
Teen Mom 2 Episode Recap: Do the Dangle

On last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Kailyn Lowry threw a launch party for her hair care company. With the amount of beefs she is currently in; it will be interesting to see who in her life actually shows up. Kailyn meets with her pregnant sister in New York to enjoy some sister time. While at lunch they discuss the child support case with Jo Rivera and the other people she is mad at. Her sister questions why she even still deals with Chris Lopez after all he has done to her. She claims that she thought things would change, but they haven’t. Despite all of their issues Chris and his family may be in attendance at the launch party. Kailyn even admits she needs to be single right now and everyone should stay away from her. Hmm… well, the first step she could take is staying away from them. We all know Kail likes the drama and will continue to be in toxic relationships.

It’s the day of Kailyn’s party and she is nervous because she doesn’t know if Chris will actually show up. Ughhh… she has a new business venture and all she cares about is if this guy who treats her like crap is going to show up? He actually graces MTV with his presence and Kailyn flies across the room into his arms. I’m sorry but Kailyn you can do better. You have three kids and it’s about time for you to stop wasting time with guys who don’t want to be in a serious relationship. There is just something about Chris that tells me he is along for the ride only when it benefits him.



It’s the day after the party and Kailyn and her sister discuss Chris. Her sister advises her to focus on herself and her business. She clearly can see that Chris is an opportunist, but Kailyn isn’t going to listen. Don’t even waste your breath; she is probably one of the most stubborn people on this show besides Jenelle Evans. I am glad that she has reconnected with her sister and now has a sense of family. Maybe this will help Kailyn to evolve as a person if she feels there is someone she can count on in her life.



Louis Manzano is back in Orlando and Briana DeJesus plans on meeting him so he can see his daughter, Stella. She believes that things are going well with her long-distance relationship with her boyfriend. I don’t know why every time she speaks to him, she is venting about her ex. I understand she is having a rough time because he is a deadbeat, but I highly doubt he wants to always talk about another man. While FaceTiming together, he seemed just about as over it as I am.

Well, well, well, Louis canceled seeing his daughter because he is busy. Are we surprised? He texted Briana and asked if they could postpone to another day. Briana’s sister, Brittany DeJesus is upset that he would keep playing games in regards to his daughter. Briana, of course, agreed to see him the next day, despite that she took the day off work and he wasted her time. I understand she wants Stella to have a relationship with her dad, but stop bending over backwards for someone who doesn’t seem to care about his duties as a parent. I wouldn’t let Louis delegate to me when he was free, I would tell him he was welcome to stop by on weekends and leave it at that.

Briana takes Stella to meet with her deadbeat dad. Sadly, the baby doesn’t even recognize him and doesn’t want anything to do with him. There is a stark difference between how she reacts to Devoin Austin and Louis. Louis has the nerve to be shocked at her reaction and ask why she is crying. Duh, you are stranger to her! That is what happens when you basically abandon your daughter and only come around when the mother pushes you to see her. I can’t stand a man who doesn’t take care of his kids.

Louis claims now that he is in the same city, he will be there to help her more. Briana explains that he has missed out on a lot of special moments in her life and she doesn’t want him to miss anymore. It’s so sad to watch how friendly Stella usually seems and see her scared of her own father. I really hope he gets his act together and does what is right. I don’t believe he will, but one can dare to dream.



Leah Messer and her boyfriend talk about her becoming a teen mom as she starts to plan for a birthday party for the girls. Corey Simms and his dad take the twins to dinner and reminisce about him being a teen dad. They both are having separate parties for the girls this year.  It seems like the girls really like Leah’s boyfriend. While in the car, Aleeah says that she is going to pack up all of her things, so they can move to his house. When Leah tells her they aren’t moving, her daughter calls her out and says they spend all of their time there anyway.

Leah and her sister go shopping for the twins 9th birthday. She feels like her kids are accustomed to her being alone, so it’s a transition for them to see her serious with someone.  At the birthday party, Jason Jordan does a great job of being attentive to the kids and helping Leah. Too bad I heard they broke up… I was really starting to like them together.  But maybe there is more to the story on Jason. I think we will get to hear more later this season.



Chelsea Houska’s life has become even more hectic with three kids, one of which was sick with the stomach flu. Poor Aubree couldn’t stay out of the bathroom and stepdad Cole DeBoer had to be on vomit patrol because her mom couldn’t handle it. Chelsea basically has no storyline this season beyond struggling to drive anywhere without having to stop and breastfeed. The only other thing she has to talk about is wanting Adam Lind to give up his parental rights. I’m starting to realize if she isn’t talking about Adam, you barely see her in the episode.


[Photo Credit: MTV]