Bravo‘s Below Deck series runs like a well-oiled machine. To start, the various spin-offs hire mostly new crews to star on each season. In addition, a few returning cast members are also brought onboard. As an exception, Below Deck Mediterranean‘s upcoming Season 8 has five returning crew members, which makes up half of this season’s cast.
With so many known rehires on this soon-to-air series, it’s gotten us pretty excited to watch Season 8’s drama unfold. The main reason is that we already know half of these faces from across the franchise, so we are well aware of how horrible quirky they can each be when stressed. As a few of these returning crew members have been known to rock their yachts, we are sure that this season will be nothing short of a chaotic mess.
However, what if Bravo flipped the script by filling their yachts with ONLY familiar cast members? Furthermore, what if the majority of these recognized personalities were actually well-loved? Personally, we think that this concept would be a massive hit.
To explain, the Real Housewives franchise has the Ultimate Girls Trip spin-off(s), and the viewership is pretty high. This same result would likely occur again if this process were to be repeated for Bravo’s other highly-viewed series. Therefore, we greatly feel that Bravo should consider filming a Below Deck All Stars season. This is why (with a side of how).
How Could This Work?

In terms of the charter guests for an All Stars season, these vacationers could be a mixture of returning groups and/or various personalities from across the Bravo network. This would make for a totally All Stars filled series. Case in point, Project Runway recently collided with Below Deck, and it was beyond fun to watch. Additionally, whenever a charter guest returns, their prior behaviors are already known, further bringing a sense of familiarity to all involved.
Now for the hard part, the crew.
Everyone has their justified reasons regarding their favorite Below Deck crew members. With claims of micromanagement and snitching, as well as outspoken personalities filled with snarky clap-backs and/or past poor behaviors, crew members like Captain Sandy Yawn, Malia White, Kate Chastain, Rhylee Gerber, Eddie Lucas, and Hannah Ferrier are all either loved or loathed. Therefore, in an effort to appease as many viewers as possible, multiple Below Deck All Stars seasons would likely need to transpire.
An All Stars Cast Would Boost Ratings

Having known crew members reappear from seasons past would likely bring in viewers by the droves. For example, the bickering and bantering between Kate and Chef Ben Robinson made for some of the best scenes in this franchise. Having these sibling-like personalities onboard a yacht together again would for sure cause many to tune in, ourselves included.
And no, Ben is still not the father of Kate’s son. However, knowing their snarky personalities, they’d likely joke about this often if cast together.
Furthermore, if production brought back Captain Lee Rosbach, the numbers would be through the roof. As Captain Lee was not brought back for Season 11, many viewers expressed that they’d never watch Below Deck again. However, if he returned to film an All Stars season, it’s highly likely that these viewers would all return.
An All Stars Cast Could Let Fans Reconnect With Their Favorites

Below Deck first premiered in 2013. This means that an entire decade has passed since some of Below Deck’s yachties first made their initial showings on-air. From weddings to babies to totally new career ventures, many have undergone huge life changes in recent years. Some have even stayed in the yachting industry, earning higher certifications that could lend to higher positions if brought back to the Below Deck franchise.
New beginnings and growth should be celebrated. This is just another reason why Bravo should consider filming a Below Deck All Stars season, so that the viewers can see firsthand just how much their favorites have evolved. Or, not evolved, which could be fun as well.
An All Stars Cast Could See Foes Mending Fences

Over the years, several heated arguments have divided the various Below Deck crew members. During Below Deck Mediterranean Season 4, João Franco and Aesha Scott were at odds. Pretty much every viewer sided with Aesha, leaving João exiting the series as a not well-liked character. However, João has just reappeared on Below Deck Down Under Season 2, and this second chance has seen his working relationship with Aesha restored, in addition to his regaining viewers’ trust.
That said, Hannah and Captain Sandy should never, ever, sail together again. However, we did love watching Hannah and João mend their friendship after a disastrous Below Deck Mediterranean Season 3.
Everyone deserves a second chance, as well as a redemption arch, if needed. In a season where everyone is struggling to just make it through the day, we could all use a dose of feel-good television, filled with righted wrongs. If Bravo created an All Stars season, perhaps many other tales of foes turning into friends could be told. We deserve nice things, Bravo, so please, consider this ask.