Survivor 47, Episode 12 was historic. Three players displayed such a high level of strategic ability that I found myself physically clapping watching Tribal Council. Oftentimes, the final seven is when Survivor gets a bit boring. The castaways are so close to the million that they hesitate to make big moves out of fear of elimination. But this group of people seem to have no fear, especially OG underdog Andy, who has proven to be a wildcard in this game.
If you missed the chaos, don’t worry; I’ll bring you up to speed.
What happened on Survivor 47, Episode 12?
Tonight, the seven remaining castaways fought to stay in the game. Genevieve and Sam searched for a lifeline, while Teeny held tight to her grudges against the duo. Sam won the Reward Challenge and selected Andy and Genevieve to enjoy an Italian feast and letters from home. The castaway who receives letters from home is always subjected to jealousy and resentment, so the reward only increased his threat level.
Back at camp, Teeny was determined to sink Sam’s game, but Andy had other ideas. At the Sanctuary, Andy decided to turn his back on the Underdogs alliance and work with the REAL underdogs (Genevieve and Sam). They hatched a plan called Operation Italy to send one of the others to Ponderosa. Initially, they wanted to target Rachel, but she won the Immunity Challenge, so they had to consider other options. They decided on Caroline and put their plan into action. At Tribal, Caroline was voted off the Island with a 3-2-2 vote.
Keep reading for a more detailed recap of tonight’s episode.
Genevieve smooths things over with Andy on Survivor 47
Tonight’s episode began with Genevieve scrambling to find a new path forward in the game. Kyle’s elimination moved her up the threat list and her chance of making it to the end is dwindling. She was once close with Teeny and Andy but her recent actions have caused them to view her as a backstabbing traitor. She approaches Andy and apologizes for undermining his game. Last week, she tried to target him, labeling him as a goat. I’ve defended many of Genevieve’s moves this season, but targeting Andy was an obvious mistake. He is one of the few players left who is willing to work with her and she took a shot at him.
Teeny’s feud with Genevieve continues on Survivor 47
Genevieve has an extremely awkward conversation with her former ally, Teeny. She pitches that they target Rachel, who she views as the biggest threat to win the million. Teeny asks Genevieve if she would vote for Rachel over her in the end. She says she is unsure. Teeny is very offended by this and says she feels like Genevieve is using her vote as “a threat.”
What? Look, I love Teeny, but I am team Genevieve in this conversation. She is talking to Genevieve as if her game is already completely over and her only power left is who she will vote for at the Final Tribal Council. Sure, Genevieve’s back is against the wall, but there is still a lot of game left. Teeny feels as though Genevieve does not respect her game, and in some ways, I agree. Genevieve definitely favors a player like Rachel, who plays with their head rather than their heart. However, I wouldn’t say Genevieve doesn’t respect Teeny’s game. If anything, I would say Teeny doesn’t respect Genevieve for playing a more villainous, cutthroat game. She is personally offended by Genevieve’s actions on the island.
Anyway, this conversation is awkward. It’s clear Teeny is never going to forgive Genevieve for the Sol blindside. She has to find a different path forward.
Teeny tells Rachel about Genevieve’s plan to target her. Rachel isn’t too worried considering she currently has a lot of power in the game. In addition to being in a majority alliance, she has a Block a Vote and an Immunity Idol. She’s sitting pretty right now. It would be very hard to get her off the island. I think her allies are a little silly for not trying to flush one of those powers while there are still seven people left in the game. If Genevieve goes this week, Rachel can still use her Idol next week. If Sam wins immunity, one of them will lose out on their shot at the million.
Sam wins the reward this week
It’s time for a Reward Challenge! The castaway that comes out victorious in tonight’s challenge will enjoy an overnight stay at the Survivor Sanctuary, where they will enjoy an Italian feast comprised of pasta, Caesar salad, red wine, pizza, and more. In addition to the food, there will also be letters from home at the Sanctuary. So yeah, it’s a big one. Sam wins the reward and chooses to bring Andy and Genevieve to the Sanctuary. Teeny is very upset she was not chosen and laments to Jeff about how Sam’s decision will be horrible for his and Genevieve’s game. Teenyyyyy, the dramatics! I am a fan of her but she’s playing such an emotional game. It’s getting to be a bit much.
Sam, Genevieve, and Andy create Operation Italy
At camp, Teeny is ranting about Sam and says his game is over. Wow. She is furious with him. She calls Sam “an all-American quarterback-looking guy.” Really? Sam, a quarterback? He’s giving Debate Team captain…
Meanwhile, Sam, Genevieve, and Andy are hoping to target Rachel this week. Reading their letters from home has revived their strength, and they are ready to scheme (THANK GOD). Andy wants to plant suspicion in the Underdog’s alliance that either Sam or Genevieve has an Idol. That will make them want to split the vote. Then, he can swing his vote over to Rachel, and they can dethrone the queen of Survivor 47. They are calling this plan “Operation Italy.” Get it? You know, because of the Italian food?
They return to camp to put Operation Italy into action. Sam says he is channeling all his theatre experience into this mission. Yeah, that is not a quarterback…While Sam plays dumb, Genevieve gets to work making a “fake Idol.” She uses Sam’s expired Idol and two pieces of treemail to create the perfect decoy. Andy’s job is to create suspicion that Genevieve has an Idol.
Who went home on Survivor 47, Episode 12?
Rachel wins immunity, which throws a wrench in Operation Italy’s plan to target her at Tribal. They will have to find another target. Back at camp, Andy, Sam, and Genevieve want to switch the plan to Caroline. Andy must convince his alliance to split the vote for Operation Italy to be a success. Andy tells the group that he suspects Genevieve has an Idol and therefore, splitting the vote is their best bet. Teeny doubts Genevieve has an Idol. She wants to put the votes on Sam (who has become her enemy since the Reward Challenge). Genevieve flashes her fake Idol at Teeny, which is enough to convince her it’s real. However, she still wants to target Sam.
Operation Italy is on shaky ground going into Tribal. So many things could go wrong. The Underdogs could decide not to split the vote, Sue could play her Idol for Caroline, Rachel could use her Block a Vote, or Andy could change his mind. There are so many scenarios where this plan does not work. I’m worried for Genevieve and Sam.
Tribal Council is hostile. It’s clear there is quite a bit of tension among this group of people. Jeff reads the vote and it comes out to be 2-2-3, with Caroline receiving the most votes. Wow! The vote count reveals that the Underdogs are not a united front. They all came into Tribal Council with their own agenda and were not able to come up with a plan powerful enough to counter Operation Italy. Andy will likely have to do a lot of explaining next week, but for now, he should be very proud of the move he just pulled off Bravo!
Survivor airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.