We’re back with the recap for Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5, Episode 9. Last week, the crew managed to avert a collision with the late-night drifting boat, and Glenn and Gary agreed that Emma had to go. On the crew night out, Gary, feeling bad about Emma, got a little too drunk. When the horseplay got out of hand, Davide was injured and bled all over the white couch in the boat’s lounge. Here’s exactly what went down in BDSY Season 5, Episode 9: “Out, Damned Spot.”
What happened in Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5, Episode 9?

In this week’s episode, Captain Glenn is definitely unhappy about the blood stains on the white couch and cancels the crew’s visit to the cave as punishment. They are, however, allowed to continue their afternoon at the O Beach Club, and Danni brings home more than a sunburn. A new crew member joins the Parsifal III, and Daisy has to make an odd cabin accommodation for him. Here are some of the highlights from BDSY Season 5, Episode 9.
Bloodstains on the white couch are not a great look

When last we left BDSY, a drunken Gary threw a lollipop that hit Davide in the face and left the chief engineer bleeding out of his left eye. Ew. Looks pretty superficial, but ew.
When the girls come in from the hot tub, they see lollipops everywhere … but then they notice the blood spattered all over the white couch. Danni calls Daisy to come look at the damage, and she immediately goes into emergency mode. It’s not the first time somebody’s made a mess of that couch.
“It’s gonna come out,” she says. “It’ll be fine. We’ll sort it out tomorrow.”
“I’m drunk,” Daisy interviews. “It’s 2:00 am, there’s not a huge amount we can do. Put the Vanish on, let it sit overnight, let it lift, and then we attack it in the morning.”
I just hope they can get it cleaned up before Glenn sees it. He’s going to lose his mind.
“I love that the person that did it doesn’t care,” Diana says, as she sprays the blood stains. “I just hate Gary so much right now.”
At 4:00 am, Daisy can’t sleep, so she gets up to try to work on the couch. When she realizes that it’s not coming out, she messages Glenn that they need to bring in an upholstery cleaner. When Glenn gets up, Daisy shows him the damage.
“What the f*ck is this?!” Glenn cries in dismay. “What the f*ck?! This is a massive f*ckup!”
“This is disrespectful to the boat,” he says in a confessional. “It’s disrespectful to the guests that are coming, and it’s disrespectful to me … If they think they’re gonna get away with this, they are not.”
Captain Glenn doles out his punishment

Glenn’s on the warpath. He goes knocking on all the crew cabin doors, telling everyone they’re having a meeting. I hope he’s not planning on meeting in the lounge. That couch is pretty messed up.
“Obviously, I’m really f*cking disappointed to come up and f*cking see something like that after a crew night off … How did this happen?” he asks. “You know, we had a fun day planned for you guys, but that’s not going to happen. We were supposed to go to the caves. I’m gonna f*cking go to the cave, but you guys are going to stay here and clean up this f*cking boat.”
He does at least dangle a carrot that if they can get the couch cleaned and there’s time left, maybe they can still go to the club. Hop to it.
Psst, Daisy, try hydrogen peroxide. It works like a dream on bloodstains. Just a little trick I learned from an ER nurse.
When Glenn returns, everyone’s eating lunch in the crew mess. He pulls Gary and Daisy aside and says, “Let’s go have a look at this thing.”
The couch is better, but it’s “not perfect.” He says, “Let’s go look at the rest of the boat.” After the tour of the boat, Glenn tells everyone to meet up in the lounge again.
“What have we learned?” Glenn asks. The answers range from “no f*cking around inside” to “respecting the boat, even when we’re not working.” One thing that never seems to change, however, is Gary King’s bad behavior.
After admonishing his crew to have fun, but “if you can’t handle your alcohol, don’t drink,” Glenn relents and allows them to go to the club for the afternoon.
An afternoon at the O Beach Ibiza for the Parsifal crew

Uh oh. Keith’s got a little crush. “I really like Daisy,” he interviews. “She’s got a great sense of humor, and “I think she’s gorgeous as well.”
But she’s technically his superior, so he’s “playing it safe.” But he’s chatting her up poolside at the O Beach Resort, lighting her cigarettes for her and making small talk. She actually mentioned an interest in him earlier in the season, but admitted that “nice guys finish last.”
Meanwhile, Danni’s thrilled to be reunited with her precious Anthony, the pool boy. He’s giving her all the attention she’s not getting from Gary and Keith.
“I almost forgot what it’s like to have somebody that flirts with you, is engaging,” she interviews. “I’ve been stuck in a desert, so I’m ready to just climb in and get wet. I’m going for a swim, everybody!”
She and Anthony head down to the beach, where he pulls off his uniform shirt and jumps into the water. Isn’t he supposed to be working?
At the end of the day, Anthony comes back to the boat with Danni, and they end up jumping over the side, just like she did with Gary.
It’s an early night on the Parsifal III. While Danni’s swimming in the oily waters of the harbor, Daisy’s already gone to bed cause she’s exhausted. Keith’s a little disappointed since he thought they were connecting and he’s not ready to call it a day.
In the meantime, Danni’s leading Anthony into the master cabin. Looks like somebody’s having a sleepover. Wonder how that’s gonna go down with Captain Glenn?
The next morning, we overhear Danni saying goodbye to Anthony through the closed master cabin door: “10 out of 10 for your service. I’ll put you on Trip Advisor.”
The great Parsifal III cabin shuffle dilemma

Glenn calls Daisy and Gary to the wheelhouse to make an announcement. “New deckhand coming shortly,” he says. “It’s someone that you guys know. Someone who knows the boat. You ready? It’s Chase!”
“Hate the guy,” Gary tells Glenn. “But f*ck, he’s a good worker.”
“Chase and I have a complicated work history,” Gary says in a confessional. “He’s a hell of a hard worker, but definitely thinks he knows more than he does.”
“Chase f*cking annoys me,” Daisy says in her own confessional. “Very excited. He’s like a puppy.”
“He’s very difficult to work with,” Gary continues, “because he doesn’t like taking directions. I’m a little bit worried to see how this plays out.”
But Chase presents a problem as far as cabin assignments are concerned. “With Chase coming on board,” Daisy interviews, “there’s three girls and five guys. I can ask the girls to move with me into the three-person [cabin], but I don’t want to make the boys move. It’s too disruptive, so that’s a no.”
“I don’t want to share with Cloyce cause we’ll kill each other,” she continues. “I would share with Keith, but there’s a little bit of a flirtation there, so it might be a little bit weird. And that leaves, Mr. King.” So Daisy decides to share a cabin with Gary. I don’t think that’s the best idea. They do have history after all. Let’s keep this professional, people.
There’s a new kid in town

“We’ve worked on the boat for four seasons now,” Gary says in an interview. “But sharing a cabin with someone, it’s going to be a good test for our relationship. Daisy and I get along, but we also fight.”
“I’m scared that we’re gonna bump heads,” Daisy confesses. “There’s a lot of feelings going on.”
Coming on board, Chase says, “I’m definitely most nervous to see Gary. I know that we butted heads last season, but this season I have a plan. I’m gonna do things his way when he’s looking. And when he’s not looking, I’m gonna do things the right way.”
Unlike last season, Chase is serious. “I am not looking for any boatmance … I want to be dependable, I want to be a leader. Don’t say anything dumb, Chase. Do your job, and everything will be okay.”
The girls are just happy to have some fresh blood on the boat. Diana’s already hyperventilating. They both agree that “he’s hot!”
“I wouldn’t say no,” Danni says in a confessional. “When I want something, I will fight to the death for it, for sure … I’m not gonna let anything get in my way.”
“Danni has had her chance with [so] many guys,” Diana interviews. “Just step aside and give me a chance … It’s my time to shine.”
While Danni wants to “climb him like a tree,” Diana responds, “Welcome to the war.” Over Chase? That’s got to be the dumbest war ever.
Below Deck Sailing Yacht airs Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo.