Below Deck Season 11, Episode 6 Recap: Barbie Does All the Work

Below Deck Season 11, Episode 6 recap
Photo: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo via Getty Images

Welcome back for Below Deck Season 11, Episode 6. In this week’s episode, titled “Love Me Tender,” Captain Kerry gives Cat an eFoil lesson to lift her spirits while the obnoxious charter guests do their best to consume all the alcohol on the yacht. Jared is still stressed about being unable to contact his daughter and gets called out for doing a horrible job calling distances during docking. Finally, drunk Jared bullies Kyle so loudly late at night that the captain gets woken up, and he’s not happy about it. Here are the highlights from Below Deck Season 11, Episode 6.

“We’re the assholes”

Photo Credit: Bravo via YouTube

Jared reports to Captain Kerry about Eileen. He says she “fell off the jacuzzi last night.” She didn’t fall off the jacuzzi. She slipped and bashed her head into the side of the jacuzzi. Probably gave herself a concussion. It was shocking.

“She’s a liability,” Jared says.

“We need to keep an eye on her,” Captain says. “If they want to have a drink, that’s fine, but they’re not getting on the ski. Something goes wrong, then we’re the assholes.”

Later, Cap asks Barbie for more details on Eileen’s accident.

“I didn’t actually see [it happen]. She didn’t look injured, [but] she was very, very wobbly. I had to escort her all the way to her room. I know that I need to cut her off [from alcohol], but I don’t know how to gauge that.”

“You can give her a drink with very little alcohol in it,” Cap suggests. “But if it’s in a place where you’re uncomfortable, just come get me.”

“Well, today they’re a lot better,” Barbie says. It’s early yet, Barbie. They’ve got hours of drinking ahead of them.

Captain offers Cat eFoil lessons to lighten her mood

Photo: Bravo

Captain Kerry offers to teach Cat and Barbie to use the eFoil when they have time.

“Cat’s not fitting in,” he interviews. “She seems quite sensitive, and … like something’s going on with her … When I’m having a tough day … I jump on the eFoil. That’s my meditation.”

“I want to give her an opportunity to actually get away from the boat,” he adds, “and get back up to full capacity.”

“You good with that?” Cap asks Barbie, making sure she can manage without Cat out while the guests are away.

“Absolutely,” Barbie says. “She really needs that salt water.”

“We’ll get you in next,” he says.

“I can’t. It’ll ruin my hair and makeup.”

Barbie tells Cat, “That’ll be so refreshing for you.” I hope it helps her mood and her energy.

Barbie explains, “Cat’s therapy is salt water. This is just one of those moments when I have to be the bigger person.”

After dropping the guests at the beach, Cap’s ready to take Cat out. She has the biggest smile. This is the medicine she’s been needing.

Cat’s a natural. She has a longboard at home. She actually manages to get the board up on the foil but quickly loses her balance and takes a nosedive into the water.

“Yeah!” Cap yells. “Nice one!”

On the boat, Barbie’s doing “all the work,” and she’s not happy about it. She tells Kyle, “I want to jump off the boat and go home.”

When Cat returns, she radios Barbie, “I’m back. I just need to change, and you should take a break.”

But Barbie says there’s just too much work to take a break. That’s boat life. You work until it’s done. Sometimes, there are no breaks.

Jared’s a stress case

Photo: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Jared’s still struggling to contact his daughter due to the poor cell service. It’s really stressing him out. He hasn’t talked to her for two weeks now.

“Being a good father is important to me cause I’ve got a great father,” he says. “I know a lot of people who grew up without a father, and they’re hurt … I want my daughter to be strong and to have support, somebody she can rely on.”

Pulling into the port, Jared is distracted. He’s not giving the captain the information he needs to safely dock the boat. Jared’s stuttering and calling erratic distances. He’s making the deck crew nervous, and the Captain’s frustrated.

“For f*ck’s sake,” Kerry grumbles.

“I am f*cking pissed,” Cap interviews, once docking is complete. After the guests have departed, he radios for Jared to come to the bridge.

Jared tells Kerry, “I feel great, man, honestly.” Omg, he thinks he did a good job when everybody else thinks he sucked. Plus, he called the captain “man.” Not cool.

Cap gives him the steely, blue stare before saying, “So, um, if I get the information, I can do something with it. If I’m on the starboard wing, I don’t need starboard distance.”

“I’m so sorry,” Jared says.

“I think Jared lacks self-awareness,” Captain interviews. “You can say sorry for something, but don’t continue it. It’s only a f*ck-up if you can’t learn from it. And I’m getting a lot of f*ck-ups … I don’t know if this guy’s got what it takes.”

“Where it f*cked me up is when I have to ask for things that I need,” he tells the Bosun. “Calls weren’t enough … There’s a lot of things happening here. So give me [better communication].”

“Okay,” Jared responds. “It’s crystal clear. Thanks, Captain.”

Are we running out of booze?

Photo: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

One of the guests asks, “How are we doing on the Tito’s [vodka], Barbie?”

“We’re good on Absolut and Grey Goose at this point,” she answers.

“I like how she answers the question without answering the question,” Rich snarks. Fraser’s right. These guests are insufferable. “That’s sales.”

“Barb doesn’t do sales,” Eileen slurs.

“I sold golf balls at a golf course,” Barbie offers.

“Why did you have that horrible job?” Eileen asks. Rude!

“I sold hair straighteners at the mall,” Barbie adds.

“You have really been rock bottom,” Eileen says. What an asshole she is. Young people have all kinds of sh*tty jobs before they find their way. My first job was at the candy counter at Montgomery Wards. I also worked at a movie theater for two years in college. I got to see all the movies and eat free popcorn.

“You literally can’t put a sentence together,” Barbie observes to herself about Eileen. “You hit rock bottom, not me.”

“That was painful,” she mutters on her way back to the kitchen.

Don’t wake up the Captain

Photo: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

Following a boozy night out, the crew’s getting ready for the hot tub, while Jared’s still chugging Coronas. Wow, that boy can drink.

Unfortunately, all the noise wakes the captain, who’s trying to sleep. Now they’re in trouble. Barbie promises to ask everyone to keep it down. It’s Kyle who has the voice that carries. He’s just loud.

When Jared notices Kyle’s cigarette ashes on the deck, he makes him clean it up right away. Kyle sweeps everything up and then says he’ll take it all downstairs. Jared doesn’t hear him go and thinks he’s just left without cleaning up. So drunk Jared goes downstairs to give Kyle a scolding.

When he finds Kyle lying in his bunk, he throws Kyle’s pipe tobacco pouch on his stomach and yells at him for getting tobacco all over the deck. He says it had better be cleaned up right away. Kyle says he’ll get up at 4 a.m. and clean.

“This is pissing me off,” Jared says. “I gotta have a chat with you. Now.”

Sitting in the crew mess, their voices disturb the captain, and here he comes again.

“What’s going on in here?” he asks. “I hear you two decks up. I’m trying to sleep.”

Jared looks like a deer in the headlights.

Below Deck continues Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo.