I don’t think I’ll ever recover from the greatness that was the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 4 finale. Monica Garcia was exposed as having a hand in running the troll account Reality Von Tease. Jaws were on the floor.
While the Finsta looks to have been primarily dedicated to taking down Jen Shah, Salt Lake City’s core four OGs said that they had all been trolled at some point by the account. That’s not in dispute, but what some viewers seemed to miss was the details surrounding security footage showing a blonde Monica in Meredith Marks‘ store, at the time a clutch was supposedly stolen.
Was Monica the culprit? Here’s what we know.
Was Monica Garcia responsible for stealing a clutch from Meredith’s store?

No, Monica was not the person who stole a clutch from Meredith’s store.
Monica is a lot of things, but Meredith doesn’t think she’s a thief. She actually said as much in the RHOSLC Season 4 finale, but the comment may have been missed due to all of the verbal battery going down across the tables.
“You sought out Jen Shah on social media,” Heather accused of Monica, “and then you worked for her as a blonde named Monica Fowler. And then you got caught on security footage in Meredith’s store when *bleep* stole the clutch.”
So, someone whose name couldn’t be mentioned in the finale – probably because they’d sue the ass off of Bravo – is the suspected thief. Not Monica.
“That wasn’t me,” Monica hit back. “I didn’t fucking steal shit.” Looks like Monica was also confused by the accusations coming her way.
Meredith then jumped in: “You were in my store Monica, it is on my security footage!” That CCTV then flashed up on screen, dated 09-13-2020. A blonde Monica can indeed be seen trotting around right behind Jen.
“I didn’t say I wasn’t in your store. I didn’t steal from you,” Monica replied.
“I’m not accusing you of stealing, but you said ‘this is the first time I have been here,'” came Meredith’s response. A flashback proved that to be the case.
So no, Monica didn’t steal a clutch from Meredith. But she absolutely did lie to her face.
How about Lisa Barlow’s ring?

Monica has also been accused without merit on social media, of stealing Lisa Barlow’s $60,000 ring. They were baseless accusations, and some of the cast actually said it wasn’t something they believed. The ring was lost while Lisa was in an airport bathroom.
“She did have a ring that looks very similar on her hand, but she said it was from Amazon,” Meredith previously said. “I have no reason to believe it. I wasn’t in the bathroom.”
She continued: “I don’t think any of the women actually ever said that. I think there was some rumor that got started online.” Meredith also spoke for the rest of the cast in saying, “I don’t think anyone believes that either.”
Perhaps we’ll find out what Baby Gorgeous herself thinks at the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 4 reunion! That begins Tuesday, January 9, at 8/7c on Bravo.