Teen Mom 2 Episode Recap: Checks & Balances

On this week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, cupid may be in the air for two exes. Leah Messer and Jeremy Calvert may have a little matchmaker who will stop at nothing to have her parents under one roof again. I can’t blame her. I always thought Leah and Jeremy made a cute couple but it just didn’t last. Could there be hope for these two to resolve their differences from the past and move forward in the future?

Addie’s dad, Jeremy has started working closer to home and has been able to see his daughter more. While out with a friend, he shares how Addie recently asked why he left her mom. She also told him she felt that he abandoned her and her sisters when he left. She wants her parents to get back together now that Leah is broken up with Jason Jordan. Hmmm…. This is rather interesting. I thought it was odd how easily she seemed to get over the relationship.


Teen Mom 2 Episode Recap: Checks and Balances

Leah tells her friends how Addie has been romanticizing a relationship with her parents. Jeremy sent a check home in her backpack and she told her sisters that it was a love letter. When Leah is asked if she could she see herself back with Jeremy, she isn’t quick to say no. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Maybe this is more than wishful thinking from a child. She may know more than what Leah is currently willing to share. There have been rumors that this may be the real reason she and Jason broke up.

Leah takes Addie to the park and wants to get to the bottom of all of her recent questions. It’s clear she wants her mom to be happy. She wants her parents in the same home.

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Teen Mom 2 Episode Recap: Checks and Balances

Briana DeJesus is grinning from ear to ear because her boo, John Rodriguez is in town and has been spending time with her kids. Hopefully, they continue to build their relationship and don’t have another baby right away. Briana shares the issues she has had with Louis in regard to their daughter, Stella.

Louis Manzano doesn’t feel he should have to have an adjustment period with his daughter even though she is virtually a stranger to him. Briana has made the decision to drop her child support case because it would automatically give him joint custody of their child.

Nova’s dad seems to have really stepped up with his daughter. He came by the house just to bring her a gift and even helped her with a project. Briana’s mother suggests taking family pictures and inviting Devoin Austin and Louis. Briana doesn’t want Louis to be in the pictures. She doesn’t think he will show up if asked. Based on what I have seen, I don’t think she is exaggerating. Louis only comes by when it’s convenient for him.

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Teen Mom 2 Episode Recap: Checks and Balances

Jenelle Evans is still travelling from city to city to avoid her husband, David Eason’s threats about crashing Teen Mom 2 production. It’s sad she was allowed to go on a trip with a friend to film but wasn’t able to take her SON on a trip alone to Kentucky. Jenelle  is upset with her mother, Barbara Evans. Barba believes things she reads in the tabloids and has made negative comments about Jenelle’s marriage on the show. Here we go. It’s Jenelle versus the world again.

Jenelle compared the fact that David can’t film and defend himself to the R. Kelly documentary because it was from the point of view of the victims. Ummm… that might not have been the best example.

Jenelle invites her cast mate Briana to hang out while she is in Orlando visiting with a friend. The two meet for dinner and this seems so forced. I guess if Jenelle can’t film with her family or her mother she is digging in the crates to find someone who doesn’t mind being on camera.

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She whines to Briana about how Teen Mom 2 is ruining her marriage. Her husband’s feelings are hurt because he isn’t allowed to be on camera. I guess she has conveniently forgotten the threats to the show, inappropriate behavior on social media and even her call to 911. I honestly hope they get let go from the show so they get a taste of good old fashioned reality.

Then, maybe he would be more thankful to have his wife film in town for the amount of money they are getting paid. If I were producers I would not put up with their tantrums and childish behavior


Teen Mom 2 Episode Recap: Checks and Balances

Kailyn Lowry  visits with a friend and reveals she is building a house from the ground up. It was put on hold temporarily because she wasn’t sure how much she would have to pay in child support. Jo Rivera has finally received the check for the 15 months of child support he shouldn’t have had to pay.

Kailyn takes the kids to visit the lot where their new house will be built. Her hair care line must be doing well. It looks like a nice amount of land and a great neighborhood. Let’s just see how long it takes for Jo to find another reason to get additional money after he sees the new house.

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Teen Mom 2 Episode Recap: Checks and Balances

Chelsea Houska still has anxiety from the robbery. Her daughter Aubree hasn’t slept in her room since they came back to the house. While out with friends, Chelsea had a panic attack and was given a heart monitor to keep an eye on her heart rate at home. Chelsea has always had issues with anxiety, but honestly I think the robbery combined with having 3 children has exacerbated those issues.

Chelsea has to wear her heart monitor for 48 hours. She and Cole DeBoer go to dinner with a friend. She is even more agitated than normal and under the impression she is going to  have constant panic attacks that will ruin her life. I think she may need to find something to distract her from her own paranoid thoughts. Maybe take up yoga or find something that she can do to de-stress when she feels anxiety.

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[Photo Credit: MTV]