RHOSLC's Whitney Rose and Meili Workman
Photo by: @meiliworkman via Instagram

Possible New RHOSLC Star Meili Workman Causes Concern With Past Social Media Posts

If the rumors are true that The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City is bringing on Meili Workman as a new Housewife, Bravo must be reeling right now in light of her past Facebook comments. Of course, Bravo could’ve done their due diligence in finding these beforehand. So, it begs the question of whether they make a difference to her rumored position on RHOSLC.

In general, it should come as no surprise that corporations could be willing to flip beliefs on a dime depending on what’s good for profits. Take Disney, the corporation that fired Gina Carano for her terrible political takes, only to now seemingly blame progressive ideology for the failings of their recent movies (I promise this is relevant).

Carano’s recently taken up a lawsuit against Disney for wrongful termination. However, political beliefs have never been part of Title VII, and the lawsuit likely won’t change that. So, what does that say for Meili and her future with Bravo, assuming the rumors are true? Well, take a look at the severity of her comments below.

Meili’s deleted comments on abortion, sexuality, and gender

In a post on the Real Housewives subreddit, u/heuwuo uncovered some controversial Facebook comments from Meili. The first said, “I don’t think children know they are transgender.” The second was a response to a comment that said, “Abortion is murder, [100] percent.” Meili responded, “agreeeee.”

In the third comment, Meili wrote, “sexual orientation is attributed to BOTH nature & nurture.” Yikes. Redditors did not hold back their criticisms, with one user writing, “Based on previous and current casting she’ll fit right in!” Another similarly commented, “She must be a friend of Ted Cruz donater Lisa Barlow.”

Attempting to access the comments now results in a page that says, “This content isn’t available right now.” Hm. Telling, no? Unfortunately for Meili, she realized her opinions were trash and uneducated a little too late.

That said, one commenter wrote, “I’m so exhausted by people trying to dig dirt on everyone pre-season. I don’t watch Housewives for sound political opinions or role models. If they say these things on camera, that’s one thing. But these are years old facebook posts, can we stop trying to tank this show?”

This commenter went on, “For the record – I am LGBT and vehemently disagree with these opinions, but at a certain point – we have to acknowledge we can’t control everyone in the world’s point of view. Especially in Utah, what are we really expecting?”

As a Utah native who’s tired of this, I say hold her feet to the fire! No more complacency, please. Platforming people like this is a slippery slope, even if they don’t share their beliefs on camera.