
Teen Mom 2 Episode Recap: Cry it Out

During last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Briana DeJesus’ youngest daughter, Stella had to be rushed to the hospital because of a bacterial infection that was affecting the mobility of her arm. Both Briana and her mother struggled to take care of her other daughter Nova as well. Nova doesn’t quite understand what is going on, but it is obvious she is missing her mother and sister.

Briana reveals Stella’s dad’s only response to her emergency surgery was to ask for updates about how she is doing. SMH. You would think he would want to come and see for himself since she is in the hospital. This is exactly why I think Briana needs to slow down with her relationships. She seems to make very bad decisions with the men in her life. This includes her current boo, who she is already rushing into a relationship with.



Briana’s mom takes Nova to visit her dad’s new apartment. She shares that Stella’s dad hasn’t been responding about their daughter’s illness. She hopes in time that they will develop a better relationship for their daughter’s sake.  I knew when she paid for him to come to town for his daughter’s birthday and he didn’t help with anything that he was a deadbeat.

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Chelsea Houska’s baby girl has arrived and producers stop by to see her. Her husband, Cole DeBoer helped deliver his daughter and he was emotional after her birth. As if having a new baby in the house isn’t stressful enough, Chelsea’s son is having issues. He will have to get surgery to have tubes implanted in his ears due to chronic ear infections. Both Chelsea and Cole are nervous because he is so little and has to be put under anesthesia.

Chelsea’s son, Watson had his surgery and it went well. Only one parent was able to be with him during the surgery. Cole was extremely emotional seeing his son undergo the procedure. It has to be hard to hold your child down and watch him be prepped to go under. Luckily the next day he seemed happy and was all smiles.

RELATED: Teen Mom 2 Recap: Don’t Wanna Go Home



Kailyn Lowry’s son, Lincoln has soccer practice, but she still is being standoffish towards Javi Marroquin’s girlfriend. Awkward…. Javi sits down with Lauren and discusses the situation with his ex-wife. She feels like, eventually, things may get better so she isn’t going to push. Kailyn has ZERO interest in getting to know or talking to her. Instead, she is putting her efforts into reuniting with her sister and having a sense of family. Her sister is pregnant and she is planning her baby shower.

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Producers stop by to talk to Barbara Evans to discuss why Jenelle Evans has refused to film. Barbara explains it’s hard for her daughter to share her life when her husband isn’t allowed to be included. She still wants to film, but David Eason may be preventing her from doing so. But like Jenelle’s mother admits, and we all know… neither of them can afford for her to lose her job with MTV. Things may be difficult, but they need to figure it out quickly. Most jobs she truly is qualified for (not many) aren’t paying anywhere near her current salary.

Jenelle is still angry about the predicament she is in now that David can’t film. She speaks to producers about feeling constantly disrespected. Wow, delusion is one hell of a drug. I think most people would say that Jenelle has been one of the most disrespectful people on the show. Barbara looks at her the same way that many of us are at home…. Chile, please.  If Jenelle is fired, she will be soon forgotten and broke. She feels like the show paints her in a negative light and they are preventing her from being happy. Instead of blaming MTV, blame your husband who doesn’t seem to be able to control his attention seeking actions.

RELATED: Teen Mom 2: Jenelle Evans’ Mom Barbara Evans Threatens Kailyn Lowry On Instagram Live



Leah Messer is excited that her daughter, Addie will finally get to spend time with her father. Due to his job where he is gone for long periods, he doesn’t get to spend much time with his daughter. It broke my heart to hear Addie ask why she doesn’t get to see her dad when her sisters get to see their dad.

Leah confides in boyfriend, Jason about her concern over her daughter’s feelings about her dad constantly being away.  Jason feels that as she gets older, she may become resentful and feel abandoned. Leah understands that he has to work, but is frustrated that he doesn’t call or try to FaceTime with her in his absence. I think this is a valid concern. It is obvious that Jeremy loves his daughter, but he has to make more of an effort. It would be hard for any child not to see a parent, but it’s especially hard being in a house where your two sisters get to see their father regularly. Hopefully, Leah figures out a way to convey this concern things change for the better.


[Photo Credit: MTV]