Below Deck Down Under returned with another double dose of Season 2 action this week. While the guests were being well behaved, it was the crew getting up to no good. Especially when we got to the end of Episode 4. Here’s everything that happened in Below Deck Down Under Season 2, Episode 4…
Luke takes the heat

Say what you want about Bosun Luke, it was a pleasant surprise to see him take the heat from Captain Jason when it came to being questioned about the tender not being ready. If only he could apply that same kindness and energy to his interactions outside of work!
As Aesha prepped for a beach barbecue, Jason noticed the weather wasn’t looking great. Still, Tzarina worked on making sure this was a barbecue unlike any other. The guests had paid for a superyacht experience, so they would be getting tomahawk steaks, and lobster.
Unfortunately, her time prepping the meat was cut down by almost an hour, because Captain wanted to get ahead of the storm that was on its way. When he offered to help by cooking the tomahawks himself, Tzarina told him she didn’t want him to always feel he had to be the “hero,” swooping in to save the day. Jason immediately set her right, and said he didn’t like that “attitude.” He doesn’t mind helping. After all, he’s an Aussie. If there’s one thing he can do, it’s barbecue.
Laura gets what she wants

After complaining that she didn’t want to go on a break, but instead wanted to join Aesha in setting up the beach barbecue, Laura got her wish. To be fair, she did a great job. It was what came later that pissed off the Chief Stew…
Despite the “sh*ttest f*cking weather ever,” Aesha’s team and the deckies worked their magic for the guests on the beach. Their towels may have been damp, and their plates may have gotten a little bit wet, but they still had a fantastic time. Primary guest Jack quipped that this was the most “Instagram vs. reality” moment ever. Quite right; and great that he can laugh about it.
Back at the yacht, the guests were welcomed with the Below Deck staple, champagne by Margot. Her awkward love triangle continues, as both Luke and Harry checked on her while ironing. Harry’s a sweetheart, but I’m unsure Margot will ever feel any sort of romantic connection with him. Their relationship gives off sibling vibes; nothing sexy at all.
Meanwhile, Adam continues to grate on Harry and Culver. He’s all about safety, which honestly, I’m not mad about. He saw a hook almost whack Harry over the head, and it upset him.
Adam lets his feelings be known

Down in the crew mess, Adam is still raging. “People get fired for this sh*t,” he fumes at Luke. “I’ve never seen safety so disregarded.” Luke listens, but is pissed that this went down with both Culver and Harry also in the room. He’s being undermined, which isn’t cool; even if Adam is correct in what he’s saying.
Aesha promised she wasn’t going to be walked all over this season, so I’m hoping Laura’s reckoning comes sooner rather than later. She’s way overdue a telling off. Not only is she rude to her superior, but she does it in the most passive aggressive way possible. That’s a recipe for disaster, and the sign of someone who will gaslight you into believing you flipped your lid over nothing when your bottled up emotions finally do bubble over the surface. Calling Aesha “easy” to get what she wants from was just another sign that’s she’s a total manipulator.
After her break, which sees her turn up 24 minutes late to her shift, Laura offers to help with table décor. Aesha tells her that it’s already been done. It’s Greek Night, and the guests want some traditional food, and a chocolate piñata, for some reason. When the provisioners turn up with a giant Easter egg, it’s hard to imagine how the crew will make it work. But, we’ve got some Below Deck pros among this cast…
Culver turns Golden Greek God

If there’s one man who’ll go the extra mile, it’s Below Deck Down Under’s Chief Entertainment Officer. Not only will he be stripping down and donning golden body spray for the guests, but he comes up with the idea of making the Easter egg the central point of a “ritual.” Luke throws in that the crew should do some chanting around the egg, and the plan is in motion. It’s ridiculous – but it works.
After their Greek salad, and lamb stew, the guests are treated to one of the funniest performances a Below Deck crew has ever put on. Primary guest Jack is given the honor of smashing the chocolate egg, and almost puts a hole in the table when doing so. Culver’s positivity is something Tzarina finds very attractive. She’s developing yet another crush! Same, cheffy. Same.
While the guests retire to their rooms, Harry wonders if he’s missed his chance with Margot, and admits he’s “jealous” of Luke’s immediate connection with her. Adam tries to give him some tips on making a move, but he seems a little defeated. Luke later pulls Adam for a chat, and asks him if he has issues about safety, or something similar in the future, to pull him aside one-on-one. Adam takes the feedback really well, so hopefully, their work relationship can blossom from here.
As he gets his jobs done throughout the night, into the early morning, Adam makes it clear to Laura that he isn’t looking for love on the boat. He’s scared of getting his feelings hurt. Still, Laura says in confessional that she finds him “sexy,” along with Luke. “I have a lot of lovers all over,” she brags. She’s also still wearing the ring from her ex-fiancé…
The charter comes to an end

After a stunning breakfast spread, that included choc chip pancakes (I was drooling), and eggs benedict with Culver’s least favorite sauce – “holiday” sauce – the guests said their farewells. Jack thanked the crew for the “best trip ever,” and handed over a chunky envelope with the crew’s tip.
At the tip meeting, Captain Jason told chef to get out of her own head, as she was doing a good job. He also told both deck and interior that they were doing well, but there is always room for improvement. The tip total came to $15,000 USD, which amounted to $1,670 per person. As for the improvement helmet? That landed on cheffy. She was thrilled!
“Jason gave me something shiny, I like it! If we could get that on a ring…” Never change, Tzarina! Below Deck Down Under may have just found my new favorite chef.
Aesha inches closer to breaking point

Laura was sent to test Aesha, that’s for sure. As the tip meeting came to an end, Laura asked if she could knock 40 minutes off her work schedule. No, she’s not feeling sick. Nope, she’s not offering to pick up the slack elsewhere. She just wants extra time to get ready. Aesha explains how that wouldn’t be fair, and instead suggests, “Can’t you just get ready quicker?” Quite right, Chief Stew!
As a result, everybody is left waiting for Laura AGAIN. She’s 50-minutes late. With a restaurant table booked, Aesha even has to text and tell them that they’ll be delayed, so that they can keep a table reservation. It’s embarrassing, and the crew need to make more of a point to Laura that she’s being a selfish nightmare.
At the restaurant, Tzarina flirts with Culver. She later tells Adam over a cigarette that she is “a sucker for extreme positive attitude.” That’s something Culver has in spades. Adam reiterates that he isn’t feeling Laura, despite her advances.
While they’re away, Laura and Luke make their moves on one another. Luke is clearly trying to make Margot jealous, as she was eating food off of Harry’s fork. As Laura tells Aesha she’s “friends” with Luke, he replies, “Friends f*ck.” Then, as they move to the dancefloor, Luke and Laura share a long makeout session.
“He’s another f*ck boy,” says Margot in confessional. “That’s human nature to feel a little bit jealous.” Sure is. But I can promise you now Margot, he’s not worth it.
Below Deck Down Under Season 2 continues Mondays at 8/7c on Bravo.