Lisa Hochstein Lenny Hochstein Real Housewives of Miami

Lenny Hochstein Claims That Real Housewives Of Miami Producers Edited The Hot Mic Scene To Make Lisa Hochstein Look Innocent

Real Housewives of Miami is constantly proving why their cast is one of the best ever to do it, and today is no different.

The divorce drama surrounding Dr. Lenny Hochstein and Lisa Hochstein is sad. Mainly for the kids who will have to one day watch back how their father treated their mother on national television and in front of the world.

Younger girlfriends, altercations at nightclubs, the list could go on and on. Throughout the summer, when the reports first broke, Lisa shared more than Lenny did. I was certain that as the season aired, Lenny would’ve crawled under his rock and stayed hidden until all of this blew over.

But nope! Lenny has been mentioning it all. And I am shocked, too. He told Page Six that the hot mic moment heard around the world, which detailed his plan to leave Lisa, was actually edited to make Lisa look like “the innocent one” and him the “villain.”

“The fact is I told her dozens of times. She just either didn’t care or didn’t take me seriously,” he said of his desire to divorce Lisa. “The hot mic was edited, and they didn’t air the part of me complaining about her constant partying. They just put in a small part about me saying how I just go to work and come home and she does whatever she wants,” Lenny added.

There’s been a lot of questioning surrounding Lenny’s version of events. He maintains that he didn’t cheat on Lisa and that he and his girlfriend, Katharina Mazepa, met after the pair were separated. Well, thanks to this hot mic moment that he claims is edited, it features him mentioning another woman. So who is lying here, Dr.? I’m not putting my faith in you, I’ll say that.

RELATED: Dr. Lenny Hochstein’s Girlfriend’s Restraining Order Has Been Dismissed

Either way, he stands firm that he and Lisa were done prior to the rumors. “The fact is that I had already made the decision to leave Lisa,” he said. “It was my hope that it could wait until the filming ended.”

Lenny shared more information about the couple’s split, adding that he “couldn’t take” any more of Lisa’s excessive partying. After their “Good Vibes” event, which was shown on RHOM, Lenny said Lisa went to another party and didn’t return until 7:30 AM and “didn’t get out of bed all day.”

Regarding Lenny’s Housewives slip-up, Lisa’s rep shot back at the plastic surgeon. “Sounds like something someone who got caught on a hot mic would say. It was his voice saying what he said on the mic,” the rep stated.

The pair’s messy divorce will continue to play out on the Real Housewives of Miami. In the meantime, I’m sure either Lisa, Lenny, or the side chick Katharina will make another comment about something very soon.


[Photo Credit: Romain Maurice/Getty Images for Haute Living]