Even though Below Deck Down Under Season 2 isn’t having a reunion, fans are still taking the time to praise Captain Jason Chambers for all he does for the series. The guy knows his stuff and is one of the most beloved captains of any Bravo nautical franchise. Between being reliable at his job at the helm and cultivating a family atmosphere, Captain Jason may be the best thing since sliced bread.
Jason Gives Second Chances

I’d argue that no captain in the history of Below Deck has given more second chances than Captain Jason. This season alone, he brought back Culver Bradbury after a disastrous first season in order to have the young Maryland native prove himself. Culver’s partying ways during Season 1 of Below Deck Down Under caught the captain by surprise. And even though the walking eight-pack often came across as lazy, the captain even let him be the stand-in bosun for a charter.
Captain Jason also took Margot Sisson under his wings when she was caught drinking on the job. The third stew had been given a chance to learn service but partook in one too many tastings of Aesha Scott‘s strong pina coladas. Drinking on the job is a fireable offense, but the captain decides to have a word with Margot, offering her a chance at redemption. Not every leader would have been so kind as to provide multiple yachties more than one chance on the boat.
Jason Nips Issues in the Bud
The Australian native has never been one to mince words. So when a disgusting incident occurred with Luke Jones and Laura Bileskalne, the captain had no other choice but to intervene for the safety of the rest of the crew. As Aesha woke the captain up, Jason jumped into action, quickly escorting Luke off the boat after it was revealed he climbed into Margot’s bed drunk. Laura was the next to go after she showed no empathy for her fellow stew.
The quick thinking and careful way Captain Jason handled the incident was praised by viewers. Not only did he throw two predators overboard, but he made it clear that the safety and respect of the crew came first. Honestly, it was hard not to like Jason after that move. Even though the captain is soft-spoken at times, he has a sense of professionalism that forces respect and shows he is a true leader on the Nothern Sun.
Jason Is Full of Positivity
Jason has started a new endeavor in which he hopes to uplift his followers. The Below Deck Down Under star encouraged fans via Instagram to “Follow me on YouTube to meet the people along the way as I travel and explore places, learn more about health, and a few projects I have in the pipeline.” Jason added, “It’s a platform I can load up long content and start to see what you all like and subjects that we both can learn from. This is the start. Remember, I’m a captain, not a digital creator, so watch that journey, too.”
The captain’s videos are all about exploration, wellness, travel, health, and sustainability. So far, the Captain has helped clean up the sea near Indonesia, urging followers to recycle instead of throwing their trash in the oceans. Jason also has his daughter tagging along for some of his adventures, which is fun to see since he often speaks about her in the series. The Bravo star’s videos are addicting, with many finding his breathing videos comforting, too.
Jason Is a Different Type of Leader
If I were planning my next yacht trip, I would absolutely want Captain Jason at the wheel, looking out for me and my drunk friends. Even though Jason has a different leadership style than some other Below Deck captains, it works for him. The father of one is a quiet leader most of the time who watches and analyzes the dynamic of his staff and also hears them out. Captain Jason also is hands-on, not afraid to get his hands dirty or be knocked on his butt by a flying tinder.
Anyone who has ever worked in the hospitality industry knows most management doesn’t like to do the dirty work, and even though Captain Jason may be reluctant at times to wear a bridge smuggler while serving brunch, he does it for the good of his team and the tip, of course. It is hard to find fault with Captain Jason, which is what makes him a fan-favorite amongst viewers. Hopefully, Season 3 will show even more positivity from the captain, with followers crossing their fingers he serves brunch in a budgie just once more.