Erika Jayne Erika Girardi real housewives of beverly hills

Erika Jayne Dishes On Lisa Vanderpump Quitting Filming & Drama With Camille Grammer

It’s official, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills fans. We have seen the last of Lisa Vanderpump interacting with her Season 9 co-stars. A tense dinner with LVP, her husband, Ken Todd, and Dorit Kemsley and her husband, PK Kemsley, ended in disaster. Dorit refused to say that she believed that Lisa had nothing to do with leaking the “puppy gate” story to the tabloids.

In case you have been hiding under a rock, Dorit adopted a dog from LVP’s rescue organization, Vanderpump Dogs. The dog nipped PK and the children, so Dorit re-homed Lucy instead of giving her back to Vanderpump Dogs. And poor Lucy Lucy Apple Juice ended up in a kill shelter. LVP swore on her children’s lives that she did not leak the story or had anyone in her camp leak it. PK accepted LVP’s word, but Dorit did not. Awkward! Now everyone’s favorite puss-patting performer Erika Jayne (also known as Erika Girardi) is taking a break from her husband Tom Girardi’s financial problems to chat about the Beverly Hills ladies.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Erika talked about the changing group dynamics when LVP cut off contact. “Certainly a cast member not showing up after a certain time, you know, changes the dynamic,” Erika said in a video clip. “We didn’t know what was going on … Because we were thrown such a curve, we, as a cast, kind of gelled together in a way that we have not the previous seasons before.”

Erika also feels that LVP is still playing mind games with the other Housewives. “I think [Lisa’s] playing her own game, which is kind of what she’s done the whole time.”

LVP did break the deafening silence between herself and the RHOBH cast when she said on social media that she would rather work with pigs than with the other Housewives. Ouch. But maybe Erika has found a silver lining to LVP’s comments. “Pigs are smarter than dogs. It’s a scientific fact. You know what? I’ve been called a lot of things and especially this year, the vitriol has been really, it’s been intense,” Erika stated.

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The question looming large over the rest of this season is whether LVP will go to the reunion. And if Bravo host Andy Cohen will give LVP her own couch since she isn’t on good terms with any of her co-stars. Erika said, “She should show up. And she should tell her side of the story, and she should sit down with the rest of us and talk about what happened … I hope she’s right in the middle with all of us so that we can all see each other and hear each other equally.”

Erika admits that her feelings are “neutral” towards LVP. But if LVP does attend the reunion, the ladies are expecting her to own her part in the puppy gate scandal. “An acknowledgment of her hand in the whole puppygate issue would help a lot. The acknowledgment of her involvement, whether directly or indirectly. Whether you told someone directly or you indirectly had someone do it.” Well, good luck with that!

RELATED: Erika Jayne Feels Sorry For Lisa Vanderpump; Takes Sides On Puppy Gate Drama

So, without LVP driving the drama, what happens during the second part of the season? “There’s some interesting dynamics with Camille [Grammer] and the group. And I think that’s where you’re gonna see the majority of conflict … She has a strong opinion about a lot of stuff. It seems to go against the strong opinions of herself, quite honestly.”

Newbie Denise Richards and Camille did not travel to France with the rest of the ladies, but never fear—the other ladies were still ready to get drunk and insult each other. “There’s a lot of unnecessary yelling, and poking, and prodding, and picking, and sticking. “There’s a lot of that. You know, when you’re drunk, you talk s**t. That’s what happens.” Of course, you do! Erika added, “I think we talk s**t about everybody! And everybody turned on each other. You know, it was typical.”

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Erika also confronted Kyle Richards and Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave during the get-away, but Erika didn’t divulge any details other than Lisa Rinna was involved. Rinna was involved? I am shocked!

But overall, Erika enjoyed this season of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. “As you begin to develop real relationships and bonds it gets harder because sometimes you say things to people and hurt their feelings and you really care about them. And then you get to relive it, and then you need to apologize and then you need to be sincere about that,” Erika explained. “And I think that that’s something this season you can see is that the five of us really pulled together.”

Erika knows that for Housewives, relationships can change in a split second. “Who knows what those other b***hes are saying about me? Whatever, I’m just being nice,” Erika added.

RELATED: Erika Jayne Is “On The Truth’s Side”; Hasn’t Spoken To Lisa Vanderpump In Months


[Photo Credit: Bravo]