Welcome to the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 12 recap. Last week, Heather and Whitney attempted to bring the women back together with a Girls’ Camp experience, but Camp Kumbaya didn’t go well. Meredith invited some of the ladies over for a Shabbat dinner, which was very nice. But they all wondered what’s going on with Mary. She’s worried about Robert Jr. and his drug problem, but Mary wasn’t ready to share. Keep reading to see exactly what went down on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 12: “Mazel, Meredith.”
What happened on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 12?

In this week’s episode, tensions among the women are running high (so, the usual). Bronwyn’s still mad at Angie for telling her to “shut the f*ck up” at Camp Kumbaya. Britani’s upset with Angie for calling her a slut. When things escalate to tears at Meredith’s bat mitzvah, she does what Meredith always does and throws someone out. Here are some of the highlights from RHOSLC Season 5, Episode 12.
Angie’s on everyone’s hit list at Meredith’s bat mitzvah

When Angie and her husband Shawn arrive, Bronwyn looks on with a tight smile. “I am not in a good place with Whitney or Angie. I didn’t appreciate being called a liar for telling the truth, and I really do not appreciate being told to ‘shut the f*ck up.’ So until Angie wants to come to me with the words, ‘I’m sorry,’ we don’t have a ton to say to each other right now.”
Britani tells Bronwyn and Meili that she’s still upset with Angie for calling her a “slut.” At Meredith’s shabbat dinner, Angie accused Britani of “doing three guys.” Britani’s dating, but she’s “Mormon dating.” No sex.
“I really think,” Britani says, “that if she’s accusing me of that, then that’s probably because that’s what she’s doing with Shawn.” Uh oh. That’s a reach, Brit.
“It’s extra offensive to be accusing me of that, when that’s so sensitive to my religion and my beliefs, you know?” she adds.
“But does Angie know how Mormon you are?” Bronwyn asks.
“She’s just doing it to get attention,” Brit responds.
“Well, I’ve noticed that in a group setting,” Bronwyn says, “Angie does like to pick someone and [get dramatic] with them. She had the scroll at Besos, she kicked a chair in Milwaukee, she told me to STFU 7,000 times at camp … We’ll see who she picks tonight, cause she’s got to have that attention somehow.” Angie worked hard for that center diamond, Bronwyn — and she GOT it!
Meredith celebrates her bat mitzvah on RHOSLC

By going through her bat mitzvah, Meredith will earn the privilege of wearing a tallit, otherwise known as a “prayer shawl.” Sweetly, a few hours before the service, Seth offers her his own tallit.
“Sharing Seth’s tallit that he wore at his bar mitzvah so many years ago is an incredible connection,” Meredith says. “It’s like we’re … connecting on our faith in a way that we never have before.”
“Being able to read from the Torah, which is the highest honor in the Jewish faith, is so meaningful to me,” Meredith says. “It’s just a very intense moment, knowing that you’re reading from this old scroll with so much history and meaning behind it.” Even Seth wipes away tears as Meredith reads from the Torah. Meredith feels more connected to her Jewish faith than ever.
At the end of the service, the rabbi leads everyone in saying, “Mazel tov!” Then it’s time to celebrate. Let’s party!
Unfortunately, Mary decides to bring up that Meredith “walked out of my house.” She’s never had a friend do that before. But you TOLD her to leave, Mary. What part of screaming, “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE” do you not remember?
Meredith remains calm and apologizes for hurting Mary’s feelings. And — oh, Lord, a miracle! — Mary apologizes for making Meredith feel she wasn’t welcome in her house.
“Meredith is one of my closest friends,” Mary says in a confessional. “Looking back at our fight, it seems silly. I’m glad to let it go, cause I’m dealing with something that’s way too precious and way too important.”
I wish she’d just confide in someone about what she’s going through with Robert Jr. She’s telling the world by filming it. Why can’t she tell someone who will give her some emotional support?
Bronwyn’s chat with Angie goes sideways

