WATCH WHAT HAPPENS LIVE WITH ANDY COHEN -- Episode 15146 -- Pictured: (l-r) LeeAnne Locken, Andy Cohen -- (Photo by: Charles Sykes/Bravo)

LeeAnne Locken Thinks Brandi Redmond & D’Andra Simmons Are The Biggest Pot Stirrers On Real Housewives Of Dallas

LeeAnne Locken Thinks Brandi Redmond & D’Andra Simmons Are The Biggest Pot Stirrers On Real Housewives Of Dallas;

There’s no doubt about it: LeeAnne Locken and D’Andra Simmons will be on opposite couches during the Real Housewives of Dallas Season 3 reunion. D’Andra joined the show last season as LeeAnne’s best friend, and it took just one season for their friendship to fall apart.

Now D’Andra getting closer with LeeAnne’s longtime enemy Brandi Redmond and while LeeAnne is finally developing friendships with her previous foes Stephanie Hollman and Cary Deuber. A lot really can change in between seasons. Maybe these ladies should just film the show all year long? It seems like the dynamics have shifted so much in between Season 2 and Season 3.

If you took a sip of your drink every time LeeAnne was asked about D’Andra during last night’s episode of Watch What Happens Live, you would get alcohol poisoning, or at the very least you would have to pause for multiple pee breaks. Pretty much every question that came LeeAnne’s way was to induce some D’Andra-focused shade.

Right from the jump, Andy Cohen polled the audience, “Is Brandi a bad influence on D’Andra?” Instead of just saying “yes” or “no,” which would be the safe route take, LeeAnne answered, “I don’t think Brandi is influencing D’Andra. I think Brandi is a distraction for D’Andra from doing what she really wants to do which, is take her company and do something with it.” No better way to hit a Housewife where it hurts than by shading her professional life.

During the last Real Housewives of Dallas episode, D’Andra claimed that LeeAnne’s fiance Rich Emberlin pays for all of her expenses. LeeAnne rebutted, “First of all, I pay for my fair share of my household expenses. She doesn’t know. She’s talking from her ass. Number one. Number two, she has been talking for years that she is going to take this company from her mom and do her own thing. Pacifier much?” Even more shade at D’Andra’s career prospects.

And just in case it wasn’t clear that the folks behind Watch What Happens Live wanted LeeAnne to shade D’Andra’s business/finances, Andy polled the audience, “Do you think LeeAnne was being shady when she talked about D’Andra’s bank account?”

LeeAnne insisted, “She said it” in regard to the claim that D’Andra told LeeAnne that she only has $200 in her bank account. LeeAnne said this conversation down when “she she was shit faced and crying in Beaver Creek.” She also claimed that D’Andra said, “My mom’s gonna kill me.”

LeeAnne Locken Says The Friendship She “Thought Was There” With D’Andra Simmons “NEVER WAS”

LeeAnne was asked to name the biggest pot stirrer. Without hesitation, LeeAnne went back to her old fallback answer: “I would say probably Brandi.” Then she followed up with, “D’Andra is bringing her fair share of pot stirring this year.”

A caller asked LeeAnne, “Which of the women do you feel closest to and least closest to today?” Surprisingly enough, LeeAnne actually started out with the positive.

She revealed, “I am beyond grateful because for the first time this year I have a real opportunity to have a friendship with two of my cast members Cary and Stephanie. I’ve never had that opportunity before and everything that goes bad with D’Andra is made up for with the fact that I have these two beautiful humans in my life now who support me.” Wow. that is just such a drastic change from the first two seasons of the show.

And just for good measure, Andy reminded LeeAnne about the other part of the question and asked, “You’re least close with?” Of course LeeAnne answered, “D’Andra and Brandi.” That is not shocking. At all.