Meri Brown is Single, Again. Here’s What Went Wrong

Photo credit: T:C/YouTube

Not surprisingly, Meri Brown of Sister Wives has found herself single yet again. Throughout her time on the TLC series, fans have watched the mother of one be ignored, a cheater, and then Kody Brown’s sidekick until their divorce. It was clear for the last few years, Kody wanted nothing to do with his first wife, as he gave her little credit or respect.

Meri had hoped that she could win him back if she just stuck close enough. But she couldn’t, and Meri officially became a single woman in January 2023. Since then, she has preached about self-love and finally found herself a new man, but the relationship didn’t last long and was over in the blink of an eye. 

Worthy Up

Meri Brown/Instagram

Meri found herself taking her own advice as she chucked her new boyfriend, Amos Andrews, out into the cold after he went from a hero to a zero. It appears Meri had to face up to some hard truths about her new beau that took her four months to see.

In an Instagram post, she shared with fans, “Just because I care a lot about someone, and him me, does not equate to full compatibility for a long-term relationship. When we have different dreams and aspirations, different communication styles and values, different visions for our futures, and these things aren’t aligning, it’s then that we need to make hard decisions.”

Followers knew where this soliloquy was headed as the former polygamist tried to coat her bad news in sugar, but in the end, it was still bad news. Meri always does this. She attempts to come across as some life guru when she forgets followers saw how her life went with Kody.

The TLC star signed off with words of encouragement, saying, “It’s only in the dating process that you can come to these realizations; that’s what living and dating is all about. When the time is right for me, I will dip my toes into this process again.”

Meri’s Beau Was Sketchy
Meri Brown/Instagram

Amos was no spring chicken and gave off a bad-boy reputation. Fans quickly learned that Amos had married four times previously, and none of them ended well. Four marriages and four divorces felt like a major red flag, especially since Meri believed in the sacrament of marriage so much that she let her ex-husband sleep with three other women. It also didn’t help our view of Amos when we learned he refused to pay child support. The man just gave off a sketchy vibe, and I couldn’t kick the feeling that he may have been clout-chasing.

There have been whisperings that Amos knew exactly who Meri was and stayed in her Lizzie’s Heritage B&B before hoping to have an organic meet-cute. Knowing Meri, she probably thought this man was very interested in her, not realizing he could have been a predator trying to get his 15 minutes of fame.

Clearly, their break had to do with his misdeeds, as Meri noted. It’s a strange and sad thing to care about someone so deeply, to look beyond their past, because heaven knows we all have one, to see the kindness in their eyes and their giving heart.”

Meri’s Demise 

Meri Brown/Instagram

Meri had only recently announced her courtship with Amos, and the whole video felt gross. She was talking to her Instagram fans in January while heavily filtered as she gushed over her boyfriend. But she took some heavy backlash because the move felt very calculated. Meri was already trying to use her good news to boost her followers and IG live views. It was clear Amos was all for it since he thought he would become famous, too. Their interactions on camera felt forced, and all I could think was, “Is their sex this awkward, too?” 

However, in true Meri spirit, the mother of one took to her IG to blame fans for their breakup, noting, “Y’all went crazy, and you had to dig into everything. Everything. Make stuff up, find truth, merge them together, make these crazy stories, and try to make somebody look bad.” Only Meri would describe her break up as a “bummer,” ending the saga by saying, “He’s a good person; we’re just not each other’s long-term person.” God to be a fly on the wall during that breakup.