Luann de Lesseps - Real Housewives Of New York

Luann de Lesseps Gets A Cabaret Intervention On Tonight’s Real Housewives Of New York!

Tonight the Real Housewives Of New York travel to Kingston, NY to visit Luann de Lesseps‘ “round house,” you know cause round things don’t have sharp edges, but they do have CABARET STARS. Which is worse: rooming with dead fish or feathers?

I am really hoping Round & Round & Round We Go Cottage is going to become The Berkshires Round 2! At the very least I’m excited to check out the subject of Luann’s lawsuit

Luann only invited Sonja Morgan and Barbara Kavovit to stay with her in Round The Bend Manor, while the rest of the women are quarantined in a hotel – but that doesn’t mean Luann is planning plenty of activities for them … Including supporting other women by attending a geriatric cabaret show!

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Speaking of cabaret, Bethenny Frankel decides she, Tinsley Mortimer, and Dorinda Medley need a drinking game where every time the word “Cabaret” is mentioned, they drink. Tinsley is determined to win. She needs this because Tinsley isn’t winning at many things in life. Like her quest to have a baby and a relationship immediately.

Bethenny and Ramona Singer have come to Jesus lunch with Tinsley in which they channel Dale Mercer by reminding her that at 43, she needs to prioritize having a baby, or her dreams of pregnancy may grow colder than her frozen eggs.

That’s not the only intervention happening, though! Barbara is becoming a pro at handing Luann the hard truth! Last summer Barbara confronted Luann about there drinking, now she’s confronting her about cabaret addiction. Barbara and Sonja try to gently warn Luann not to let ‘fame’ go to her head and ostracize Bethenny.

RELATED: Tinsley Mortimer Wonders Why Barbara Kavovit Has No Loyalty To Dorinda Medley After Their Long History?

Of course, Luann doesn’t listen. Instead, she winds up in an argument with Bethenny over her ditching her Halloween show to relieve the babysitter. Oh, Luann.

Lastly, Barbara shares a revelation about her sexuality that has Tinsley covering her ears and rocking in a corner.

Watch Real Housewives Of New York tonight at 9 PM on Bravo. Comment throughout the episode on this post. Tweet us with your thoughts. Follow us on InstagramLike our page on Facebook. Check our site tomorrow for our Real Housewives Of New York recap.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]