Welcome back to Below Deck Season 11, Episode 14. In this week’s episode, titled “Disappointing Daddy,” Barbie decides she likes Kyle and is all in, despite how her father may feel. Fraser has issues with the new chef while also having a crush on a charter guest. After a night out drinking, Sunny is convinced that Ben likes her again and agrees to sleep with him, even though he broke up with her the day before. Here are some of the highlights from Below Deck Season 11, Episode 14.
Lovers reconcile

In the last episode, Ben broke up with Sunny. The next morning, he says, “Good morning.” She won’t even look at him. This is going to make for a tough work environment.
“I definitely feel a little bit more awkward working [together],” Sunny interviews. “I’m trying to pretend like everything’s fine. It’s a little difficult, I gotta say.”
Meanwhile, in the laundry, Kyle checks in on Barbie. “All right?” he asks, rubbing her back.
“Not really,” she answers.
In an interview, she adds, “I’m from Argentina. It’s more of a conservative world. My family, they’re all very modest, and [sleeping with Kyle] is not a modest thing to do. I’m close to my family … I respect my father. My father’s opinion matters — highly … But I’m an adult, and I like [Kyle], and he likes me. There’s nothing bad about what I’m doing with Kyle. He’s a good guy.” I just hope she can let go of the guilt and live her life.
Kyle tells Ben he talked to Barbie, and everything’s okay. Ben says, “I just [told her] you’ve got to talk to Kyle. She can’t be making this dude feel like sh*t when he’s been nothing less than a f*cking gentleman.” So Ben’s taking all the credit for Kyle and Barbie talking again? What an ego.
“I like Barbie a lot,” Kyle interviews. “I just don’t really know where I stand at the moment … You’re a woman grown, right? So why not make a go at it? Maybe worth a bit more than what her f*ckin’ dad thinks about it, you know?”
It’s Barbie’s life

Barbie calls home on her break and talks to her sister. “Try not to be a massive bitch about what I’m about to tell you,” Barbie says. “I have this guy, his name’s Kyle. He’s pretty much been my rock throughout the whole thing … Me and him have become a thing.”
“What is a thing?” her sister asks. “You know Dad has standards with that kind of stuff. Like, we can’t just … you know what I mean?”
Barbie admits that it’s been hard for her, “knowing I’m letting Dad down.”
“Well, you should have thought of that before,” her sister says. “[But] it is what it is, right?”
“Yeah, I’m gonna disappoint Dad,” Barbie says. “But at least I’m being myself. And being myself is I like this guy … He’s really, really nice to me.”
“At the end of it, the person that’s gotta live with your decisions is you,” her sis concludes.
Okay, good talk. I’m glad to hear that Barbie understands that she still loves and respects her dad, but it’s her life. She’s the one who’s got to live it.
Fraser’s got a crush

Charter guest Steven has a little crush on Fraser, and it’s obviously mutual. Everyone’s teasing him about proposing to Fraser at midnight (it’s fake New Year’s!).
“Are you gonna get down on one knee?” Barbie asks from the bar. “Cause I would love this love story — or at least a New Year’s kiss.”
“Steven, what do you look like down on your knees?” one of the female guests asks innocently.
Fraser, who just came in a moment earlier, laughs, “Yeah, what do you look like down on your knees, Steven?” Naughty boy!
“That escalated quickly,” Steven says.
Meanwhile, in the crew mess, Barbie’s teasing Fraser about brushing his teeth before midnight so he can give Steven a New Year’s kiss. As he sends her off to decorate for the party, she says, “And you have to hook up with somebody at twelve.”
“Barbie, please don’t do this,” Fraser says. “I will try to fire you again,” which makes her laugh.
Fraser knocks on Captain Kerry’s office door. “How are you, Cap? There are malicious rumors about a guest who would like to have a New Year’s Eve kiss with one of the crew. What are your thoughts on that?”
“The crew shouldn’t have to do any of that,” Captain says. “To me, that’s sexual harassment.”
“And if the crew member was really actually keen?” Fraser responds. “Then it’s fine?”
“So, if it’s a New Year’s kiss and that’s it, yeah,” he agrees.
“Thanks, Cap,” Fraser says happily.
“I have been single now for about five years,” Fraser interviews. “I think I’ve lost my game, and by, ‘I think,’ I mean I’m pretty certain of it. The fact that I can’t even be seen by this guy without feeling exposed means that I’ve lost it,” he giggles.
Tough time with the new chef

