Thank you Tiffany Moon for revitalizing The Real Housewives of Dallas. There was a huge hole missing with LeeAnne Locken’s exit. A large portion of the Real Housewives of Dallas cast is either uninformed, trying too hard, or plain unlikable. However, Tiffany is BRINGING it in her freshman season. She has a stellar career. She’s cultured and hilarious. Tiffany doesn’t hold her tongue either. She’s the total package for a Housewife.
Kary Brittingham on the other hand has been insufferable. A lot of this is because of her constant attacks and nitpicking over every little thing. She won’t lay off of D’Andra Simmons, and she’s come for Tiffany as well. While she should probably be focusing on her children’s issues, she’s busy complaining about warm tequila shots. Her priorities are clearly in check this season. How long before D’Andra totally snaps and cuts her out?

Tiffany wants to have time with her husband, but she doesn’t want to talk about the virus. She tells him that all of her non doctor friends always want to talk about it. That must get draining to always have to be in doctor mode. I know everyone’s naturally curious about it, but they should give her some space. She’s a regular person like them too.
Her husband agrees to change the subject, and she fills him in on the events of Brandi Redmond’s birthday. She realized she needs to nurture her friendships because she’s not used to friendships with women. This is totally new territory for her.
Tiffany wants to have the women over for a pizza night. She’s afraid they might not like that though.She wanted to introduce a bit of her culture in their lives last time, but it backfired in a big way. If she’s not careful, someone like Kameron Westcott will take any opening to critique her again.
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She has a $15,000 pizza oven, so the quality of the food probably won’t be an issue. I want to be THAT rich that I can import a pizza oven of that caliber from Italy. This family is GOALS. From the stellar wine cellar to the champagne closet to this over. Absolute perfection.
Tiffany takes a jab at Kary saying she is 50, but parties harder than anyone else. We’ve really seen that this season. She goes WILD when she has tequila flowing through her veins. Tiffany’s worried that introducing tequila to the party might make Kary go too wild and crazy. Her husband’s all for it though. He must want some entertainment for the evening.
On a visit to her shaman, D’Andra gives him an update on her latest happenings. She’s had a lot going on between trying to reconnect with her brother and the conflict with Kary. Her fight with Kary at Brandi’s birthday got ugly rather quickly. There’s a lot of built up resentment between them that’s finally reaching the surface.
The shaman asks to know what D’Andra could be projecting to invite that into her life. D’Andra thinks it’s a jealousy thing with Kary because of her lifestyle. At first I thought the same thing, but I’ve since changed my mind. I truly think it’s because D’Andra’s oblivious as a friend and doesn’t take time to learn about their lives. It was so telling that she had no idea what’s been going on with Kary’s daughter.
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He tells D’Andra not to engage with antics like that. It’s hard to sit back and do that in practice though. It would also be extremely boring from a viewer perspective. We aren’t fans of people who always disengage.
D’Andra doesn’t want to throw her friendship with Kary away, but she’s worried it’s too late. There are already shattered pieces, and you can try, but it will never be the same. Once something breaks, there’s always an altered vibe to it.
Kameron’s dog trainer is stopping by for a visit, and he’s going to be disappointed. This dog hasn’t made any visible progress. The family has no control whatsoever over the dog and her behavior. He’s going to rip the family to shreds when he sees how lazy they’ve been.
Kameron says she hasn’t done the homework she was given by Brad. None of it. I know the dog is adorable, but you’re doing a disservice to everyone by not following the guidelines.
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Court Westcott comes in and tells the family the person interested in their home has passed. He’s going to lower the price which is concerning for her. Kameron wants to snatch her dream home as soon as possible, but it could be purchased by someone else at any time. Poof. Just like that, her dreams could be dashed.
He makes a joke about her not being able to handle a deal falling through which triggers her. She doesn’t appreciate him making that type of joke in front of the children. She doesn’t want them thinking she’s not able to check her emotions. I can see where she’s coming from. There’s no need to make degrading comments in front of their kids about her sanity or intelligence.
Things are coming along with Stephanie Hollman’s office, but it’s still not finished. She wants to get everything finished before Travis Hollman gets home, but it’s not going to happen. Bet lost. Not only has she lost the bet, but this might affect his already low level of respect for her. You can tell when he speaks, he doesn’t think she’s going to accomplish much.
There’s no room for mistakes for her foundation’s first big project. Not only because of Travis but because there’s a pretty tight deadline. I really would like to see her succeed and prove everyone wrong here.
