Sold on SLC is back with another high-stakes real estate showing via Episode 2. Last week, we met the agents of this series and their leader, Jennifer. Jennifer runs a tight ship. Therefore, when her spidey senses started tingling, telling her that Sarah might be poaching some of her agents for another brokerage, a sit-down, come-to-Jesus meeting between Jennifer and Sarah ensued.
Things are getting messy. Luckily for us, as Sold on SLC Episode 2: “Thou Shalt Broker Peace” proved, zero brake pedals are in sight.
What happened in Sold on SLC Episode 2?
This week, Matt and Tyna confront each other yet again. But this time, their argument takes place in a public setting. Being the boss lady that she is, Jennifer tries to intervene. However, this feud is multilayered, so only time will tell if Matt and Tyna can bury their house-hunting hatchets.
Across town, Sarah hosts an open house, but as expected, things here also quickly take a turn for the worse. But on a positive note, Kenny and Malaysia appear to have zero issues this week, minus their listings and bottom lines.
However, the agents hovering on the ready-to-trouble ramp must sort out their issues quickly. Otherwise, their futures at Presidio Real Estate Group might falter.
Jennifer continues questioning Sarah and Chris while Tyna finds common ground with Kenny

Picking up from where they last left us hanging, Chris offers Jennifer his genuine-sounding explanation. Chris is not encouraging any agent to leave her brokerage for his. Additionally, Chris now oversees all construction and investment aspects of his firm, so he is not recruiting anyone, as this is not his job.
Jennifer is visibly relieved. Yet, she remains uneasy about having Sarah on staff at her firm. Sarah, however, has no desire to leave Presidio. Instead, Sarah desires to work for an empowered female like Jennifer.
Across town, Tyna is getting ready for her day. Her partner BJ has officially moved in, and so far, all is well. Tyna laughs, labeling her first lesbian relationship as a common U-Haul-related stereotype within the LGBTQIA+ community. The hiring of a U-Haul brings these partners together quickly, she quips.
Likewise, Kenny notes that LGBTQIA+ relationships have this in common with the Mormon faith. In both camps, everyone rushes to settle down, this realtor concludes, finding common ground with Tyna like a supportive ally.
Matt leans on Kenny for help with Tyna

Matt and Kenny take their abs to a nearby creek for a cold plunge. These men have a solid friendship, but in his confessional, Kenny admits that Matt is the king of spreading information within this firm.
Sarah is hosting an open house. Kenny, Matt, and their families will all be present. Matt then fills Kenny in on his last conversation with Tyna, where Tyna accused him of spreading misinformation about her feelings on all things faith-related.
Matt desires peace, and he did nothing wrong, he states. But Tyna disagrees. She thinks that Matt has something brewing in his own life, and instead of dealing with his issues, Matt seems to be taking his frustrations out on her. Kenny finally chimes in, telling Matt that he has yet to see a bad side of Tyna, so yes, Matt needs to figure this mess out.
Sarah hosts a hostile open house, courtesy of Matt and Tyna

Sarah prays over her open house with a tear-filled choke. In her confessional, she reveals that eight years ago, she and her father were at the bank in Brazil, where gunmen surrounded their car. Sarah immediately began praying for their lives, and when the gunmen overheard, they reassured her that they were not going to hurt her. They still stole all of their personal belongings, but Sarah and her dad were able to walk away, and for her life, Sarah gives all of the credit to God.
Kenny does as well, he admits, wrapping up a Bible study with his family. He is a top producer, but as Jennifer stresses, Kenny should take a step away from moderately priced listings. This top producer is ready for the big leagues, so Jennifer gives him a listing valued at 3.5 million. Kenny is all in on this opportunity.
Tyna arrives and Matt calls her outside for a chat. Tyna is tired of hearing about his gossipy ways, but Matt presses her to let things go. Tyna pushes back, telling Matt that as a Black, non-mormon in Salt Lake City, her reputation means everything, so Matt needs to do more than sweep their issues under the rug.
But Matt doubles down, stressing that he did nothing wrong. “The bridge is burnt. You can drown in the water,” Tyna wisecracks in her confessional.
Malaysia lends Tyna her support, while Kenny does the same for Matt.
Jennifer and Malaysia bond over drinks while sharing their backstories

Jennifer has picked up five new listings, so she needs help. She brings Malaysia in on a stunning listing. Malaysia can already think of two buyers for this house.
Jennifer then asks Malaysia about the open house, so Malaysia fills her in about the fight between Matt and Tyna. Jennifer is frustrated. A mediation might need to happen.
Jennifer and Malaysia go to lunch, giggling and getting to know each other better over drinks. Malaysia is married to Alani Fua, a former NFL linebacker. For years, Alani was the breadwinner of their family, but now, Malaysia is ready to shine.
Then, Jennifer shares that she is not getting along with her twin sister. Her sister got engaged to her latest man within weeks and did not like that Jennifer had an opinion about this.
Malaysia left Presidio for a bit to work for a gal named Paige, who also used to work for Presidio. Within four months, Malaysia had returned to her original firm. Jennifer states that she and Paige are similar, and she wishes they were in a better place.
Matt and Tyna attend mediation, hosted by Jennifer

When Jennifer suggested mediation, she meant it. Matt and Tyna arrive at her house, making pleasantries as Jennifer offers them sweet treats for their mouths. Getting to the point, Jennifer asks them to hash things out.
Tyna goes first, telling Matt that he has made untrue assumptions about her faith. The LDS church is not for her, but she supports those who still attend. Therefore, Matt needs to zip it.
Matt offers zero apologies. Nor does he own up to gossiping about her to her best friend (and others), whom Tyna trusts to the hilt. All that Matt wants to do is move forward. Realizing that Matt will never fold, Tyna agrees to move forward as Matt reminds her to stop believing everything she hears.
Malaysia and Paige discuss Jennifer as Jennifer saves Kenny from a faltering house tour

Malaysia meets up with Paige, who immediately breaks the fourth wall. The producers are filming her from her bad side, she teases.
Earlier that day, Paige posted a listing from a deck, inserting sexual innuendo in her post. Malaysia loved it. Speaking of love, Paige wants to keep the fondness between herself and Jennifer, but Jennifer bitched her out once over the phone, high on surgical meds, so they might need to have a mediation of their own.
At long last, Kenny finally hosts his first multi-million dollar open house. He has a fourth baby on the way, so come on, commissions. Sadly, Kenny stumbles with his words, leaving Jennifer nervous about his capabilities.
Jennifer helps Kenny out, and then she encourages Kenny to pay attention to his buyers and their needs.
Tyna throws BJ a birthday party, where Malaysia and Jennifer argue

Tyna is throwing BJ a birthday party. She has invited everyone, minus Matt.
Kenny gives BJ her gifts: a Pride sash, a plastic hat, and a box containing a living, breathing, squirming little mouse. Gifted creatures are how Kenny shows his people that he cares. Thankfully, he also provided BJ with a see-through cage for her pet.
Bj will still pay him back, she jokes. Something about “a scary clown with a knife,” she suggests.
Malaysia arrives with Patron. Her gift wins. Sorry, Fievel.
Gathering outside, the agents ask about Jennifer’s open house with Malaysia. Malaysia already has a buyer in mind, but this client belongs to Paige. Paige will get a cut, so Jennifer loathes this intel.
Kenny immediately starts questioning everything. Later, Malaysia pulls Kenny aside, asking why he has so many inquiries. Kenny explains that he supports Jennifer first and foremost, and speaking of the non-devil, there Jennifer is.
Using this opportunity to show off his loyalties, Kenny points out how Jennifer would have liked a heads-up that Paige was involved in this transaction. Malaysia (aided by flashbacks) explains that she did tell Jennifer. However, Malaysia fumbles over her words, calling Paige her team leader while revealing that she still has other contracts with Paige that she needs to close out.
Inside, Tyna and BJ hysterically suggest what this fight entails. BJ jokes that the rat gift is their issue. Tyna concurs.
And just like that, Sold on SLC Episode 2 wraps, leaving Malaysia and Jennifer at odds.
Sold on SLC continues every Wednesday on Bravo at 9/8c.