Real Housewives Of New York Recap: Life Is A Cabaret

Court Says Luann de Lesseps “Is Not Serious About Her Sobriety;” She Admits To Drinking

Life may be a cabaret for Real Housewives of New York star Luann de Lesseps, but that may be leading her down the wrong path. Back in December of 2017, Luann was arrested in Palm Beach, Florida on charges of disorderly intoxication, resisting arrest with violence, crimes against a person, and battery on an officer. Luann was found in someone else’s hotel room and refused to leave. This was her first time back in Palm Beach since her marriage to husband Tom D’Agostino. The duo called it quits after seven months, and tons of cheating allegations.

Then, Luann was sued by her two children and her ex-husband Count Alexandre de Lesseps for violating a divorce agreement. The family’s home in Bridgehampton was sold for $8 million dollars. Luann purchased a house in Sag Harbor for $3.1 million dollars. Luann was supposed to take half of the money from the Bridgehampton sale and create a trust for her children, Victoria de Lesseps and Noel de Lesseps. Unfortunately, she never did.

The stress from this lawsuit sent Luann back to rehab in July of 2018, and she even missed taping the Season 10 RHONY reunion. Viewers have seen Luann acting entitled and rude this season. Very rude. She had Dorinda Medley uninvited from Barbara Kavovit’s clam bake. She became enraged when she visited Dorinda’s Berkshires home. This is because she found out she would be staying in the fish room. Luann’s visit came with demands, such as yoga and a massage. Wow–talk about a high-maintenance guest!

But it looks like Luann’s legal troubles are far from over. According to an article in Page Six, The Florida Department of Corrections believes that Luann is not taking her probation

Seriously,and that she has violated the terms of her probation twice. Well, that can’t be good. The court documents state that Luann was instructed not to drink during her 12-month probation. Her New York Probation officer gave Luann an alcohol test on April 21, 2019. Luann copped to consuming two mimosas after a show in Chicago.

RELATED: Luann de Lesseps No Longer Being Sued By Her Kids!

When the results of the test were in, Luann was informed that she could enroll in outpatient treatment right away. Luann “declined due to her touring schedule.”

The cabaret performer also nixed the idea of wearing an alcohol ankle monitoring device as it was “too intrusive.” Perhaps it might clash with one of her Jovani gowns?

Luann’s West Palm Beach, Florida probation officer is also less than impressed with Luann’s behavior. Unfortunately, Luann has “failed to provide sufficient documentation of completed AA meetings.”

The Countess was supposed to attend two meetings each week. However, she only submitted documentation for five meetings.

RELATED: Did Luann de Lesseps Cheat On Tom D’Agostino Before He Cheated On Her?

“It appears to [the court] that [she] is not serious about her sobriety or the orders of this Court. As stated on previous notification, [she] has used her unlimited travel as a reason to be noncompliant with her conditions of supervision,” the probation officer stated in the documents. In a separate filing, the officer wrote that “in order to effectively address [her] current relapse, de Lesseps has to be ‘available’ to participate.” Yikes! What are you doing, Luann?

In a statement to Page Six, Luann said, “I take my sobriety very seriously and like many in my situation, it is a daily struggle.”

Ultimately, she  declared, “I remain committed to doing whatever it takes to continue living a healthy sober lifestyle.”

Perhaps that means, for right now, Luann should focus on her sobriety and fulfilling the terms of her probation.

RELATED: Tinsley Mortimer Says She Has “Never Seen This Degree Of Arrogance” In Luann de Lesseps


[Photo Credit: Bravo]