Angie pulls Bronwyn aside to talk. Bronwyn is reluctant since it’s a religious event and she wants to be respectful. But Angie leads “with a compliment,” telling Bronwyn she loves her outfit and her purse.
“Is this an apology?” Bronwyn asks. Angie looks confused. “Do I owe an apology?”
“Yeah, I would say so,” Bronwyn says with a smile. “Well, I was thinking the same,” Angie replies. Isn’t Angie the one who told Bronwyn, “Shut the f*ck up! This has nothing to do with you!”
Finally Angie admits, “Things got heated, and it ended on a bad note … You twisted something that I said.”
“Did I twist the 7,000 times you told me to ‘shut the f*ck up?’” Bronwyn responds. “No, I said it,” Angie admits. “You and I both know that [was] out of line,” Bronwyn replies. “Until I get an apology … there is nothing further for us to say to each other. Do whatever the f*ck you want, Ange, but not with me.”
Then Bronwyn brings up how Angie said Britani was sleeping with “10 guys,” but Angie says she only said three. “Oh, so that’s so much better?” Bronwyn fires back.
“Look,” Angie continues, “you tried to make things much worse between me, Heather, Lisa, and Whitney than it needed to be … You inserted yourself in Britani’s relationship … You’re mean.”
Angie criticizes Bronwyn’s “crass, nasty language,” quoting all the things Bronwyn has said. You’re at a religious event, Angie. Show some decorum.
Bronwyn’s husband Todd comes over to break things up and offers to bring Angie a drink. But Bronwyn won’t let him bring a drink to someone who calls his wife a liar, so he backs off, later scolding Bronwyn at the bar.
That went well.
Angie slut-shames Britani and her hair

The ladies decide to have a kiki in the middle of Meredith’s party. Great idea! They gather with Bronwyn and Angie, and Britani says that sometimes Angie says things “just to be dramatic.”
Angie questions Britani’s friendship with Bronwyn, when “I have been so nice to you!”
Britani doesn’t think Angie’s been at all. “You basically called me a slut!” she says.
Bronwyn can’t resist stirring the pot. “Wait,” she says to Angie. “Britani told me earlier she thinks you called her a slut because you’re one.”
“I’m tired of Britani’s schtick,” Bronwyn interviews. “Poor me, I’m such a victim. Someone called me a slut. Someone brought me wine.’ I can’t deal with it anymore … Britani wanted to be friends with me for a hot minute. I gave her a solid five. That sh*t’s over.”
Angie tells Britani her hair looks “porn-ish.” You’re not perfect either, Ange. The white dress you wear in your confessionals looks like giant bunny ears.
I think Angie’s had a few drinks, cause she goes on a tirade. “That’s high body count hair,” she says. “That’s a high body count dress, those are high body count heels. You’re gonna call me slutty? I think I look like a mother.”
“In her Versace, with her nipple hanging out,” Bronwyn laughs. Angie’s boobs are always hanging out.
They end the fight with, “Screw you!”
“No, screw you!” RHOSLC has gone PG all of a sudden.
Britani stomps over to the bar and tells Whitney and Meili she’s leaving. She sniffles that Angie calling her slutty.
Whitney says, “Ange, that was kind of mean. She’s crying.”
“Just to be clear,” Angie interviews in her Greek pillar outfit, “I didn’t call Britani a slut. I called her hair slutty. That’s not slut-shaming. That’s hair-shaming.”
Angie finally gets kicked out of Meredith’s bat mitzvah

Britani runs into Brooks and Chloe (Meredith’s kids) while she’s crying. Brooks tells his mom she needs to check on Brit, cause she’s upset. Meredith pulls her aside and asks, “Are you okay?”
When Angie comes over to tell Britani she’s sorry, it’s too late. Meredith’s mad.
“You know what?” Meredith says. “You’ve called everyone a slut and a whore, and I’m not sure why you’re here … Bye! Take your husband and go.”
Lisa, who was laughing hysterically at Angie’s insults just a minute ago, now has her arm around Britani. “Don’t let her hurt your feelings,” she says. “But you know what? You do need Kerastase Thermatique.”
“You are not welcome here,” Meredith says. “Security! Please escort her and her husband out. You can go!”
“I don’t like people who slut-shame,” Meredith yells at Angie’s back.
“She left me with no choice,” Meredith confesses. “I’ve had enough. I don’t like women degrading other women.”
But Angie’s screaming all the way out the door, “Don’t call me slutty ever again, Britani!” Angie was definitely overserved.
“Everyone is in some kind of fight,” Lisa concludes in a confessional. “Meredith hates Angie. Bronwyn hates Angie. Angie hates Britani. And I hate Whitney … Not so long ago, we were all kind of okay. Which is why, before [it all blew up], I planned the perfect girls’ trip [to Puerto Vallarta]. But obviously, you can’t plan for everything.”
Great. That sounds like fun. More fighting, but in Mexico.
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on Bravo.