Deal or No Deal Island is back for Season 2! The series, which blends the original Deal or No Deal with nail-biting physical challenges and strategic gameplay, blew our minds with its first season. Now 14 new players are staying on the Banker’s private, swampy, tropical island.
Once again, host and Game Master Joe Manganiello is ready to find the Banker’s ultimate challenger. Each competitor hopes to be the last player standing, securing the right to play the Banker for the entire prize pot. Last season, contestant Jordan Fowler took home $1,230,000 as the first winner of Deal or No Deal Island. Will the winner of Season 2 take home even more cash? Let’s dive into the Season 2 premiere recap of Deal or No Deal Island, “The Banker Strikes Back.”
Who’s in the cast of Deal or No Deal Island?

- Seychelle Cordero – age 31 – Staten Island, N.Y. (Flight attendant)
- Dickson Wong – age 24 – Wood River, Ill. (Parks and Rec office)
- Alexis Lete – age 27 – Louisville, KY. (artist and former WWE wrestler)
- Phillip Solomon – age 37 – Austin, Tex. (fitness instructor/middle school teacher)
- Maria-Grace Cook – age 21 – Greer, S.C. (EMT)
- Storm Wilson – age 25 – Austin, Tex. (Project manager)
- Courtney Kim (CK) – age 36 – Charlotte, N.C. (Corporate banker/poker player)
- Charles “Rock” Carlson – age 65 – Henderson, Nev. (Corrections officer)
- La Shell Wooten – age 55 – Chapel Hill, N.C. (Social worker)
- Luke Olejniczak – age 29 – Eagle River, Wis. (Private chef)
- Sydnee Peck – age 27 – Redondo Beach, CA. (Wall Street consultant)
- Parvati Shallow – age 41 – Los Angeles, CA. (Survivor winner, yoga instructor)
- Dr. Will Kirby – age 51 – Los Angeles, CA (Big Brother winner/physician)
- David Genat – age 44 – Perth, Australia (Australian Survivor winner)
Of course, there are three reality stars in the mix. Parvati and David have both won Survivor, while Dr. Will won Big Brother. It remains to be seen if these reality stars’ resumes will help or hurt them.
Joe Manganiello explains the first challenge on Deal or No Deal Island Season 2

Parvati was getting some serious side-eye as the contestants sped towards the island in a boat. She wasn’t going to openly admit that she competed on Survivor four times and won once. The yoga teacher and life coach created an all-female alliance on Survivor known as the Black Widow Brigade. But no worries, Parvati isn’t a threat.
“I’m here to just blow fairy dust in people’s eyes so that they can’t imagine life without me. Look, I could be a cult leader if I want to,” she said in a confessional. That is probably true.
Finally, the players met Joe on a platform in the water. He warned the group to discard everything that they think they know because the Banker has flipped the game. For the first challenge, dubbed the “Banker’s Pyramid Scheme,” the Banker wanted to assess what type of players were on the island. There was a golden pyramid on a floating platform in the water, with water spraying out of its top. There are nearly $5 million in cases located on the structure.
To get one of the high-value cases, contestants must cross floating rocks that are slippery and loosely connected. Side two of the pyramid has cases that contain medium-value dollar amounts, and those contestants can take an easier, but longer, path through the jungle.
Side three boasts three red cases, and these can be reached via zipline. One has a “swap,” one has a “steal,” and one has the lowest case amount. The player with the highest value case will be safe and decide who will face the Banker in The Temple.
As the players started to plot their course, Joe added another wrinkle. Whichever path they choose will determine which team they are on, and the team with the lowest combined total is up for elimination. Yikes!
Two teams face some problems

This challenge is insane. David, Seychelle, and Luke picked the zipline to the red cases. The plan was for Luke, who was at the top of the perch, to watch who took the $1 million case. However, instead of waiting, he just zipped away. Then Seychelle followed suit, leaving David alone to mutter about their lack of strategy.
Meanwhile, the team going over the rocks for the high-value cases included Phillip, Sydnee, Lete, and Parvati. Poor Sydnee had trouble crossing the rocks and hit her face on one. Ouch! I felt that at home.
Finally, David, who was still hanging out at the top of the zipline, saw Lete take the $1 million case. What he didn’t see was the players switch the cases after that. It’s an old-fashioned switcheroo, and I’m here for it!
Finally, it’s time for the teams to open their cases. The Jungle team, comprised of Storm, CK, La Shell, Rock, Maria Grace, and Dickson, have a combined total of $1.6 million. Rock has the highest case, worth $450,000.
Next, the Zipline team opened their cases. Luke had the “steal.” Poor David tried to convince Luke to take a case from the high-value team, like Lete’s $1 million. However, Luke insisted on taking Rock’s case for $450,000. All because he wanted a “bird in the hand.” Everyone was stunned. Then, Seychelle discovered that she had the lowest case in the game at $75,000. That meant that David had the “swap,” which was worth $200,000.
Of course, David thought that Lete had the $1 million because he didn’t know they switched cases. The Rocks team wanted to keep David in the game, so they decided to make him a deal and give him a case that they would ensure David’s team would come in second place. As Sydnee so eloquently put it, “He’s so hot it’s stupid.”
Sydnee went over and whispered the plan to David, but he wanted to come in first place. He refused and swapped for Lete’s case. However, when she opened it, it was only worth $500,000.
The Rocks team’s total was $2.55 million, and Sydnee had the $1 million case. Naturally, the Zipline crew was in last place. Since someone from their team had to face the Banker, both David and Luke wanted the opportunity. Luke’s reason for coming on the show was to help his father. When Luke went through a divorce, his father came out of retirement to help him. That is sweet.
Welcome to camp!

