Welcome back for another round of The Real Housewives of Potomac! Last week, the ladies ventured to Austin, Texas for the first cast trip of Season 8. They arrived with high hopes of trying to repair their fractured relationships, but that was easier said than done. Conversations of curses and Coppin State stand to derail any progress toward healing.
On The Real Housewives of Potomac Season 8, Episode 6, “Tequila, Texas, and Tears,” the Austin trip continued with a whole lot of unhinged behavior from all of our Housewives. Austin is known for being the weirdo city of Texas, and the Potomac ladies reminded us that if you stay weird, you ain’t gotta get weird. Here’s what went down this week on RHOP.
Nneka and Wendy’s clash continues
This episode picked up right where we left off — with Nneka and Wendy locking horns over their bizarre family feud. Is Wendy’s family Osu? Is there a prayer shrine out there with Nneka’s name on it? Who knows. The whole conflict gets increasingly confusing because so much of what they’re arguing about involves random family members we don’t see on the show.
During their poolside argument, Nneka definitely backed Wendy into a corner with her accusations. So Wendy randomly hit back and accused Nneka of smoking crack. That caught everyone off guard, even watching from home! Between calling Mia slow and now accusing Nneka of being a crackhead, Dr. Wendy’s Season 8 clapbacks have been beyond cringe.
After the fight fizzled out, even Candiace felt the need to console Nneka and offer some compassion. Wendy obviously didn’t appreciate seeing her best friend cross over into enemy territory. But, it was noteworthy that Candiace of all people tried to smooth things over with the newbie.
Later that night, they regrouped for dinner. Everyone got along because they bonded over sex talk. Wendy asked the table, “Who here swallows?”
Going blue is always the best way to get this group on the same page. Robyn shared an example of her gargling noises, and there’s no way that moment isn’t going to become a meme. The good vibes on Night 1 of their trip gave a little glimpse of hope that maybe this Austin trip will help rebuild the group dynamic after all. Maybe if they just keep talking about swallowing, they’ll stop arguing.
Get a bonnet, Robyn

Ashley prepared a super detailed itinerary for this trip. She has an activity planned for every part of the day. She’s one of those kinds of travelers.
For the second day, Ashley wanted the ladies to start their morning with a vagina painting party. She said they could paint a literal anatomical portrait or just an artful interpretation. Ashley explained over and over again how this was supposed to be a helpful exercise for the women, but Karen wasn’t feeling it. Instead, the Grande Dame decided to shift the focus and put Robyn in the hot seat for all of the Juan nonsense that had unfolded in the headlines. Karen criticized Robyn for refusing to divulge information with the entire group.
“I feel like you selectively speak to one pocket of the friendship circle,” Karen shared. “And in doing so, you certainly divide the group.”
Robyn disagreed. How is she the problem when Candiace wakes up and drags her castmates on Twitter every single day? Robyn eventually stood up and put her hands in the air. She’s like, “What else do you want me to do? What do you want me to say?”
Outside of Juan being in hotel rooms, laundromats, and nail salons with random women, he also lost his coaching job and was implicated in a sexual assault blackmail lawsuit at his university. All of those things have to be weighing on Robyn’s mind.
Karen and Candiace want Robyn to either denounce her husband or admit their marriage is open. Neither of those things will happen, and Robyn has made that clear. She doesn’t care what anyone thinks about her relationship, and neither does Juan. The way the women are constantly chasing this storyline feels like they’re just beating a dead horse to a bloody pulp.
In Karen’s confessional, she said that Robyn reminded her of someone living in a polygamist colony, willing to stand by her man no matter what. She said Robyn just needs her bonnet, and she’ll be well on her way to living a Sister Wives lifestyle.
A tale of two outings

Talking about Juan ate up all of the time they were supposed to spend painting vaginas. So, unfortunately, Ashley had to table that activity for another time. For the next part of the day, they splintered off into two groups to either go to a distillery or a cowboy boot store. Breaking down into smaller groups allowed them to dive deeper into all of the drama unfolding in the group.
Nneka, Robyn, Gizelle, and Ashley went to the boot store. Nneka got a chance to talk more about her marriage and her personal life. More importantly, they talked about how Robyn survived yet another confrontation about her marriage. Gizelle and Nneka disagreed with how the ladies tried to weaponize Robyn’s marital issues. Gizelle said it was “disgusting.”
Meanwhile, Mia, Karen, Candiace, and Wendy went to the distillery. For some reason, none of them knew what a distillery was, and they showed up expecting beer and wine. Once they learned what happens at a distillery, they spent time talking about the witchcraft rumors surrounding Wendy’s mom.
During a teary-eyed monologue, Wendy explained how hurt she was by the conversations surrounding her mother. Not only was she feeling defensive about her mom, but she also felt like her Nigerian culture was being put on blast. She claimed that Nneka took the shrinery verbiage out of context. Apparently, Wendy’s mom does pray to shrines, but they’re Catholic shrines and not some spooky voodoo situation.
Wendy’s tears ultimately helped convince Karen and Mia to see this feud from a different perspective. Mia agreed to let it go. There won’t be any more shrine talk coming from Mia, but is Nneka going to let it go?
Legalese at lunch

After the two groups finished their outings, they reconvened for a boozy lunch. Margaritas, Clase Azul, and Coronas made their way to the table, along with some messy conversations. Surely that’s just a coincidence.
This time, it was Ashley in the hot seat. The ladies tried to dig for more information on her divorce from Michael.
Ashley explained that her and Michael’s divorce was still ongoing because they were still working out all of the logistics. She only wants Michael to see the kids every other weekend, and that’s it. On the other hand, he wants to spend more time with his kids. Michael’s name is also on Ashley’s new house. So, to say this divorce is complicated would be an understatement.
When the ladies were chatting about Michael, messy Mia decided to ask Candiace about his $2 million lawsuit against her. Candiace refused to talk. She responded, “I’m not speaking about this in this group.”
Robyn tried to push Candiace to talk about the lawsuit, but that opened up a whole can of worms. She should have just sat there and ate her food. Candiace turned to Robyn and said, “It’s a legal matter, which I think you went against when you spoke about your husband’s legal matter.”
From there, Candiace successfully shifted the conversation away from Michael and back to Juan. Welcome back to the hot seat, Robyn!
Time for a breakdown

At lunch, Candiace and Wendy were both adamant that Juan lost his coaching job because of his alleged Title IX violation and Robyn’s loose lips. Robyn was on the defensive and visibly getting frustrated trying to defend her husband for the thousandth time.
Once they finished lunch, the group had to head to their next activity, Chicken Sh*t Bingo. Apparently, that’s a part of Texas culture we’re not even going to pretend to understand.
During the car ride to bingo, Robyn somehow got stuck in a car with Wendy and Candiace, as if she didn’t deal with them enough at lunch. They continued their conversation about Juan’s lawsuit, and Robyn finally reached her breaking point.
“I feel like trying to imply that something I said had something to do with Juan being fired, it just didn’t feel good to me,” Robyn shared.
Candiace doubled down on her opinion that Robyn shouldn’t have talked about the lawsuit, and Robyn lost it. She started crying and said she felt like the ladies were trying to paint her out to be a villain when she hadn’t done anything to them. Robyn cried, “You don’t need to try to tear me down!”
The episode concluded with a “To Be Continued.” So, next week, we’ll pick back up with Robyn’s tearful backseat breakdown.
The Real Housewives of Potomac continues Sunday nights on Bravo at 8/7c.