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Travis shows up at her new office wanting the full body massage because she lost the bet. She fights that so hard because she still feels like she made substantial progress. He’s too hairy for her to want to do that. Nope not today.
She went insanely over budget because she really didn’t know the full extent of what it would cost. Shouldn’t she have researched that prior to taking on the project? Why set yourself up for failure or a hefty cost like that?
Tiffany’s excited to have the women over, but it’s rare for her to throw a party at home. They don’t usually have people over for parties. Her home is her sanctuary, her quiet place, and her escape. I entirely understand where she’s coming from. It’s my happy place as well. Any time someone shows up unannounced or wants to do something social here, I shut it down. Don’t invade my safe space.
Kary’s irked because Tiffany sent everyone a text with expectations for how the night should go. That’s a little pernicious of her. A subtle way of throwing a dig at the late nights everyone else has. I get it though. She’s working a full doctor’s schedule while juggling this. She has to set boundaries.
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The text removed all of Kary’s excitement for the event. She doesn’t like being told when she has to leave someone’s home. Well of course not. Kary wants to run roughshod over everyone at all times. She’s been behaving like a bully all season.
Kameron isn’t happy to get this message either because it breaks her party etiquette. Kameron’s party wasn’t even that amazing. At least Tiffany is putting in the effort to work on these friendships. She’s trying. Stephanie on the other hand doesn’t care at all. She can be home and in bed on time. That’s a respectful response.
The moment D’Andra arrives at Tiffany’s home, she’s accosted for not wearing shoe covers. In Chinese culture, wearing your outside shoes inside is just not commonplace. No dog s**t will be tracked through Tiffany’s household today!
Kameron shows up to the party with a piñata which is peculiar. Why would you show up to Tiffany’s house with a piñata meant for Kary’s birthday? How does THAT not violate your party behavior rules?
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In what could turn out to be a bonding moment for them, Tiffany agrees to let Kameron in her closet. It’s a FABULOUS closet with items that people would kill for. She feels like she should be in the 90210 not Dallas. She’s RICH RICH.
Kameron warns Tiffany that Kary’s not going to like any of these rules. She’s right. On the car ride over, Kary immediately starts complaining to Brandi about the party ending early. Brandi does have a point about why do it on this night if it doesn’t fit into your schedule. That’s fair.
Things are still not great between Kary & D’Andra, so things might pop off at this party. Kary wants to keep D’Andra at an arm’s length because she’s learned who she is. It’s always sad to see friendships end, but in an environment like this, it’s bound to happen. Neither of them are going to change the other.
Tiffany’s coming on way too strong at the start of this party. Coming at everyone with so many ground rules is too much. These aren’t your children. They’re your friends. If you want to maintain your friendships with these ladies, this isn’t the way honey.
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The biggest rule is no fighting. DOES SHE NOT KNOW WHO THIS GROUP IS AND WHAT THEY ARE LIKE? Stop. She’s even telling them they will get a verbal warning for their first offense. Flour in their face for their second. It was nice of her to let them have fun for the third and final rule. How nice of her? So joyful!
The women are heading on a trip to Austin to further celebrate Kary’s birthday. They’re really rolling out the red carpet for someone who’s always so damn miserable. F**k that.
Tiffany offers the women crickets as a possible pizza ingredient. They all decline, but she plans on pranking Brandi and the other women by putting them on her pizza. The Real Housewives of Dallas are going to be trying every pizza, so they’re going to unwittingly eat these crickets. After all of the controversy surrounding the chicken foot, this is the most ill advised thing she could’ve done.
All of the ladies try Tiffany’s pizza, but they are totally unaware that she went behind their back and used crickets. I’d be fuming if someone ever did that to me. Everyone doesn’t want to eat weird and funky things. Stop forcing it on them. She got a pass for the chicken feet, but I can’t defend these actions a second time. Stop trying too hard.
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The women’s jaw’s drop when they learn Tiffany sprinkled crickets on their pizza. Brandi wants to throw up after hearing about it. D’Andra’s the only one at the table even remotely defending Tiffany for what happened.
Brandi’s reaction is very intense, and Tiffany’s profusely apologizing. Brandi ends up getting sick which makes this the worst prank of all time. Tiffany was nervous about having these women in her home, and then she did this. What was she thinking? You’re not going to establish positive relationships with everyone by doing things like this.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]