The accommodations impressed the contestants. There are three lodging areas. The group quickly divided into pods. The Red Dome has C.K., Rock, Dickson, and Parvati. Then, we have the Blue Dome, which Lete, Phillip, Seychelle, Luke, and Storm call home. They quickly form the “high-five alliance.” Finally, the Yellow Dome has David, Sydnee, La Shell, and Maria Grace. Welcome to the social game, folks!
Sydnee told David that he wasn’t going anywhere. She wanted him to go steady … oops, I mean, always be her challenge partner. “Sydnee wants to actually eat me,” David told the camera. “Girl, I’m married, you know? Step off!”
Meanwhile, as individuals approached Parvati and told her that they knew who she was, she asked them not to tell anyone. However, David was in for a shock, because Parvati is a fan of his! He hoped to fly under the radar the whole time. And so, the Black Widow and the “Golden God of Australian Survivor” made a pact to go to the end. “Thank God I’ve got someone out here I can play with!” Parvati said. Then they giggled over how sweet and innocent the normal players were.
However, Parvati took a shine to Dickson, and his story of how his parents had him live with an elderly couple who had grandchildren. Parvati and David are now his “mom” and “dad.”
Meanwhile, Seychelle doesn’t want to face the Banker, and she doesn’t plan to go home. She told Lete and Phillip that if someone has to go, it should be David because he is a threat. Then she told Luke that sending David home would be “a sick move.” I see you, Seychelle, working that social game.
Who will face the Banker in The Temple?

Luke Olejniczak faces off against the Banker in Deal or No Deal Island Season 2, Episode 1.
At The Temple, one thing was clear: Syndee loved to have all the attention on her. She claimed that she was the team leader, which caused some eye-rolling from Phillip, Parvati, and Lete. Finally, Luke stepped up to face the Banker. “This is what I want. Back where I come from, when we’re ready to go to work, we roll up our sleeves, Joe,” he stated, rolling up his sleeves.
Then, the Banker called before the game started. It was Howie Mandel, and he video-chatted with the new contestants. He let them know two things. One, he was not impressed by their performance. And two, he is not the Banker this season. He found his ultimate competitor in Jordan, so he was letting a new Banker take control.
It was time for Joe to get down to business. The prize total will grow every game until the finale. The largest case amounts that the players retrieve during the excursion are added to the board, along with low numbers from the Banker. Luke needed to make a good deal to stay in the game. A good deal means taking an offer that is higher than what is in his case.
Finally, Luke chose number seven for his case. He selected four cases, but a bored Banker only offered him $55,000. He said, “No deal,” and continued to the next round. Afterward, the Banker’s new offer was $220,000. Luke still wouldn’t accept the deal, and he knocked the $1 million off the board in the third round.
Wow – this banker doesn’t play. The new offer was $185,000. Once again, Luke moved on to round four, where he had to select one case. That case knocked another high number off the board, leaving only $1, $500, and $600,000 on the board.
The Banker offered $218,000, or Luke could open one final case. Luke decided to play on, much to Seychelle’s delight. “What I’m hoping for is that Luke makes a terrible deal with the Banker and he gets his *ss shipped back home to Wisconsin,” she stated.
Well, Luke’s final pick was the $600,000 case. The Banker called back with the lowest offer in Deal or No Deal Island history: $300. Meanwhile, Sydnee kept giving advice but then told everyone else not to say anything. What?! Once again, Luke rejected the offer. His case must have a value of $500 for him to stay.
Who was eliminated in Deal or No Deal Island, Season 2, Episode 1?

Luke Olejniczak was the first player eliminated in Deal or No Deal Island Season 2.
Welp, the private chef had the $1, which was added to the prize pot. “I put our team at risk. They both get to fight on to live on another day,” he told the group.
In his final confessional, Luke stated, “I got what I deserved, but I’m not going to dwell on the past. The only thing that would be worse than being eliminated is being eliminated when it’s not in your control.”
Before the group headed back to camp, Joe issued a warning. “But beware of the Banker, you never know what she will do next,” he stated. And the crowd went wild! So, who could this new female Banker be?
David is in a tricky position

The next morning, Parvati and David decide to wait until after the next challenge to drop some wisdom on the newbies. Once someone wins, they will see who influences that person. Still, David is wondering if Parvati is playing him.
Then, Sydnee approached David, asking who he wanted as a partner in the challenge. While he wanted to see how it goes, Sydnee, who went from being homeless to working on Wall Street, won’t accept that. “You’re not going to, like, abandon me?” Sydnee asked. As David tried to figure out what she meant, she snapped, “Just don’t ditch me without warning!” And she doesn’t just mean in this challenge. “You live with me, I’ll f*ck you up,” she said, then laughed. I wonder who will be sleeping with one eye open?
Eventually, the group met Joe on a platform in the swamp. There are signs that say “danger” sticking up out of the water. The host let them know they have disappointed the Banker. So, this challenge will be “a twisted treasure hunt.” And there is a surprise that could upend the game.
Deal or No Deal Island continues on Tuesdays at 9/8c on NBC and streams the next day on Peacock.