The Below Deck franchise has definitely had its fair share of plot lines that rock the boat and keep viewers talking long after the seasons end. It’s a show that follows the drama among both the seasonal crew and its charter guests on a yacht sailing in beautiful places – we’re not sure how it could not be interesting!
However, there are certainly some Below Deck moments that shocked fans more than others. Let’s explore the most shocking moments in Below Deck history.
The Consent Scandal (and Consequent Firings) in Below Deck Down Under

In Below Deck Down Under Season 2, bosun Luke Jones drunkenly climbed into Margot Sisson’s bunk one night without consent (while appearing to be completely naked, as viewers will unfortunately remember). Viewers were relived when fan favorite Captain Jason Chambers fired Luke for sexual misconduct.
However, Luke’s fellow crew member Laura Bileskalne seemed to take Luke’s side in the matter, saying he shouldn’t have been fired. She also made several victim-blaming comments about Margot. Yikes! Captain Chambers then fired Laura as well. Viewers were both shocked by the incident and glad to see Captain Chambers taking action against both Luke and Laura.
Ashton Pienaar Falling Overboard

Ashton Pienaar from Below Deck Seasons 6 and 7 worried viewers everywhere when he fell overboard the boat. For a minute, it looked pretty scary. Ashton’s foot got caught in the line used to tow the yacht tender. With his foot caught in the rope, he was thrown overboard and dragged along. All while he attempted to keep his head above water.
With the help of his fellow shipmates, the camera crew and Captain Lee Rosbach, Ashton was able to get rescued and pulled ashore. Because the incident looked for a moment like it could have been fatal, viewers were on the edge of their seat while watching it play out onscreen. Fans all breathed a sigh of relief when Ashton was safe (as did we!)
Hannah Ferrier Getting Fired for Pharmaceutical Possession

Lots of Below Deck Mediterranean fans were furious Captain Sandy Yawn fired Hannah Ferrier for having her alleged anxiety medication on the yacht with her. When Malia White discovered that Hannah had Valium onboard, she reported her to Captain Sandy. Hannah allegedly had a vape pen in her possession as well, which she claimed was legal in Spain, and therefore she thought it should have been fine given their location.
However, it was apparently not fine, and Sandy consequently fired Hannah, citing maritime law. Sandy explained that Hannah would have needed to register her medication beforehand. Both Hannah and various Below Deck viewers thought that perhaps Captain Sandy was looking for a reason to get rid of the crew member, and therefore simply found something to do it over.
Captain Sandy has since said that the firing was not personal. She explained that if she allowed the crew member to remain on board with medication without registering it first, she could have lost her job. Regardless, this remains one of the most shocking moments and firings of the Below Deck franchise.
Lexi Wilson’s Hot Tub Fiasco

Second stew Lexi Wilson was at the center of one of the most dramatic fights ever to be seen. It all went down in Below Deck Mediterranean. Viewers knew things were about to go south when Lexi announced one episode that she would no longer be acting “nice.” She then she threatened to strangle chef Mathew Shea.
Later on in the episode, the yacht crew decides to play Truth or Dare in a hot tub. We challenge our readers to think of one time in history that this scenario has ever ended well. This was no exception. During the game, Lexi started lashing out at the crew and calling them names. And, she even forcefully put her breasts in Lloyd Spencer’s face.
But Lexi wasn’t done. She continued to scream at everyone, insulting the whole crew, and she even shoved Mzi Dempers across the galley. The whole situation was truly one of the craziest altercations on the Below Deck franchise.
Below Deck Season 11 continues Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo.