Who would’ve guessed that a woman whose rise to infamy was propelled by being a Party City-wigged, homewrecking, chain-smoking gold digger might pull shady money moves once her gravy train catastrophically derails? I mean, besides every single one of us.
The Real Housewives of Atlanta and Don’t Be Tardy alum, Kim Zolciak, is being accused of misusing funds that should be reserved for tossing at her and her estranged husband Kroy Biermann’s Mount Everest of money woes. Again. This is shocking to no one.
Kroy claims that Kim transferred joint marital money to her own personal account after they first filed for divorce. This is on the heels of Kroy alleging that Kim was keeping the money she made from selling their stuff on Instagram. Now, Kroy has asked the court to put a stop to Kim’s madness. Radar Online has the details.
Kroy: Kim pocketed money that could pay down our debt

Kroy accuses Kim of making dubious financial maneuvers. He says she transferred money from their joint accounts to her personal coffers shortly after they both filed for divorce in May 2023.
Earlier this week, Kroy said Kim was keeping the cash after selling luxury items online. He argued these funds should be used to settle their many debts. Kim, on the other hand, claimed she was just trying to buy Christmas presents for their poor kids. The best gift for them would finally be getting a damn break.
In a fresh legal move, Kroy filed a “motion to preserve marital assets,” asking the court to halt Kim’s apparent spree of selling off what he believes is their shared property until their divorce is over. He urged the court to clarify the distinction between community property and separate property.
He also wants Kim to pay his legal fees.
The couple has many financial miseries. They include a $1.1 million tax lien from the IRS, lawsuits for unpaid bills, an alleged casino debt, and a court order to pay over $200k for neglecting a case.
Their primary asset, a Georgia mansion, is currently on sale for the slashed price of $5.5 million. But, even their Residence of Regret is on the chopping block as a foreclosure auction looms.
What’s the cost of a time machine that could transport a certain tight-assed NFL retiree back to 2010 where he could skip “Dancing with the Atlanta Stars,” and ultimately, his demise? Asking for Kroy Biermann.
Kim’s on the next season of The Surreal Life, in case you wanted to see her return to reality TV. Meanwhile, Don’t Be Tardy and RHOA are available to stream.