It goes without saying that 90 Day Fiancé is full of iconic couples that fans love to watch (or hate-watch). However, romantic couples aren’t the only well-known pairs in the show. The popular reality series has also featured other dynamic duos that keep fans tuning in season after season, such as iconic pairs of siblings, friends, or parents and children.
As you know, 90 Day Fiancé and all of its spinoffs follow international couples and their journey to share a life in one of their home countries. While watching each couples’ journey, viewers get to know each star’s parents as well. Some of the cast members have pretty quirky relationships with their parents, making them interesting to watch, to say the least. Let’s take a look at some of 90 Day Fiancé’s most iconic parent-child duos below.
Colt and Debbie Johnson
Vegas resident Colt Johnson originally appeared on 90 Day Fiancé season 6 alongside his then-partner Larissa Santos Lima. The two were married for less than a year. During this time they had many tumultuous fights, many of which involved Colt’s mother, Debbie Johnson.
Colt and Debbie lived together and were basically inseparable. Debbie didn’t seem to want Colt to have a relationship or a life away from her. Many fans thought this was unhealthy. Debbie even worked to break up Colt’s relationship with Jess Caroline because she thought he should date Vanessa Guerra instead. Now Vanessa is his wife.
Colt’s father Harley died when he was a teenager. Debbie had been alone since then and heavily depended on her son. So viewers understood why the two were so close even if they didn’t think it was healthy. Colt is married now and Debbie has found love with a Canadian man named Tony. But Colt and Debbie remain one of the most well-known parent and child duos to ever have appeared on the franchise because of their unique dynamic.
Brandon and Betty Gibbs
In 90 Day Fiancé season 8, viewers met Brandon Gibbs and his parents, Betty and Ron. They all lived together on their family farm. When Brandon’s Russian fiancé, Julia Trubkina came to live with them, both of Brandon’s parents had a lot of rules for the couple, but especially Betty. Fans still remember when Betty made an appointment for Julia to get on birth control on Julia’s behalf and tried to dictate which day they had their wedding.
Although Julia did not appreciate Betty’s meddling, Brandon often sided with his mom and did not seem to mind her inventions. Viewers found similarities between Brandon and his mom and noticed a close “Colt and Debbie”-esque relationship between them.
Julia wanted to move out out of the farm once she and Brandon got married, but Betty was heavily opposed, and Brandon didn’t seem to want to live far from his mother, either. The family featured in 90 Day Diaries season 5, during which time viewers learned that Brandon and Julia had finally moved, but during the season, Brandon gave a key to their new house to Betty for Christmas without asking his wife first. It’s safe to say that Brandon and Betty are a pretty dynamic team.
Natalie and Nelia Mordovtseva
When viewers first met Natalie Mordovtseva and her mom, Nelia, in 90 Day Fiancé Season 7, they could tell the mother and daughter pair were close. However, it wasn’t until the duo appeared on 90 Day: The Single Life Season 5 that fans learned just how iconic this duo is.
One thing that viewers noticed immediately about Natalie was her obsession with having kids as soon as possible, which is something that put a strain on her relationship with Mike Youngquist. Ukrainian woman Natalie is no longer with Mike, and was casually seeing a man named Josh in 90 Day: The Single Life Season 5. Natalie moved from Florida to LA to be closer to Josh, and seemed to expect him to find her a house and a job, which baffled both Josh and fans until Natalie moved her mother to LA.
Natalie’s mother Nelia seemed to have the same expectations for a partner as Natalie did, and also was upset Josh didn’t find them somewhere to live. Viewers also realized how much Nelia pressures Natalie to have children, providing some insight into why Natalie acts the way she does. The mother/daughter duo is not only very close but also very similar people, which fans are seeing in the Single Life.
Kim and Jamal Menzies
In 90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days Season 5, fans were introduced to Kimberly Menzies and her son, Jamal Menzies. Fans initially thought Jamal was very mature, and applauded him when he comforted his mother at the Tell-All. This mother and son duo speak to each other in a playful manner, and were favorites on “Pillow Talk.” Viewers haven’t really been Jamal’s fan since he started dating Veronica Rodriguez, but Jamal and Kim remain one of the most iconic parent and child duos in the 90 Day Fiancé universe.