Drew Sidora Real Housewives Of Atlanta

Real Housewives Of Atlanta Recap: Booty Bouncing On Bourbon Street

The Real Housewives of Atlanta are hitting the streets of New Orleans for another epic vacation! Let the drama begin because there are many issues looming over this group right now. The last time we saw the women, LaToya Ali incited a wild fight at Falynn Goubadia’s Halloween party. For some reason she found it appropriate to attack Falynn’s relationship in her own home. Can any of these women even trust a wildcard like her at this point?

Also, all season the rivalry between Porsha Williams & Kenya Moore has been heating back up. These two have never seen eye to eye, but somehow this year it feels more toxic than ever. They both claim to not be giving the other one the time of day, but we know that’s not true. Unfortunately, Marlo Hampton finds herself stuck directly in the middle of these feuding women. It’s getting close to the point where she’s going to have to choose a side.

Marlo Hampton Kenya Moore Real Housewives Of Atlanta

Drew Sidora’s determined to make this trip a grander spectacular than Kenya’s Charleston one. Why is she so obsessed with that? I don’t think Kenya is concerned one bit about this competition Drew’s drumming up in her head. The thirst from these newbies is real!

Despite telling everyone their children were all welcome to come, Kenya’s the only one with her baby. Everyone (Porsha especially) made such a fuss about not having that option last time. You’d think she would’ve jumped at the chance to have PJ in tow. Nah, she just wanted something to bitch and moan about.

Porsha said she never intended on bringing her daughter. That’s ridiculous. I personally don’t think any of the kids need to be on these trips or in these environments. However, Porsha was so distraught about not having the option last time. What changed? Where is your daughter? Sigh.

LaToya isn’t drinking so far on the trip, and everyone’s taking note. The women are still disappointed in her off the rails behavior at Falynn’s Halloween party. LaToya entered that spooky shindig looking for a fight with anyone and everyone that would give her the time of day. She almost ended up with a golf club to the head for it too!

Naive Drew raises a toast to “good vibes” like she has no idea what’s about to unfold. Someone should’ve done her research before entering into all of this. It’s like she has no clue what to expect.

I won’t lie though. At first impression, Drew’s trip is miles ahead of whatever Kenya & LaToya put together. This does have a lighter and more fun vibe to it so far. I’m just not convinced all of this kumbaya s**t is going to last much longer.

Drew gives Cynthia Bailey the best suite as a consolation for not being able to sing at her wedding. For everyone else, she suggests everyone do their best booty bounce to pick rooms. Kenya doesn’t want to partake in those activities and just wants to be given a room. Drew shades her by saying she paid for her booty, so she should bounce it. OOF! What a cheap shot out of nowhere. Is it really that weird that Kenya wouldn’t want to do that in front of her child?

Kenya takes matters into her own hands and looks for an alternative suite at the hotel. It’s felt like Drew’s entire motivation for hosting this was to shade Kenya. I’m not feeling genuine vibes from Drew at all. At the same time though, Kenya was doing the same thing to Marlo on the last trip. She purposely stuck her in the most drab room possible. Turnabout is fair play, eh?

Cynthia Bailey LaToya Ali Real Housewives Of Atlanta

The group goes on a bike ride tour of the city, but Marlo stays behind. She’s suffering from a back injury after her nephew jumped on her. Poor Marlo! Honestly, intense exercise like that doesn’t really seem like her scene anyway. Now if we set up a fashion show or something for her, maybe that would be more her speed.

Drew feels a connection to New Orleans because that’s where her mother is from. I wonder if she will take matters into her own hands to learn her family history. While she’s there, she might be able to uncover who her mother’s father really is. Although that might open her up to some major issues down the line with her mother. Let’s not piss off the Pastor!

LaToya doesn’t want to discuss why she’s not drinking, but it has to be because of what happened at Falynn’s. Why else would she suddenly be giving up alcohol? Things start to shift at the dinner table when LaToya compares it to Falynn’s party. Drunk or sober, this woman cannot help herself.

Cynthia explains to LaToya that you can’t enter someone’s home and start insulting them. Even Kenya believes that LaToya has it out for Falynn for no good reason. Drew says when LaToya drinks she gets aggressive, so she wonders if that’s why she’s going without on this trip.

LaToya starts calling Drew a bitch, and another blowout is probably about to commence. Drew fires back at her calling LaToya fake and brings up how at church LaToya said she’d stop drinking. Apparently after Drew’s France themed party, LaToya broke down about her drinking and wanted to detox.

LaToya hadn’t been to church in a decade, and this was supposed to be a healing moment. This was supposed to be the beginning of a fresh start for LaToya, but clearly all of that is out the window.

Kenya is less than impressed with Drew’s delivery of this news though. If she really cared for LaToya and her well being, why is she blasting all of this at the table? How is that personal informational leaking any different than when they shamed LaToya for discussing Kenya’s divorce?

Drew Sidora Real Housewives Of Atlanta

Back at the hotel, Kenya speaks to Cynthia about thinking Drew is a bully. The way she disclosed that personal information at the dinner in front of everyone definitely makes a cast for it. That’s such a strong word though. Throwing that label onto someone can be so damaging to their reputation.

Drew tells Porsha she didn’t even invite LaToya to church. She simply saw her there and was rolling with it. I’m not a super religious person, but that feels like such an intimate violation. Faith is something so important to so many people, and it feels almost dirty to use that in a fight against someone.

Drew says she wants to have a good time on the trip, but it’s not feeling that way. One thing that needs to be addressed on the trip is this newfound rift between Porsha & Marlo. Their friendship started going south on the same night she made up with Kenya. That was also the same night that Tanya Sam gave herself up as Bolo’s sweet thang #1.

For some reason Porsha starts crying over the dissolution of her friendship with Marlo. I had no idea they f**ked with each other on such a deep level. It never seemed like anything more than a light surface level friendship to me. This reminds me of the time when Porsha sobbed into NeNe Leakes and declared life had been so hard without her. Give me a break girl.

Marlo Hampton Real Housewives Of Atlanta

Drew arranges for the women to take a Zydeco dance class, but when they get there, it’s not at all what they imagined. Instead of the line dancing they envisioned, it’s basically a glorified “bounce and twerk” class. Kandi Burruss is the WORST at doing it. Despite having arguably the largest booty of them all, it remains fairly stationary. Teach this woman how to make it clap for the fans!

Everyone is twerking all of the floor, and Kandi looks MISERABLE. For someone that throws literal sex dungeon parties, I thought she’d be one of the most versed women there. It’s a little shocking that as a musical performer and sex connoisseur, she has ZERO rhythm of any kind.

After the dance lessons, Porsha pulls Marlo aside so they can finally talk about their recent issues. Every issue that Porsha brings up as the reason for their growing distance, Marlo provides something to negate it. Let’s face it, Porsha is JEALOUS of Kenya right now. That’s exactly what’s going on here.

I don’t recall Marlo throwing a hissy fit last year when Porsha and Kenya were suddenly friends. However, the timing of when Kenya decided to finally forgive Marlo is still suspect. Why would she randomly choose to let her back in ion the same night as her witch hunt about strippergate?

Marlo asks Porsha directly if the allegations against her by Kenya are false. Porsha scoffs at the idea that any of her friends could ever asks her that question. First of all, we all know that the allegations are likely not false. Tanya all but admitted it at the table to everyone.

While that conversation is going on, Kenya & Shamea Morton start getting into it about her defense of Porsha. Kenya doesn’t feel like there is any reason to blindly defend Porsha like that. I would love to have a friend like Shamea that’s ride or die though. She’s going to keep her mouth shut and not blast your business to the local gossip blogs.

Getting in the middle of Porsha & Kenya’s never ending feud is the worst idea ever. They both say it’s alright to be friends with the other side, but do they really mean it? They both completely shift their vibes when someone they are close to starts getting friendly with the other. Latoya & Marlo have BOTH felt that shift this season. Who will be next?


[Photo Credit: Bravo]