We’re finally on to Episode 3 of House of Villains and just now seeing who the first boot was. In case you missed it, Omarosa snagged the crown of supervillain of the week in the first episode. She spent the following two weeks wreaking havoc on the house by nominating Jax Taylor, Corinne Olympios, and Shake Chatterjee for banishment. After Shake won the redemption challenge, the cast decided between the remaining two. To nobody’s surprise, Vanderpump Rules‘ No. 1 Guy was tossed overboard (literally), leaving the remaining villains for another week of chaos. Here’s everything else that went down, in our House of Villains Episode 3 recap.
I can see behind your mask

Only a few moments after the first banishment, host Joel McHale popped up with a special guest for the cast. This person was wearing a Halloween-type mask and speaking with a voice decoder. After a few guesses, the cast deciphered they were mingling with a Real Housewives star — and they were right.
The Real Housewives of New Jersey’s OG villain Danielle Staub tossed her mask to the side to share the next challenge’s details with the cast. This one is called “Two-Faced.” The reality stars must get dolled up in their best masquerade attire, mingle in the backyard, and attempt to name as many of their villainous co-stars as possible. Plus, a handful of extras were also thrown in the mix to make the competition harder.
Quite frankly, it was super dull and pretty random. Nothing we’d ever expect from a show called House of Villains featuring the iconic Tiffany “New York” Pollard. However, here we are — watching nothing exciting go on for a solid 10 minutes.
Eventually, the competition ends, and the cast locks in their answers. After a quick tally, the infamous Johnny Bananas is named the winner. And if you know the Bananas man, you know this group is in for a wild ride.
Once the challenge was over, they all hung out for a little, giving Danielle a tour of the mansion. After the former Bravo star wore out her welcome, the HOV crew, such as Tanisha Thomas, Bobby Lytes, and Lady O, were ready for this Jersey girl to get the hell out of their pad. However, due to Danielle’s lack of situational awareness, she lingered a little too long, and everyone sneaked off into their beds — leaving this prostitution who Danielle all alone at 3 a.m.
House of Drama!?

Johnny has to choose two villains to go with him on his “luxurious” reward the following day. He picked two surprising characters. Tanisha, because he trusts her, and Omarosa, because he doesn’t. Plus, he didn’t want to give the Big O a chance to cause destruction while he was away.
New York wasn’t too happy with Johnny’s decision. The day before, the Flavor of Love alum thought she heard JB saying she was too loud and annoying of a cast member to live with. But thanks to the producers and shady editors, we discovered it was all in New York’s head. But since she would believe what she wanted anyway, she gave him a mouthful before storming off in her robe and blacked-out shades.
At the reward, Johnny throws out some names. Of course, Tiff is on his radar for snapping at him. Anfisa Arkhipchenko is also on his radar since she only wanted to join Johnny’s circuit workout when he was in power. And lastly, the Real World legend threw out the idea of a blindside for his third nomination.
Back at the house, Shake cleaned up his pee stains off the shared bathroom toilet after hearing some of his pals chat about how disgustingly unhygienic he is. He also organized the closet, wiped the mirrors down, and tidied up around the sink. He seemed proud of himself. Which makes us wonder what his place looks like back at home. Yuck.
The Love Is Blind star was happy to show the villains his work when they returned. As he’s boasting about the bathroom’s sparkle, Johnny found a letter tucked under his pillow. “How stupid do you think the house is, Bananas? The house is about to turn on you,” it read. Because the handwriting looks feminine (according to the men in the house), it must’ve been Corinne. So they say.
Of course, this occurred right before the next Hit List ceremony. So the house is in flames as The Bachelor villain attempts to find the author of the note. To no avail, she pleads with Johnny. He kept it calm — leading her to believe she was one of his three targets. But is this the art of a blindside?
House of Villains Episode 3 recap: The three nominees are…

As the cast entered The Stronghold, their supervillain fortress, Johnny took his seat while the rest of the cast filed in beside him. He wasted no time getting down to business. His first nominee, New York, was no surprise since she’s kept her foot on his neck for the last two days. “You sabertooth, hammerhead bastard,” she said. “I don’t care what you say because I’m not leaving.”
YES! Clock in, Tiffy! This is what we want to see.
The second person Johnny nominated was Anfisa. Let’s face it: she hasn’t done (or said) much. The appearance fee they’re paying her for this show would’ve been money well spent on a villain who will actually get their hands dirty. “Anfisa, is there anything you’d like to mumble in reply that we can barely hear?” Joel asked her. LOL.
And now, the time has come. Johnny is about to pull off the first blindside of the season, and nobody (except Tanisha and Omarosa) saw it coming. After going on about the note he likely wrote himself, everyone expected Corinne to take her position next to her co-stars. She pleaded once more, but Bananas told her to save it. To her surprise (and everyone around her), Johnny chose the person he’d been gassing up since day one: Bobby.
Buckle up. Because with the messy Bobby Lytes on the block, we could be in store for anything.
Be sure to stop back next week for our recap of Episode 4. In the meantime, catch up on House of Villains on E!, Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET.