to know that there are people out there that will love you for YOU. Surround yourself with those that uplift and encourage you to be the best you that you can be!”

Stephanie concluded, “Brandi and I are not everyone’s cup of tea’ I get that, but I am lucky enough to have a best friend that totally is my cup of tea and that is why I love her!” And it seems like D’Andra feels the same way. LeeAnne, not so much.

What can we expect from tonight’s new episode at 9PM? Yep, you guessed it: LeeAnne and D’Andra’s friendship continues to disintegrate. According to an episode description from the Bravo website, there is a lot going on tonight, which is in stark contrast to the other Real Housewives show that is currently airing (cough, cough Orange County):

Brandi gets a stressful visit from the social workers as they do their monthly assessment of her household. Kameron’s [Westcott] only worries are about flying commercial, as she leaves for the pet expo in Orlando. Meanwhile, D’Andra gets closer to breaking away from her mother’s company and LeeAnne dispenses a dose of tough love about how to downsize her fancy Dallas lifestyle. When D’Andra hears from Cary [Deuber] that LeeAnne has been discussing her personal finances, the humiliation becomes too much for D’Andra to bear and she drops the hammer during LeeAnne’s ‘Smash Party.'”


[Photo Credit: Bravo]