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Thank you again to everyone who has stuck with us as we adapt to the new commenting platform our site. We appreciate all of your feedback and we have shared all of your concerns with the Insticator team.

Throughout the entire month of September, Reality Tea and Insticator will be tracking the top commentators on the site. Ten winners will be selected, and given free T-shirts of their choice from the Reality Tea store. How can you win? Just keep posting comments! We’re looking for quality comments, and quantity. As long as your post meaningfully contributes to the conversation on the site, it will count towards your total in the contest.

Any racist, homophobic, sexist comments, or verbal abuse towards your fellow commentators or the writers will result in disqualifications and possible bans. So play nice out there, and we’ll announce the winners in the first week of October and contact

Reality Tea’s Comment Policy – Do’s And Don’ts Of Participating On The Site

  • Do: Post your thoughts and opinions about the reality stars and reality shows.
  • Do: Respect your fellow commenters’ thoughts and opinions.
  • Do: Flag trolls and/or personal attacks to bring them to a moderator’s attention.
  • Do: Recognize and accept that Reality Tea is not a fan site (nor a hate site) for any one reality TV star; we welcome all.
  • Do: Recognize and accept that we can all watch the same show and walk away with a different interpretation of the events.
  • Do: Acknowledge that Reality Tea reserves the right to delete comments and/or ban users at any time as we see fit.
  • Don’t: Create more than one Disqus profile.
  • Don’t: Bash or complain about the Reality Tea writers. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with a writer, but do not bash them personally or question their role on the site.
  • Don’t: Complain about comment moderation.
  • Don’t: Post spam and/or links to other blogs/websites.
  • Don’t: Personally attack, harass, or name call other commenters.
  • Don’t: Post racist, homophobic, xenophobic, abusive, or defamatory comments.
  • Don’t: Engage trolls or respond to personal attacks; flag them and move on.
  • Don’t: Post the same comment or argument repeatedly in an attempt to change opinions and/or wear someone down.
  • Don’t: Copy and paste blocks of text from other blogs/websites; it’s copyrighted.
  • Don’t: Post personal information (full names, home addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, places of employment, etc.) for yourself or other commenters. Also, don’t solicit this information from other users.
  • Moderator contact: [email protected]

Longtime readers should take note that Disqus is ending Insticator sign-in support this Sunday, September 6. Insticator will still support log ins via Facebook, Twitter, Google, and other platforms.

There’s also a way to keep your Disqus comments associated with your new Insticator account. Anyone who has signed in to Instigator via Discus will receive an e-mail notification to create an Insticator account with the same credentials you had on Disqus. This will automatically map all your previous comments to your new user profile.

Once the change  from Disqus to Insticator is final, there will also be a new link within the login window that will say ‘Trying to Login with Disqus?” It will walk you through the steps to set up your new Insticator account and save your Disqus comments as well. So if you miss the notification e-mail, this is the way to go.