So, what does one do when they have nothing else to lose? Let’s ask Kelly Dodd. The Real Housewives of Orange County star may not be a star for much longer. Kelly can’t seem to fix her main problem, which is her mouth. No one cares how many times she makes fun of Vicki Gunvalson. And no one cares how many times she insults Braunwyn Windham-Burke. But people do seem to care when she acts like a blatant fool in the middle of a health crisis.
Whether you believe in Covid or not isn’t the issue. The issue is spreading information without the benefit of scientific knowledge. It’s mocking people who are making an effort to protect themselves and others from a virulent virus. And it’s a slap in the face to anyone who has lost a loved one as a result of contracting Covid-19. To be fair, Kelly was warned, and it kind of looked like she might get a pass. Thanks to some weekend antics, that pass is probably saying go directly to the unemployment line. Today we learn the meaning of “doubling down”.
The moral of this story appears to be, if you’re going to dig a hole, might as well make it as deep as possible. While each and every person is welcome to have their own thoughts and views on life in general, when pestilence is on the streets either making people incredibly ill, or killing them, weaponizing a disease in the name of freedom isn’t the way to go. Unfortunately, this is the route Kelly has become comfortable with. Now I’m not saying Kelly already knows she was Gunvalson’d, but I’m pretty damn sure Kelly knows she was Gunvalson’d.
Some restaurants in California have reopened and naturally folks are flocking to a place where they can try and feel normal again. This is something we all want; to see a movie in a theater, eat lunch with friends, have our damn children back in school… Kelly and a group of friends decided to head out and have some fun. Unfortunately they also had to act like, well, idiots. TMZ has the video.
RELATED: Kelly Dodd Fired From Positive Beverage Due To “Controversial Views”
Kelly posted a video to social media, showing her and some buds grabbing a bite and drinks at a restaurant in Newport Beach. For what appears to be no other reason than being obnoxious, Kelly begins leading patrons in cheers of jubilation with gems like, “Nobody’s wearing a mask!” and my favorite, shouting “Super-spreaders!” Then Kelly is basically making fun of the whole thing saying, “we’re allowed to be out, right?”. Her friend chimes in with something about a “normal life” but something tells me their perception of “normal life” is a lot different that other people’s “normal life”.
Funny, just a few weeks ago Kelly was trying to get back into Big Daddy Andy Cohen’s good graces by telling him what he wanted to hear after he expressed displeasure at Kelly’s views on the pandemic. You know, it’s God’s way of thinning the herd and all that jazz. Kelly’s reunion performance did her absolutely zero favors and only proved to make RHOC fans even angrier. So Kelly does what Kelly does and she seemingly went out and then purposely filmed herself acting like an asshole. Methinks despite her protest, Ms. Leventhal has been asked to leave her orange at the desk and clean out her office.
RELATED: Kelly Dodd Says She’s Not Fired From Real Housewives; Season 16 Contracts Didn’t Go Out Yet
Cocktails and bad press weren’t the only thing Kelly got over the weekend. She also got booted from the beverage company she worked with! SHOCKING. There is no logical explanation as to why Kelly would put herself in this position if she hasn’t already been #firedbybravo. While we have no confirmation that Kelly won’t be around to push her mom down the stairs provide colorful commentary on RHOC, it seems she at least has the art of strengthening her commitment to a potentially risky strategy under control.
Check out the video below.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]