THE REAL HOUSEWIVES ULTIMATE GIRLS TRIP -- "The Elephants in the Room " Episode 302 -- Pictured: (l-r) Heather Gay, Whitney Rose, Gizelle Bryant, Alexia Nepola, Candiace Dillard-Bassett, Porsha Williams, Leah McSweeney, Marysol Patton -- (Photo by: Mark Rogers/PEACOCK)

Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip Season 3 Episode 7: An Un-Phuket-Able Thai Vacation Ends In Miami Madness

Time flies when you’re having fun, but it goes by even quicker when you’re watching the chaos on Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip. Somehow, the third season in Phuket, Thailand has come to an end almost as soon as it began. Even more surprising is how much drama the Real Housewives veterans were able to squeeze in just seven episodes. It’s a gift that not many people contain.

The final episode of RHUGT Season 3 featured a farewell dinner and a teary goodbye to Pepsi, the patron saint of the trip. Gizelle Bryant decided to wreak havoc one last time about “her” bottle of tequila that solidified to Candiace Dillard Bassett that she’s really good on her Real Housewives of Potomac co-star. Here are five of the main takeaways from the latest RHUGT episode “Phuket Me Not.”

Gizelle Lost More Than A Bottle Of Tequila

It might have been the ladies’ final day in Thailand and Leah McSweeney was still stuck in the hospital (or prison, as Marysol Patton remarked), but Gizzy was ready to cause problems. She was still stuck on the missing bottle of tequila. Someway, somehow she managed to print a giant photo of the Clase Azul bottle and made Pepsi bring it to the final lunch. She managed to hold court and even told her new friends that they could pull a Jen Shah and give a last-minute guilty plea. In the end, Candiace was left as Gizelle’s only suspect. How convenient.

While Gizelle’s ridiculous court antics were amusing, CandeePants did not appreciate being called a thief. “You can take the bottle and put it in your booty hole and fly home,” Candiace screamed right as the waiter brought the table their cocktails. In the end, no one copped to stealing the bottle and Candiace ended up claiming the ordeal was the final straw in her friendship with Gizelle. Gizzy claimed that they’ve been rocky since the Chris Bassett of it all, but Candiace and her cryangle thought differently.

Leah’s Miraculous Recovery

Leah woke up on Day 7 in the hospital, but she was determined to make it back to the villa for the farewell event. She revealed to Candiace, seemingly the only RHUGT co-star who cared to ask, that she had a viral infection destroying her stomach. “I’m not missing this dinner finale. I’ll never hear the end of it,” Leah exclaimed, and she was not wrong. CandeeGal was just happy to have her bestie on her side. It helped that Leah completed the van quartet of Candiace, Heather Gay, and Whitney Rose for their pre-dinner “Drive Back” choreography. We love to see it.

By the end of the trip, Poor Leah was beyond ready to go home. Literally, her body was begging her to leave. She ended up on good terms with the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City girls and Candiace, but couldn’t have cared less about the rest. “I don’t have to associate with half of you here,” she proclaimed during a confessional. After watching her week in Housewives Hell, I can’t blame her.

RELATED: Candiace Dillard Bassett Was “Flabbergasted” That Gizelle Bryant And Ashley Darby Didn’t Bring Up Juan Dixon’s Alleged Cheating Scandal On Real Housewives Of Potomac

Alexia’s Phuket-able Vacation

For being such an over-the-top personality, Alexia Nepola was arguably the most forgettable person on the trip. She shared a room with Marysol and, as always, the Real Housewives of Miami stars were attached at the hip. That is, until this episode when the cracks started showing. Alexia and Marysol spent the entire episode fighting. Alexia felt that Marysol didn’t back her up. Marysol might not have a big bark like Alexia, but no one can disagree that she’s her No. 2 fan (besides Alexia herself, of course). Gizelle read their problem like a book — Alexia feels like Marysol should back her up more since Alexia includes her on the show. Now we just need them to admit that.

When Marysol asked the ladies to play a game of first impressions, Alexia told her she was drinking too much because they had already played it days before. Later on, she told Marysol that she needed to get on pills because her brain was “rotten.” It’s as harsh as it sounds. As expected, the two brush over their issues and kiss and make up at the end. While it’s undeniable that these two have a bond, the RHOM dynamic duo clearly has a few kinks to work out, especially considering they’re also reality TV co-workers.

Whitney Feels The Miami Madness

Brolexia was out in full force during this episode and Whitney was also on the receiving end. During the dinner, Alexia asked Whitney a condescending question about what her kids think of her smoking weed and pole dancing on TV. It was judgy and the ladies clocked it immediately. Leah brought up that Alexia was married to a cartel member, and we know Brolexia didn’t like that remark. She’s really not going to like what Leah said in a confessional after the fact. “The clothes on your back were probably bought off f–king people who’ve died of overdoses,” she said. “Get off the f–king high horse b–ch.” Oy vey.

Whitney pointed out Alexia’s hypocrisy for criticizing her parenting when considering Peter Rosello’s public legal issues. “I think it’s very interesting coming from the same woman that her son has been in the news for kicking a homeless man,” Whitney said in a confessional. “I do not feel like she has any space to judge here.” Andy Cohen, can we get a reunion for this season, please? I’m going to need to watch the cast unpack this.

Marysol must have been sick of hearing Alexia complain to her about her not having her back. She proclaimed that if Whitney had any respect for her family, she wouldn’t be on a stripper pole on TV. The entire table called Marysol out for the mom-shaming comment. Candiace brought up that Marysol brags about drinking all day on TV and the Cockie Queen had no comeback. The conversation was shrugged off thanks to Pepsi’s party itinerary. Alexia gave Whitney an apology that she accepted, but the RHOSLC star doesn’t anticipate being the Cuban Barbie’s next bestie anytime soon.

MVP – Most Valuable Pepsi

The episode was Pepsi’s last hurrah with the ladies and he didn’t waste it. During Gizelle’s pseudo-court hearing, she brought up that Pepsi has lost sleep over the missing bottle, which she felt bad for. The camera immediately pans to Pepsi who is pretending to sleep standing up in the corner. Iconic.

The final dinner was a Thai festival and in a ceremonious moment, Pepsi joins the ladies by crossing the lagoon on a river boat. He dramatically shouted each woman’s name before holding up a bottle of Clase Azul tequila. This man apparently lost even more sleep because he searched the entire island to bring Gizelle a new bottle before her flight home. The ladies gave Pepsi a parting gift that included a framed photo and a heartfelt card to thank him for going above and beyond. Pepsi deserves his own week in the villa after dealing with all of this madness.


[Photo Credit: Mark Rogers/PEACOCK]