Welcome to the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 4 Reunion, Part 3 recap. Tonight the drama continues. In Part 2, Heather finally admitted that Jen gave her the infamous black eye in San Diego. Allegedly. Tonight she’ll tell us what actually happened and why she supposedly lied about it. Will the ladies ever be able to forgive Monica? Is Monica one-and-done? Here are some of the highlights from the RHOSLC Season 4 Reunion, Part 3.
Who is Reality Von Tease?

“Are you Reality Von Tease?” Andy asks Monica.
“I am part of the page, yes,” she responds. “I did not set up the account, I did not name the account, or open the account.”
“Were you posting things under that handle?” Andy continues. “Did you post as Reality Von Tease?”
Yes, on both counts, your Honor. “Not all of them, but yes.”
“What was the original point of Reality Von Tease?” Andy asked.
“It was to expose Jen,” Monica said. “It was to expose the truth of how she was treating her employees. I honestly feel like that page did not come for any of [the RHOSLC ladies].”
Andy then turns to Heather. “Do you have documentation of things that were posted by this account?”
“That physically hurt me?” Physically, Heather? That’s going a little far. Mentally, okay, but did the words actually physically wound you? Come on.
“Yeah, absolutely,” says Heather says. “They’re still up.”
Monica’s Burn Book

After a lot of circuitous arguing, Monica pulls out a scrapbook with the title “Burn Book RHOSLC.” It looks like a 12-year-old made it. I can’t believe Andy is giving this actual TV time.
Monica’s “amazed” that all the women are pissed off about the things she posted when she was just “quoting Jen and trying to expose how awful she was.” Monica’s definitely missing a sensitivity chip.
Andy asks, “Monica … do you want to be their friend or do you [just] want to be on the show?”
“I think both can be true,” Monica responds. “I genuinely feel bad.”
When Heather objects to Monica’s feelings, she yells back, “What is wrong with me wanting to sit on this couch? You don’t think I belong here?”
“Her plotting to get on the show is not a crime,” Andy says.
The story behind Heather’s infamous black eye

White words on a black screen: “On the morning of April 9, 2022, while on a girls’ trip to San Diego, CA, Heather Gay woke up with a black eye. Crews were not shooting at the time of the incident.”
“Heather, you shocked the world when you claimed that Jen gave you the black eye,” Andy begins. “Tell us how it happened.”
“Honestly, it was a lot of drinking,” she answers. “The next morning, I woke up with the black eye. I knew I’d gotten it from Jen. I didn’t know how, but I knew I’d gotten it from Jen. She was the first person I texted. She came in the room, and she said, ‘Did I give that to you?’ And I said, ‘Don’t worry. I’ll cover.’”
“Why was your inclination, ‘I’m gonna cover for her?’” Andy asks.
“I don’t know. I was scared of her, I think.”
“Were you scared, at that point, cause she was in legal trouble?” Andy follows up.
“I’d been covering for her for three years,” Heather admits. “I was not gonna stop at the black eye … [’cause] I was too scared to say anything … I was still scared to say it at the reunion, and I was still scared to say it in Bermuda. But as I sat there, watching this happen again, I realized that I was contributing.”
“Well, we have some footage to share of San Diego,” Andy says. Really? Something new, I hope? Heather just puts her face in her hands and shakes her head.
The security footage and Heather’s apology tour

Another message pops up on a black screen: “Security footage from Heather’s room was reviewed immediately. The audio was unintelligible. At the time, Jen and Heather both said they were discussing a different topic. [But] Heather now claims this footage shows them discussing the black eye.”
“Did I give that to you?” Heather remembers Jen saying. “I can’t believe I did that to you.”
“I said, ‘Don’t worry about it, I got you,’” Heather repeats. “She was upset. We were both upset.”
“Well, Heather, Jen has continued to deny that she gave you the black eye.”
A screencap of Jen tweeting from jail reads, “Bravo, if I punched Heather in her eye, you guys would have footage to prove it.” I didn’t know you could tweet from prison. Can inmates have phones?
There was also a Bravo shoutout to Reality Tea! Very cool!
“Let me just start by saying I’m sorry,” Heather tells Andy. “I’m sorry to you, I’m sorry to you guys [her co-stars], I’m sorry to the network, I’m sorry to the audience … I knew that it was becoming bigger and more than I could handle. It was a horrible situation … I knew the relentlessness of what would come … It was horrible.”
“You went as far as to lie on your book tour,” Andy mentions. Heather covered up a crime and an assault.
Does Monica deserve grace?

Andy then asks Heather a hard question. “Is the grace that you’re asking of everyone now, the same grace that should be given to [Monica]? … You lied to production, to Bravo, and even at one point said that maybe a producer had done it to you, which is very serious because it puts people’s reputations and jobs at risk. Did you ever go to [Jen] and say, ‘This is getting bigger…’”
“Yeah,” Heather says, “we talked about it a lot … She said, ‘Unless they can show us the footage, we deny.’”
“And did she thank you?” Andy wonders. Oh, Andy. This is Jen Shah we’re talking about.
“No,” Heather scoffed. “Jen Shah? She was never my friend. She pretended to be my friend, and I fell for it. And I will not fall for a pretend friend again. I was a different person then, and I was worried about the retaliation [from social media] … I was a different person when I started this show, and the person who would eat that sh*t then is not gonna do it now.”
Assault and physical abuse

Andy asks Monica what she thinks after hearing Heather’s story.
“Watching that was really hard,” she says. “I do think that Heather and I have gone through it, and maybe Angie … I’m talking about physical abuse from Jen Shah … Angie had a drink poured on her. That, to me, is assault. Heather can hate me all she wants, but you can never deny that she and I went through that same exact trauma. I went about it a different way. She kept it all in, I blurted it all out … I completely understand the fear of retaliation, I literally get phone calls now from people threatening me because I have come out with so much about Jen and my involvement in the Federal trial.”
Andy asks how the women feel about Heather’s decision to hide what Jen did to her. Whitney feels terrible for Heather.
“Knowing who Jen Shah is and what she’s capable of, I know why Heather hid it,” she says. I’m sorry you had to go through all that.”
“I never want that around me again EVER,” Lisa says.
Meredith says, “I understand 100% why Heather did not want to come clean with that … I give her a lot of grace. I really do.”
“I’m so surprised that we are, all this time later, still cleaning up the mess of this person,” Andy says. “[She] really had such a chokehold on everybody. If she’s watching this, you would say what to her?”
“I would say, I’m no longer your bitch,” Heather responds. “I regret believing in you, I regret fighting her fight, I regret disrespecting my children, my family and my opportunity here.” Heather admits she’s glad Jen’s in prison cause she might not have the courage to say all this otherwise.
Is there forgiveness for Monica?

Observing that Jen Shah pushed a lot of people to do things they wouldn’t ordinarily do, Andy asks if there’s any grace for Monica?
Even though she appreciates what Monica said, Heather says, “The way that you handled it and the way that it affected me and the way you came in today, it hurt me more and it didn’t resolve anything for me.”
They all agree that it was a great season. “So knowing all those good things that happened,” Andy adds, “is it too insurmountable for you guys to move on as a group? That’s the question. We may not answer it today. You all may need a little bit of time.”
“What would Monica have to say to you guys to make this okay?” Andy wants to know. Did Andy sign a multi-year contract with Monica? He seems to want everyone to forgive her and move on. He’s pushing pretty hard for redemption. Does Monica have dirt on Andy in her Burn Book?
None of the ladies is ready to forgive Monica and move on. Nobody trusts her at this point. How can anybody be her friend when there’s no trust?
All seasons of Real Housewives of Salt Lake City are now streaming on Peacock.