Welcome to the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 7 recap. Last week, Angie’s 25th Anniversary party turned into the Red Wedding. Lisa was hurt that Angie “criticized” her parenting. Heather confronted Bronwyn about meddling in the relationship between her and Angie. Lisa threatened to sue everyone over accusations that she spread rumors about Whitney’s jewelry business. And just when Britani tried to move on with another guy, Jared showed up at Angie’s party. Keep reading to see exactly what went down in the RHOSLC Season 5, Episode 7: “The Huzzbands.”
What happened in Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 7?

In this week’s episode, Whitney’s husband, Justin, and Lisa’s husband, John, have lingering resentment about getting pulled into the women’s fight at Angie’s anniversary party, but Justin balks when John thinks he should apologize to Lisa. Angie questions Heather’s loyalty to her. Bronwyn invites Heather to her home to try to repair their relationship before the girls’ trip, but it goes left. Here are some of the highlights from RHOSLC Season 5, Episode 7.
Angie’s Mafia Anniversary Party (Part 2)

At Angie’s anniversary party, last week’s drama between Whitney and Lisa continues. The fight escalates when Lisa runs over to Justin and tells him his wife’s a liar. Of course, he reacts to this and responds, “Don’t call my wife a f*cking liar!”
This provokes Lisa’s husband, John, to call out to Justin, “Don’t say the F-word to my wife!” Why not, John? Lisa uses that word herself all the time.
“What Lisa just did by charging at my husband,” Whitney interviews, “is wildly inappropriate … She’s trying to incite the husbands into this drama.”
Trying to change the mood, Angie announces that Mary will do a blessing for her marriage. But when the fight continues, Angie says, “I need you all to take a deep breath. My daughter’s here.” And she continues with the blessing.
As Mary begins to pray, she asks everyone to join hands with “someone you love,” specifically asking Lisa to join hands with Whitney. Nice try, Mary, but that’s not happening. Oh! But then it does. Does Mary have superpowers we’re not aware of?
Even so, Whitney and Justin decide to leave shortly afterward just to let tempers cool off. Angie’s Mafia party almost lived up to its name. I’m surprised no one got whacked.
The next morning, Justin is in his and Whitney’s kitchen pouring a brand-new bottle of Vida Tequila down the sink. “If they’re not gonna support us,” he says, “then why would we support them?”
Bronwyn plans a couples’ trip to Palm Springs on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City

Okay, y’all, Bronwyn is funnier than I initially thought she was. Her husband travels a lot, which she says gives her an opportunity to do her favorite thing: picking him up at the airport wearing a costume.
Cue the montage of Bronwyn moving through the terminal as a shark, a frog, a mushroom, a pig, a panda, and many more. Poor, long-suffering Todd looks resigned when he spots his wife waiting for him, but Bronwyn thinks it keeps things “spicy” in their marriage. It is funny.
Bronwyn’s first date with Todd was at a racetrack. He had made arrangements for her to ride in a car with Mario Andretti (Google him), but all she wanted to do was meet Arie Luyendyk Jr., who Todd calls “that guy from The Bachelor.” There’s your generation gap right there.
To celebrate their anniversary, she wants to take all the women and their husbands on a couples’ trip to the Indy Race near Palm Springs, California. She decides not to invite Britani since she’s single and messy. She’s also “on the fence” about Heather since they’ve never really clicked. As she tells Whitney and Angie later, “Heather stirs the pot, and then later denies that she does.” Whoa! Bronwyn’s got Heather nailed already.
Angie brings a bottle of wine to Mormon Family Night

Britani’s hosting a Mormon Family Night at her home. Angie shows up with a bottle of wine. Um, hello? Does Angie really not know that Mormons don’t (officially) drink?
“To walk into Mormon Family Night with a bottle of wine is just so inappropriate,” Britani says in a confessional.
“Look, I’ve seen Britani stuffing down wine at every event I’ve been at with her,” Angie explains. “I know Mormons don’t drink. But I know Britani does, so it felt like the perfect hostess gift.”
Of course, Angie and Heather get into it over Heather telling Lisa that Angie talked about her parenting. Angie thinks Heather was meddling, which is what Heather does.
“I’ve seen you do this before,” Angie tells her. “I’ve seen you support people whether they’re right or wrong.” She’s talking about Heather’s loyalty to Jen Shah, which Heather feels is a “low blow.”
“I think I have a very cloudy past with being blindly loyal,” Heather confesses. “To my church, to my friends … But this is not what’s happening right now. This is about the problem in Lisa and Angie’s friendship, which is exactly why I told Lisa in the first place. To make it about me and my loyalty is to miss the mark. But I’ll let you know when I wake up with a black eye.”
Finally, Angie accuses Heather of holding her to a higher standard than she holds Lisa. Heather takes that in stride and says it’s “food for thought.”
“I love you, I respect you, I want you to feel supported by me,” Heather adds. “But I don’t think you should question my loyalty just cause I’m a loyal friend to her, too.”
Heather finishes by hoping Angie and Lisa can fix their friendship.
John and Justin meet up to make amends on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City
Following John’s horrific attempt to parallel park his Range Rover at the curb, John and Justin meet up. If you’re not gonna learn to parallel park, John, buy one of those cars that will do it for you. That was embarrassing.
After acknowledging that they have different perspectives, John says they need to hear each other out.
“The fact that [the fight] went down the way it did,” Justin says, “it surprised me … When Lisa came directly at me, like obviously, I’m gonna defend my wife.” He didn’t feel it was appropriate.
John admits that he was scared that Justin got angry so fast, “and you took a step toward Lisa. If I were to take a step toward Whitney, I can guarantee you, you’d be, like, ‘Dude, you’ve got to stop.’”
“[But] the second time, it was a lean up,” Justin says. “It was just a simple, ‘What is she lying about?’” That was when John came over and forcefully pulled Justin away from Lisa.
“I apologize for doing that,” John says. “It was a snap reaction, kind of from what had happened before … So do you feel like you’re in a position where you should apologize to Lisa?”
Oh, Hell no. If anything, Lisa owes Justin an apology. She’s the one who verbally assaulted him with something that should have stayed between her and Whitney. She’s the one who dragged him into the situation. She and Whitney may not like each other, but there’s no need to drag the husbands into their feud.
“I don’t feel like my reaction is any different than what we see from her all the time,” Justin interviews. “I don’t feel like an apology is something I want to do right now.” And I don’t blame him.
Bronwyn attempts to negotiate peace with Heather (and fails miserably)

Bronwyn invites Heather for a visit. When Bronwyn says she’s so happy that Heather could come, the Bad Mormon responds, “I was just surprised you invited me because it seems like you don’t like me very much.” Ouch.
“I was surprised you wanted to come,” Bronwyn responds, “because it seems like you don’t like me very much either.” Oh, these two should be friends. They’re both smart but messy.
Bronwyn’s sorry for her part in everything. But will Heather meet her halfway? They’ve both been guilty of talking about each other.
Finally, Bronwyn admits that she wants to invite the women on a trip but wants to make sure she’s good with Heather before she invites her.
“So you’re planning a trip,” Heather surmises, “and I’m here to sing for my supper and earn an invite?”
“This was just her trying to find a reason to not include me on the trip,” Heather interviews.
Bronwyn interviews, “I am truly hurt by this because I was willing to take responsibility. I was willing to apologize sincerely.”
Bronwyn claims that she tried to show the best version of herself to Heather in this conversation. “If that’s not good enough for Heather, that taps into one of my biggest fears,” Bronwyn concludes. “The very best of me is not good enough for someone else.”
Wow. That went left. I love Heather, but I think having a New York Times bestseller may have gone to her head.
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on Bravo.