Chef Nick’s food is good, but Fraser isn’t happy with his presentation. He urged Paris to suggest a little garnish on the plate to show off the food, but he’s being stubborn. He claims the primary doesn’t want any oil, so he can’t use even a few drops of olive oil.
“I am quite shocked,” Fraser interviews. “The presentation is horrific, [but the guests] aren’t complaining about it. I think the experience of getting onto a superyacht is so overwhelming and so magical that maybe these things can be [overlooked]. But you know what, I love the “or not” because if you were [complaining], I’d be worse off. So, thank you.”
In the kitchen, just as the captain walks by, Paris asks the chef, “Have you got garnish, ’cause your plates have been lacking garnish?” Kerry raises an eyebrow ’cause he heard that.
“Yeah, it does need garnish,” he agrees. But he doesn’t appreciate being critiqued by a stew.
“Twenty-two years of being a chef,” he interviews. “How old is she? She was still sh*tting the bed when I was f*cking [already] a chef. If there’s anything wrong with the food, it falls on me anyway. So, my last say is the law. Get back to cleaning some sinks and maybe scrub a toilet.” Yikes. So sensitive!
Fraser gets his New Year’s kiss
Finally, midnight approaches. Fraser calls the crew to the aft deck for the countdown. He passes out sparklers to the guests, and they count down. “Five, four, three, two, one. Happy New Year!” Where’s Guy Lombardo when you need him?
Fraser tells Paris, “I’m gonna give my husband a kiss.” He walks over and gives Steven his New Year’s kiss. Everybody cheers!
“I was actually hoping for a bit more!” he tells Barbie afterward.
But later in his cabin, Fraser gets a text from Steven, “Really sleeping in your room or is that a hard no?”
Sadly, Fraser texts back, “Very unfortunately, it is a fireable offense, sir.”
“Yeah, I had a feeling,” Steven responds.
“However, it would have been a great start to a New Year,” Fraser replies. “Nitey night, handsome. Sleep well.”
The next morning, Xandi’s cleaning up and finds Steven’s discarded shirt from the night before. She picks it up, and Fraser says, “Babe, that’s a guest’s shirt. You can’t just take it.”
When she sniffs it, Fraser grabs it and says, “Stop smelling my man, you bitch!” She giggles.
Next, we see Fraser wearing Steven’s shirt over his St. David polo, rolling up the sleeves as he narrates, “At the stroke of midnight, two young, gorgeous boys held each other for an embrace.”
“Oh, my God, he’s here,” he tells Xandi. Fraser strikes a pose and then says, “Good morning! Just got my boyfriend’s shirt on. I’m sorry, that’s yours, isn’t it? How did you sleep? Can I get you anything?”
Fraser scurries off to make a mimosa for his “husband-to-be.”
The battle of the garnishes

Fraser’s still trying to get Nick to put garnish on the plates. “Maybe just some parsley or cherry tomatoes cut in half?”
“So tacky, mate,” Nick insists stubbornly.
“Shut up about f*cking garnishes, honestly,” he says in a confessional. “I mean, you’ve got these guys, and they’re influencers. I guess they got Yelp.” Dumbsh*t, Yelp is for the general public to rate businesses, not influencers. Stay in your lane.
When Fraser places his breakfast orders, he asks for a crepe with chocolate filling.
“If I was on a superyacht,” Nick says, “and I would ask for crepes, I’d have my crepes how I want it … I’d do a ramekin of chocolate, a ramekin of maple syrup … ”
“I think if we’re doing it special for her, we should do chocolate,” Fraser says as the captain walks by a couple of times, listening to their conversation.
“I think it’s a better idea, mate, sorry,” Chef says. He’s stubborn about doing things his way.
“She said ‘yes’ to chocolate,” Fraser reminds him.
“Oh, she said yes to chocolate,” Nick replies. “Then that’s fine, mate.”
“Not in a good place with the chef,” Fraser says in a confessional. “He doesn’t want to take any advice, he doesn’t listen … I hate it.”
“I’m not going to talk about him anymore,” he tells Xandi, “but, like, what the f*ck.”
In the kitchen, Chef Nick feels the tension. “F*ck my life,” he says.
Fraser on the carpet

After the guests leave, Kerry calls Fraser to the bridge. “I just want to catch up with you, man,” he says. “It’s a whole new environment with Nick.”
“I’m just very underwhelmed with [his] food,” Fraser says. “There is zero presentation.’”
“It feels to me,” Kerry says, “like you don’t want to be as helpful as you were with Anthony.” He’s so wrong about this. Nick doesn’t anyone’s input.
“[He] doesn’t want to communicate with me,” Fraser interviews. “[He’s] not allowing me to work with him … I don’t know what to do. Chef’s the problem, not me.” He needs to ask the captain to talk to Paris. She feels the same way.
“He’s not friendly,” Fraser says. “Everything’s approached with, ‘Nope, we do it my way or no way.’”
“It’s gonna take him a moment,” Kerry adds. “We need to support him through it … I agree with you. The food is not presented as well. But these guests were happy with it, all right? So, this next charter, see if you can do better.”
“I’m very grateful for your guidance,” Fraser concludes. “Thank you.”
Crew night out
At the crew night out, Fraser gets a message from Steven asking if they can get together. “Should I not do it?” he asks Paris.
“No, you should do it,” she says. “We’re going to a club.”
Ben comes over and puts his arms around Sunny. “Dude, that’s so f*cking confusing,” she interviews. “What are you doing? What does this mean?” It means he’s horny, girl.
When Steven shows up at the club, Fraser tells him, “I’m literally obsessed with you.” Oh, my. Fortunately, Steven feels the same, and they start making out. Get a room!
“I don’t know what the future is between Steven and I,” Fraser interviews. “It’s the first time I’ve had a crush on someone in a long time [that] they’ve actually felt similarly towards me … It’s quite exciting.”
Meanwhile, Barbie and Kyle seem more comfortable together and are openly making out. “I’m not gonna hold back with Kyle tonight,” she says. “The public affection is new for me. But I’m trying to be more open. Feels good.”
Back at the boat, Ben grabs Sunny and kisses her. “Sharing a bed with me?” he asks. He only wants to get laid, Sunny. Don’t fall for it.
“Mm-hmmm, sure,” she says. I give up.
“Tonight, Ben and I were flirting back and forth,” she interviews. “There was fire, there’s chemistry. So, why not?” Because he’s a loser who dumped you for Camille. Have some pride.
But Barbie’s on board with Sunny sleeping with Ben tonight since she wants to have her own sleepover with Kyle. “Okay!” Barbie says.
Below Deck, Season 11 continues Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo.